Monday, March 21, 2011

British Census run by CIA/ Israeli Weapons Firm

Picture of Ratheon Fife

This is the company who have the contract to run the Census here in the UK. IT MIGHT SURPRISE YOU TO KNOW that it is a subsidiary of a company also called Raytheon in the USA used by the CIA!

Then there's

and the real exposure of what they truly are, although this is a few years old it is the best insight so far into what is behind our census:-

At 7.30 a.m. on Monday 26th November 2007, five people peacefully walked straight into Raytheon Systems Ltd, Glenrothes, having found the gates open and security a bit slow. They walked into reception and asked to speak to a spokesperson at the site, who unsurprisingly did not emerge, and traffic was held up whilst a long banner stating "Raytheon SL, Death Profiteers" was held across a main access road inside the site. Two supplementary gates had by lucky coincidence been D-locked at the same time. Fliers were given out to workers queuing up to get into the car park and photos of the human cost of the bombs dropped on Lebanon last summer.

The fliers stated they were acting in opposition to Raytheon Systems Ltd

"....provoking international instability; facilitating the slaughter of innocent civilians; profiteering from the US and UK's 'War on Terror'; providing for the US 'Star Wars' programme; and playing an active role in enabling Israeli forces to engage in practices that violate international law and the human rights of the Palestinian people, through manufacturing weapons components used by the Israeli Army."............................................