“..My negative suggestion there, “Don’t look inside the box,” is designed to sit heavily on their minds and stoke their curiosity.”
The focus of this episode is to demonstrate, in an entertaining way, the power of negative suggestion on people particularly impressionable, young people. In this section of the show he uses small children in a classroom to do this. The result is very charming and amusing but his fascinating explanation of what has happened and why, has also triggered a train of thought in my mind!
In my St Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th, 2008) blog entry - "Britain, Gutted by Stealth,"
I refer briefly to the psychological power of suggestion and repetition in relation to the main stream media and our government.
What has our news been preoccupied with this weekend? - Yet another teenage murder. www.thelondonpaper.com/cs/Satellite/london/news/article/1157151715028?packedargs=suffix%3DArticleController
What about drug education in schools? Glue sniffing? Smoking?
However, Derren Brown talks of triggers in relation to the power of negative suggestion and perhaps we need to rethink ( or monitor more stringently ) the approach taken to young people because it seems that our society has never talked so much about these matters, there is more information about these matters now than ever before, yet the incidents seem to still be increasing. In fact they appear to be escalating. It is possible to successfully teach children about harmful aspects of life- we all know how to cross the road safely, it can be done! So what has changed in recent years?
In relation to sex we have had an Ouroboros situation here for decades where health workers, doctors, clinics, family planning experts, educators, pro-death celebrities and the media legitimise liberal sex and abortion and it is taught in schools. The authorities legitimise their view and actions based on the perception of women's demand and need for liberal abortion but girls and young women in turn demand abortion because it has been presented to them in the media and by the authorities as acceptable, good, legal, moral -even fashionable! A truly vicious circle!
An example of this being that nearly all popular magazines in Britain aimed at girls, teenagers and young women promote promiscuity, casual sex and abortion services and are funded in turn by expensive advertising for the clinics and health charities that women will have to turn to for help. It is a similar concept to a computer virus if you think about it. The virus is mysteriously created and then we all have to purchase the remedy.
Or is some disgusting, nihilistic agenda at work here, and being practised on our young people by a veiled, hate-filled clique - hidden inside the field of education?