Friday, January 11, 2008

Money Masters, Debt Slaves.

Song - To The Men Of England

by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 – 1822)
Men of England, wherefore plough
For the lords who lay ye low?
Wherefore weave with toil and care
The rich robes your tyrants wear?
Wherefore feed and clothe and save,
From the cradle to the grave,
Those ungrateful drones who would
Drain your sweat -nay, drink your blood?

Wherefore, Bees of England, forge
Many a weapon, chain, and scourge,
That these stingless drones may spoil
The forced produce of your toil?

Have ye leisure, comfort, calm,
Shelter, food, love's gentle balm?
Or what is it ye buy so dear
With your pain and with your fear?

The seed ye sow another reaps;
The wealth ye find another keeps;
The robes ye weave another wears;
The arms ye forge another bears.

Sow seed, -but let no tyrant reap;
Find wealth, -let no imposter heap;
Weave robes, -let not the idle wear;
Forge arms, in your defence to bear.

Shrink to your cellars, holes, and cells;
In halls ye deck another dwells.
Why shake the chains ye wrought? Ye see
The steel ye tempered glance on ye.

With plough and spade and hoe and loom,
Trace your grave, and build your tomb,
And weave your winding-sheet, till fair
England be your sepulchre!

Money - Sterling or Euro?
This animated online film explains, in an entertaining way, the basics of what money means, how it has developed and how it is now created. Everyone needs to and must have a basic understanding of money. Your future choices depend on it and this is absolutely vital, so please take a little time and watch it more than once so you “get it.” And tell your family, friends and neighbours to do the same, is a fascinating and informative documentary which goes into much more detail. They can both be easily found by a Google Video search.
After watching these, you should have a basic idea of how our money system works. Both of these films are made from the American perspective but, as you will have seen, our systems are closely linked.
An invaluable website by an Englishman, that I have recently found on the web, helps to explain the British monetary situation and what is wrong with it, in short informative articles, using plain English with dry humour: Highly recommended. based in Glasgow, contains yet more helpful information. And you also might want to consider this:
The problem we all have is that it has suited the privileged minority to keep this information to themselves as much as possible. Most ordinary British people are never taught any of this at school when growing up.
We get taught arithmetic so we can calculate our money, as we grow we become used to handling coins and banknotes. We take money for granted and just get used to it. We are left to assume that some money is saved in banks and some is lent to borrowers, and that the two somehow balance each other out.
We also learn that our money is minted ( physically made - coins and notes ) by the Bank of England. It says so on our banknotes. We believe that a huge gold reserve exists somewhere in the vaults of the Bank of England which represents the value of all our money, giving our banknotes ( which are really just a paper IOUs. or promissory notes ) their legitimacy and validity. (
When we get a little older we realise that a few, very wealthy people work behind the scenes in The City of London in Merchant Banks, investing stocks and shares in the International Money Markets. Some ordinary people with a little knowledge of the money markets may have some success with this type of investment, and some may get their fingers burnt. They may pay a broker or dealer (the experts) to advise and assist them but do even they know how the system works? Perhaps not.
It is rather like a car – you can learn to drive, buy a car, fuel it, drive it, clean it, pay someone else to repair it, without having the slightest idea of how it actually works. It is the same with computers and other modern gadgets.
To most of us who try to understand the monetary system, listening to a serious radio program (are there any nowadays?), watching an informative TV documentary (not many of these now either!), or looking at a serious newspaper (oh dear!) or book covering money matters is pointless. It seems incomprehensible. Economists dazzle us with a tirade of statistical gobbledy-gook and, feeling rather inferior, most of us have become resigned to our “stupidity” and have given up.
We are not stupid though because our education has been deliberately neglected. This gap that most of us have in our knowledge must be tackled now, before the next monetary stage is introduced.
What do you think the Chancellor of the Exchequer means when he refers to “government borrowing” or the “national debt?” Why are we in debt and to whom? How can a country be in debt? What about the Bank of England? How does it work? Why is our country, and all the other countries of the world, forever borrowing and in debt? Most people do not know the answers, how can they? (2)
So we have to trust the “experts” in power, those we elect and their civil servants in the councils and ministries, to look after the nation’s money. But do they? Have they? Should they to be trusted? (
If you have by now watched the films and read the suggested website info. you will know that the Federal Reserve Bank in the USA is actually a private bank secretly owned by a few super-wealthy people for their own benefit entirely. The Bank of England, in spite of its patriotic name, is also no such thing! It should be called “ The Bank of Privilege,” and has been privately owned for centuries by the same few greedy, wealthy, elite family groups whose identities are actually protected by an Act of Parliament,- The Official Secrets Act!
