Friday, November 13, 2015

Who's Scrying Now? by Thomas Sheridan

Published on 11 Nov 2015
The insanity and the psychotic behaviour on the Interwebs definitely went up a notch when most people went from using computers and laptops and onto scrying the digital djinn on glass surface of their mobiles and tablets.

The demons fooling them on the surface of the black mirrors drove so many insane and evil.

I have been on line for 20 years now from Compuserve to today. I have seen all the changes and the constant deterioration in intellect as more and more empty bottles discovered Social Networking.

Its a sick and infected world now.

Ahem! Is Thomas referring in this talk (referred to above) to S.J.W.s? (Social Justice Warriors)
SJWs use the Net via their phones, turning their little bedrooms or hall of residence cells into a 'command centres' from which they direct their Facebook or Twatter followers like a monarch or some commie-arsehole-leader'and, like a mini Mao or Queen Victoria, they flop in an armchair stuffing their face and masterbating while instructing their minions/followers who are loyally battling away for them on the other side of the country/planet, for example:-

Thomas Sheridan is RIGHT, this is getting very dangerous.  (intersectionality – whatever the hell that is? 
No, please don’t tell me, I don’t want to know and anyway I will never remember such a daft word.)

And  - yes, you are wrong young lady because 'all feminists who are white are white feminists.'
In the same way that all people of colour are coloured people.  
Suede shoes that are blue are blue suede shoes.