And now look at this, they must be getting really worried about Jeremy Corbyn to stoop to this level! Isn't it strange that if you want the wars in the Middle East, North Africa, and Ukraine, etc. to stop you are seen as an anti-semite? So, in order to not be declared an anti-semite you have to be pro-war?
Is that what this means?
'Is Corbyn an anti-semite?' they scream,
"The Jewish Chronicle also published a front page editorial yesterday calling on Mr Corbyn to explain his links to 'Holocaust deniers.'"
Jeremy Corbyn accused of being 'anti-semitic' as Labour grandees round on hard Left leadership frontrunner
Lord Hattersley, the former Labour deputy leader, told The Telegraph that Mr Corbyn would have no right to 'impose' his views on the party as he called on MPs to openly rebel against his policies should he win.