Saturday, October 8, 2016

Christian End Time Horror

Christian End Time Horror Show Continues

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

"Christians have no one to blame but themselves for much of the horror that is taking place in the world today!!"

Comment from Glen

Today's so-called "Christian" Zionist are not Christians at all. They are sadly miss-informed and duped followers of a cult. A cult that worships the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah which happens to be the present day state of Israel. Blindly following preachers like John Hagee, they swear their undying loyalty to a foreign government which has nothing but contempt for their sorry Goy asses. They are nothing more than a tool to be used by these modern day Pharisees, a cow to milked dry of money, a poor, dumb animal whose blood is to be spilled in their wars attrition against anyone who is not one of "them". None heed the words of Christ who warned them in:  Matthew 16:6 Then Jesus said to them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

As Syria is being ripped to shreds and Syrian Christians are being killed by the thousands, none of these duped "Christians" are willing to see the error of their ways. As the world hurtles at break neck speed toward Albert Pike's third world war, none of these dupes will take time and look into the cesspool which is the modern day state of Israel and think about what they are doing not only to Palestine, but the entire middle east. The really sad part about it is these people will be the ones who pay the price in spilled blood and lost treasure as Israel is too important to lose their own in this grand battle for world domination.
 So carry on my Christian Zionist friends, go to your houses of God and follow the likes of John Hagee and Bi Bi Nutanyahoo(miss-spelling intentional). Whatever you do, do not open your Bible and read Christ last words to Israel which are located in Matthew, chapter 23, verses 31 to 39. Do not think about these words and what Christ is saying. Just keep on doing what you are doing as you follow Israel, THE LAST ANTI-CHRIST, right through the gates of HELL.