Saturday, March 19, 2011

Britain’s barmy, bonkers, bull*h*t “Law”

Ordered to pay a mere £25,000 and given a paltry suspended nine-month prison term; Saeeda Khan was guilty of "the most appalling greed" by KEEPING A SLAVE IMPRISONED AT HER HOME, FOR THREE YEARS!

Hello! Mr Judge! She should be in jail for this!

Meanwhile down south, memories of Judge Jeffries (the hanging judge) clearly linger on as

Two misguided brothers have been jailed for 13 months FOR A FAILED BUSINESS VENTURE that closed less than a week after opening in November 2008!

A few people lost a few quid! That’s all!

Obviously a mistake has been made – they should have both been hung, drawn and quartered for this!

When you get out lads, I seriously suggest you start a Non-Profit Charity or a CIO – Charitable Incorporated Organisations, or a CIC - Community Interest Companies. You have all the right credentials.