Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Common Purpose, Cheshire Pussy, Cadre Project, Communist Party!

Does the idea of reading someone else's letters make you feel uncomfortable? What about someone else's diary, notes, health records, financial records or work related reports?
What if a person says to you "read that," and it is from their diary or private correspondence?
You would probably say, "No, I couldn't."
If the person, a friend or relative then says, "Yes go on, please, I want you to."
You would, but you would still feel uncomfortable doing so.

What about if the letter was just laying there though, unprotected? Imagine if you could read it with ease, without being found out and having once read it, well you would have gained so much more knowledge and understanding!

Would you feel differently if you did not know the person at all? Would you feel less guilt?
What about if this paperwork is concealed in a drawer, or a cupboard, or you had access to their personal computer and nobody else will be around for ages? Would you be able to resist sneaking a crafty peep?

Of course, for some in Great Britain this is a full-time job - they are paid to read other peoples' private details and nowadays this includes mail, phone calls, emails and text messages.

What about other peoples' money. Do you respect other peoples' possessions and money, would you feel uncomfortable taking it and spending it? If you had responsibility for another person's money would you feel uncomfortable spending any of it on yourself?
What about if it was highly unlikely they would ever find out? Is the idea still repellent to you?
"How dare you suggest I would do such a thing" you will say.
Or might you be tempted?

What about if you were a trustee and had access to, and responsibility for, enormous multi-millions of other peoples' money? Could you resist paying yourself and your friends with other peoples' money if you were certain no-one else will ever know? You might.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch."
Can there really be legions of British so ignorant that they have never heard of this expression, or so arrogant or in denial that they do not think it applies to them?

What about if wonderful schemes for this money, where it could do so much more good, were suggested to you? Could you be persuaded to take a risk, not with your own money but with other peoples' money?
Do you think it would be fun gambling with other peoples' money?
What kind of people might be attracted into your circle of friends and work colleagues? Nice people or not-so-nice people?
Might you become mentally ill from the responsibility of it all?

Who knows? C'est la vie!

Moving on to something completely different. Here is a letter I recently sent which you are welcome to read,

Dear Alice, put down that hookah and pay attention,

I have been educating myself through the internet for the last couple of years. I cannot say I entirely “get” this Hegelian thing but I do know it is confusing and deceitful, and my research continues. It is all starting to make a great deal of sense.

I visited a certain person's blogspot “Living Outside the Dialectic” for the first time and was delighted to see the reference to Common Purpose UK. I was one of the people who contacted Jeff Rense about CP last year. I also contacted David Icke, and an assortment of other colourful personalities and websites so as to inform as many ordinary people as possible about this secret “training program,” because it is going international.
Knowledge of Common Purpose is important because, even if people in the Americas and elsewhere hate Britain and the British (and many do), this problem may not be confined just to us in the future. In our defence, please try to understand how totally muppety, educationally lobotomised and lost many of the general UK population here are these days! We are Totally Clueless! Even the recent London bombings and the Dr. Kelly incident have scarcely registered with Joe Public! Except to make them feel rather uneasy, which is a good start I suppose.

Brian Gerrish has struck a chord with me, and does with the British who get to hear him, because he is quite right. Nothing here is working properly anymore! And things used to be fairly OK years ago. And this is not just a case of older people tending to look back through rose-tinted specs. and banging on about “the good old days,” as some twits may claim.
Britain feels very wrong – the health service, housing, mainstream media, farming, elections, education, disabled and elderly care, law, etc. are being skewed, distorted and collapsed into chaos. As we draw ever closer to Europe (the damned EU) the UK is changing for the worse, to the bewilderment of ordinary people.

Having discovered Brian’s videos and learned of Common Purpose I cannot believe how long CP has been running and how very ignorant and naive I, and most of my fellow countrymen, have been! How its creators must have been laughing at us all for years and years and years!

I am not as educated or computer literate as you but I have just started my first ever blog,
To be honest it is a bit of a mess and I have nobody to help me so it is trial and error but I’ll get there! I intend to cover CP in my blog shortly but here is some of what I have found out so far. Please pass this information on to anyone interested watch their weird “Stepford Wives” – type film! Can take a while to load.

Perhaps this one will mean more to you in relation to your Dialectic Studies than I’m afraid it does to me,

Julia Middleton started Common Purpose because she had become frustrated in relation to how stuffy and compartmentalised leaders were, and the nature of leadership was, and she felt there needed to be more flexibility and collaboration in leadership, etc. Mind you, back in the 80s and early-to-mid 90s leaders were more remote from each other simply due to the lack of technology - no internet, few mobile phones, no email etc. Given a chance, might not more openness between organisations and departments have just developed naturally as the new gadgets were introduced?
Perhaps some control freaks feel it all needs organising for the future?

Anyway how much leadership and how many leaders does, even an ambitious and talented young woman come into contact with? How long would it actually take for a young woman, from the start of her career, to eventually become disillusioned through disappointing experiences and then begin to strive for change? And to conceive a new approach and then launch it so successfully that it is now entrenched in almost every area of British public life? Could Common Purpose have been the idea of others perhaps, and she was “selected” for her future role?

She was head of personnel in the Deputy Prime Minister’s (John Prescott) office when she started CP and I believe she actually ran it from his offices originally. Need to check that.
Common Purpose is a registered charity yet secretively operates under The Chatham House Rule. This means no records are kept of any of its clandestine meetings. I believe this rule was first introduced by the British Government for top secret, nation-threatening-type scenarios only, and has not actually been used a great deal by the Government. Better check this as well to be sure I have my facts straight.
Why would Common Purpose, a charity, use this rule?

