Dear All,
great hue and cry (mainly by the left wing) has ensued following the
killing of two Jihardist terrorists by a drone. These two men, supposedly British,
left our country to join this band of blood thirsty, merciless monsters,
hell bent on destroying anything that is good and returning to Britain
to create similar mayhem here.
the very act of leaving Britain to join these dregs of humanity
immediately removes from them the right to British citizenship.. World
wide these Muslim extremists are a cancer to mankind who have taught us
only two things:-
1) Ever increasingly vicious ways to butcher decent, honest people
2) How to destroy priceless antiquities and art treasures denying them to all mankind forever.
such a record, the democratic, peace loving countries of the world
should unite and completely destroy all Muslim terrorists on a ‘no
prisoner’ basis. The sooner this scum are totally removed from our
planet, the sooner decent people can sleep soundly in their beds.