( A bunch of crooks - a mafia, protected by an Act of Parliament! )
Their ancestors obtained this position of ownership centuries ago by an act of fraud ( insider dealing ) and they and their offspring have been sitting pretty, and literally creating global havoc in order to boost their income, ever since. They have played with natural resources and they deliberately hold-up technology and development for their own enrichment. These vile people are perfectly happy and content to make profit while ordinary people struggle, starve and die in the hundreds, thousands and even millions in bogus wars or in deliberately engineered stock market crashes, all designed to make money for them. As time passes more people are dying all over the world because of the behaviour of these banking families. They and their thieving, deceitful monetary system are responsible for the deaths of well over 200 million people in the last (20th ) century.
Think about that!
As time passes more and more people die!
Over 200 million in the last century!
So how many of us are likely to die horribly and totally unnecessarily during this century?
How confident and safe do you feel? (a)
They are permitted to make money out of nothing, and then lend it to the government. It is repaid with interest and who pays? The ordinary, decent unaware people, with their sweat and blood.
Immediately after World War Two, the British Government purchased The Bank Of England. It is now described as being owned by the Government.
“So that’s alright then isn’t it?” you might assume.
“ Well no actually.”
At that time the government did not have the money to buy it due to being literally bankrupted by the two war efforts, so the Bank of England was purchased in 1946 with bonds bought with loans from the same elite families?!! (4)
This served two purposes, money was released so our wrecked country could start to rebuild, and the families became camouflaged behind a board of bankers and rafts of legislation and paperwork.
Very patriotic these elite families, very British! Our ancestors had to die on battlefronts, get blown up, work and starve on rations for years but could the elite do their bit and contribute by parting with some of their precious dosh, for the sake of our country? No, but they could give our elected government a loan, with interest. How very kind, how Christian of them! But then they never were too fond of Jesus. Remember, the only time Jesus ever really lost his temper was over these types of money-lenders ( the Pharisees, the upper class ) and their usury in exploiting their poor fellow Jews at the entrance to the Temple in Jerusalem.
Obviously, these loans have had to be repaid. The only outcome of this “purchase” has been that it has enabled the families to wave the big stick while hiding ever since behind a board of smart puppet directors who appear to take decisions in consultation with our elected Government. In reality of course they could be described as a form of “ front,” but they give the Bank of England a veneer of honesty, utility and moral integrity, like a polished shell covering something less pleasant.
“The borrower is servant to the lender.” King James Bible, Proverbs 22: 7.
Where does that actually leave us, because our elected Government - our representatives are servant, in no way to the British people but, exclusively to the privileged few who own the money system.
“ Well, perhaps we should move to the Euro currency. Then we will be in a new monetary system and free of the Bank of England and Sterling, ” you might ask.
“ No No No, please, you could not be more mistaken. ” (
All of the currencies of mainland Europe have been owned and manipulated by branches of these elite for centuries too. The Conversion to the Euro actually changes nothing for ordinary people except making their exploitation ever-more convenient for the elite families. The European Bankers (including the owners of our banking system) as master, the European Government as servant. The elite families will be even more hidden behind yet more layers of administration. The European financial system will be make it even harder for the positive and necessary changes.
What kind of change do we need?
Money creation must be removed from The Bank of England and must be placed in a public body whose purpose is the creation of money debt-free for the benefit of the country. This money will be spent into the country on necessary and worthy projects, NOT lent to it. The creation of money from debt must stop. (6)

a) See my previous article "The Sleepwalkers' Waltz."
Read, listen to or watch this webcast. You might not agree with all of it but the basic facts are true, you will not learn about this from the UK mainstream media.

As we wobble towards a serious recession it would be well worth considering joining or, if there isn't one near you, starting a local LETS scheme as suggested at the end of the " money as debt " film mentioned above. See or other similar sites.

On Thursday the 10th January 2008, on BBC 2 Newsnight, Jeremy Paxman asked Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks point blank if the British public will have to pay for the controversial new nuclear power stations or for the storage and disposal of the dangerous waste material from our older nuclear power stations as they are decommissioned. He was told by Mr Wicks categorically “No.” And that the government intends to raise all the money from private investors.
Homework: After what you have read and learned from this short article, do you think the public will pay or not. Explain your reasoning. ( only joking )