So Common Purpose is targeted towards those who show signs of having leadership qualities.
How very flattering to be recognised as a potential leader, how thrilling! Apparently one is chosen, and invited to attend a training weekend (usually all-expenses paid) at the end of which one becomes a Common Purpose “Graduate.” Oh my, how wonderful! And possibly very helpful when added to one’s CV.
Hang On A Minute - perhaps you can only get certain jobs or promotion these days if you are a CP graduate! Perhaps that is why some call it a Freemasonry-type secret society! We need to check all this.

These training sessions are expensive too, approx. £3500.00 for the basic course, up to more than £8500.00 for more influential people! Trainees frequently attend more than one! The courses have trendy (rather corny) names like “Matrix” etc.
Common Purpose has hoovered up truly colossal sums of public money down the years, actually millions of pounds, which could have been much more wisely, responsibly, sensibly and constructively spent on our people. However, the average person still knows nothing about Common Purpose! And has no idea what is happening!

What would happen if the British people were to grab a simple calculator in the privacy of their own home and do the maths? If they were to just get hold of their local Yellow Pages, open it and go to sections like Local Government, Councils, Government Offices etc. and realise the enormity of this! All of the hundreds of these different departments and offices are likely to have sent at least one, probably many, of their staff on a Common Purpose course, including; the NHS, Education Depts. Magistrates and Courts, the Police, Financial, Cleansing and Environment Depts.etc. And this will be just in an individual's hometown or county. Multiplied by how many Local Authorities there are across the whole of Britain! And by how many years CP has been operating! This adds up to a truly colossal amount of public money spent on training about which the public know virtually nothing, yet they are paying for it !!
And we all wonder why standards of public service and care are falling nationwide and council tax keeps going up!

I repeat. The people most likely to be perceived to have these leadership qualities, or in need of having them honed, are often employed in the Public Sector. So who pays for it? Well these trainees, our potential leaders of tomorrow who one day might save us all, cannot be expected to scrimp from their meagre pocket money to be be able to afford their own training, so their “boss” pays. That is you and me- the tax-payers. Talk about "starting as you mean to go on"!

Or CP might spot leadership abilities in a young, or not-so-young, successful business person - who can pay for themselves. Or in someone doing well in a big firm – then of course the firm can cough up the cash. These are training expenses and probably tax-deductible so what is the problem?
There also seems to be merit in a Common Purpose graduate recruiting lots of new CP trainees. Can you see how this could drain a council department's budget, and lead to the clamouring for evermore and larger allowances from the public purse, in spite of which nothing ever seems to improve as far as Joe Public can tell? It explains a hell of a lot!

Hang On A Minute, Common Purpose is a charity! How can, and why would, a charity be secret?
Surely charities depend upon openness and being widely known about in order to receive donations from the public towards their good works? That is how most people view a charity. Or have the rules been stretched or changed?
Since when have charities depended on Government funds?
Since when have the Government and Local Authorities made donations to secret charities with our money?
Are there any other secret charities about which the public know absolutely nothing yet are contributing to hugely through their hard-earned taxes? And at the expense of basic services!
If so, which ones might they be? If not, what is so special about Common Purpose that it has been able to develop and operate in the peculiar way that it has?

Very cleverly, this training is tied up closely with " Diversity.”Think about what this means. It is possible that anyone who objects to Common Purpose, anyone who queries it or thinks it could be dodgy could be labelled a “racist.”

Also, be aware that the Police and the Judiciary from Magistrates up to Crown Court judges, High Court judges and above, as well as their governing body the Law Society, are totally infiltrated by Common Purpose graduates now, so you can see we have to be a tad careful when discussing or writing about anything to do with CP! Litigation is referred to prominently on their older sites.

Members of all our armed forces, and many religious groups are into CP, as are many universities, colleges, the Arts etc!

Here is a confusing website. It is Common Purpose but it appears to be in disguise,

When you click onto "Events, News, or About Us" you would think it is a different organisation, or is it?
Note – Cast Your Vote – "Is Sustainability an essential part of your work?"
Sustainability, or Sustainable Development is now a huge and controversial issue in the USA I believe, much like Common Purpose is here:

Google Video: The Nature of Sustainable Development, by Michael Shaw. ( a cheesed-off American version of Brian Gerrish! )

Julia Middleton’s new book entitled “ Beyond Authority “ is published by Palgrave Macmillan which is part of the Macmillan publishing Group. Richard Charkin was its CEO for ten years until Autumn 2007 when he moved to Bloomsbury Books (Harry Potter.)
R. Charkin has also been Chair of the UK Board of Trustees of Common Purpose for ten years, standing down recently and handing over to Chris Mathias. Richard Charkin’s eldest daughter Emily has been head of South London Common Purpose for many years.

What can we make of all this?

Is Common Purpose primarily a system for the recruitment of Communitarianist change agents? Is "Change Agent" just another name for the Cadre System of the Communist regimes?

Is Common Purpose nothing more than a method of spreading more quickly the hegemony of the European Union?

The people involved in Common Purpose at the higher levels appear to be politicians or civil servant-types with Fabian ( socialist) connections, or involved in British Think Tank type of organisations similar to the Tavistock Institute, the Young Foundation, the Rowntree Trust, etc. Julia Middleton herself worked for the Industrial Society and Demos. Could some these organisations be public funded charities too? If so, why? Think Tanks are just Lobby Groups aren't they?
Actually, where does all their money come from? Trusts? Why are there so many of them?
If we, the public, are paying we have the right to know! And if those running commercial companies are buying political influence for their own benefit through them we have a right to know that too, do we not?

What do you think, dear Alice?
Curiouser and curiouser,
very queer

yours sincerely, The Angry Cheese.
Alice in Wonderland