Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Spooks - and The British Constitution

The British Constitution Group Conference, London 31st October '09. – Very good. Excellent lectures all day.

Brian Gerrish and Roger Hayes staged a “trial,” during the afternoon session, with a Grand Jury of 24 jurors instead of the normal 12. Apparently, we in England have a tradition of the Grand Jury of 24. The last time one actually sat was in the 1930's. An interesting piece of legal history!

The Grand Jury has the power to nullify unpopular legislation. Albert Burgess revived the tradition for this conference!

Well, it was assumed that the Main Stream Media, with all its lies and garbage over the years, was the defence’s case. So Roger and Albert outlined the case for the prosecution, and then the jury left the court to make their decision.

1) The Grand Jury found the British government guilty of treason to the British People. Unanimous

2) The Grand Jury found Tony Blair guilty of treason to the British People by repealing the treason act while Prime Minister, and they declared the repealing of the Treason Act null and void by their decision. Unanimous.

Judge Hayes (Roger) then donned what looked like an Ann Summers long blonde/white wig, and a black silk cloak and, with a little hammer, pronounced the guilty verdicts. The audience cheered the verdicts. Watch out Blair, Brown, Cameron and Co! No, seriously for a moment, - watch out you psychopathic, criminal scum!

Great fun – you need a little humour at these things because what we are dealing with is so serious, sickening and a bit creepy. It will probably be a few weeks before the videos of the talks go up online.

American Icon - Anthony Hilder, rounded the day off with a rousing and passionate, typically American, preacher-type talk. It was amusing too because, unlike everyone else who speaks from the lecturn on the stage, Hilder walks around on the floor among the audience pointing to people and touching them – back an forth across the room, “working the room.” Video camera-men followed him around for a film to go up on the Web.

Naturally, government agents ("Spooks" - My A*se!) do attend these conferences, monitoring for our rotten, cowardly government.

We thought we had spotted some of them at the last conference and, yes, here they were again – we were right! Guess what? They do not like being filmed! They thought they could just sit amongst the audience and blend in, but they were wrong. When Anthony Hilder happened to wander near to them with the cameras following him, their behaviour was bizarre!

They hid their weasel faces, or cringed and hung their empty heads! One scab even slid down her seat like an idiot adolescent! It was so obvious! What a bunch of evil, slimey, pathetic scaredy-cats! They drew attention to themselves at the last conference by being "smart arses" and trying to divert with daft, off-topic questions, but blew their cover completely this time – nobody else in the room behaved like that. Nice job! Have fun signing on the dole, You're Fired, ha ha !

After the conference, at a pub in St John’s Wood. It was Halloween. It was warm though the sky was clear, there was a beautiful full moon and a highly potent energy in the air, loads of teenagers/ students were in fancy Halloween costumes as devils, witches and goblins etc. and we were standing around talking about such creepy, dark subjects – like Common Purpose! It seemed fitting too, because the youngsters were all having such fun dressed up as dark creatures of the night, whereas we are facing up to and challenging the real ones! Also of course, it is young people like these that we are trying to protect from the future hell of the EU Communitarians.

What a contrast that honest conference was to this disgustingly staged travesty:

John Morton, from the UK Column reports:


“Do you know what would hold me together on a battlefield? The sense that I was perpetuating the language in which Keats and the rest of them wrote!”

– Wilfred Owen.

As we remember the dead of two world wars, we in the nation for which they fought and died, can only watch in grim, enraged silence, as the usual parade of “leaders” shed their annual quota of crocodile tears at Westminster Abbey. But meanwhile, out here in the real world, as the Lisbon Treaty cleared its final hurdle and achieved full ratification by the full 27-member block of European “nations”, the final stages of preparations for the handover of British sovereignty to the continental dictatorship against which they gave their lives fighting, are being made in plain view of the entire world.

Only yesterday, on the eve of this tragic and solemn day of national mourning, the nest of Fabian traitors in Westminster, under the sponsorship of the Hansard Society (little more than a thinly disguised branch of the LSE), were so brazen as to hold a farcical and utterly delphic “debate” on the “winners and losers” of Constitutional Reform. In a fatuous two hour “discussion” on the last 10 years of Constitutional Reform in UK, not one mention was made of the Lisbon Treaty, which de facto replaces the British Constitution, making any further debate and discussion on reform of said constitution an exercise in total futility.

This is not a mistake. The panel knew full well that the “reforms” they continue to try to ram through our Parliament, are designed to facilitate the transfer of power from Westminster to the unelected EU Dictatorship, via regional bodies and the quangocracy that do their dirty work. All this talk of “devolving power” down to local councils is nothing more than code speak for the “post democratic” Common Purpose takeover of the decision making that was formerly the province of central government.

After the formal proceedings were finished, we lingered in the corridor with the intent of confroting one or more of the panel members with some hard facts. As it happened, I was able to speak directly to Sir George Young, Shadow Leader of the House of Commons. After pointing out that the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty effectively nullified the British Constitution, he appeared distinctly uncomfortable and could only muster the remark that “his party had robustly argued for a Referendum on the issue” and that their policy on the subject was “on their website”. Well all I can say that it is mighty comforting, in view of the greatest political crisis this country has ever faced, that our opposition cannot muster the courage to break the taboo on these matters in a public debate, in the “mother of Parliaments”. Are we ruled by imbeciles, or just cowards? Either way, they are a disgrace to the courageous men and women of generations past that we honour today.

But, they are not alone in their cowardice are they? To quote Shakespeare, “The Fault, Dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings“.

And so, as we sound the last post for Democracy in Great Britain, and Europe itself, will the British people finally rise up from their long slumber and say NO to this incremental conspiracy that has lulled us in it’s Fabian embrace? It is now down to us, each and every one of us, to draw the line in the sand, and summon forth the spirit of great leaders past, for as we were once darkly warned:

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”