Monday, May 23, 2016

Re Malorie Blackman

Why Must Children’s Laureates be tedious lefties?

Cheesy says:-
This woman has the bare-faced audacity to blatantly lie in her public statements by endlessly repeating her pathetic story over and over and over again, to anyone DAFT AND GULLIBLE ENOUGH TO LISTEN TO HER, that she was informed as a teenager by one of her schoolteachers that, “black people don’t become teachers!” 

HMMMM! Riiighttt! So this conversation would have taken place back in 1975 or 76-ish.  It just doesn’t ring true for the 1970s though, does it?  Really? Bob Marley was extremely popular back then, disco and reggae were ‘in,’ and we were all still gutted by Jimi Hendrix’s death.  Thin Lizzie were big, so was Hot Chocolate.  Miles Davis was the king of Jazz.  The movement to free Nelson Mandela, the imprisoned civil rights lawyer, was building up. Half the nurses in hospitals across Britain, and half of British Rail were black or so it seemed, but Malorie’s teacher said this to her?  Really?

Quite frankly, I DO NOT BELIEVE IT!

Prove it Malorie! Name the school, name the teacher and give us the details of the context in which this conversation took place, or shut up about it!  You cannot just blurt out this kind of racially antagonistic thing and be allowed to get away with it, scot-free! Now I have just heard it, yet again, on Radio 3 of all places! Malorie, your tedious interviews and articles where you bang-on about diversity and tell this ugly little story (your good at those, aren't you?) have the noxious stench of Common Purpose; I smell a rat!