Thursday, July 16, 2015

Bring Back the Scold's Bridle, and design one for fingers too

Out for a walk with the Troy the dog this morning and saw a 'new' woman on the Playing Fields with her two little yap-dogs. She was waffling-on to one of my regular fellow dog walkers to whom I occasionally mutter, 'good morning,' or 'nice day again,' to as I pass, enjoying my peaceful, quiet routine daily walk. We (Troy and I) wandered all around the fields for about 20 minutes only to retrace our way back and - there they were! Their poor dogs flopped-out, bored stiff, and the poor guy seeming to be leaning backwards and with his body slightly turned for all the world as though he dearly wanted to just run away but was too well-brought up, polite and charming to.
Crikey Moses! The young hag was still rabbitting-on about Lord-knows-what as we passed them. Shortly afterwards the man seemed to race past me with his dog, obviously desperate to get home. I turned and saw the gas-bag dawdling aimlessly with a vacant expression on her plain, dowdy face. I hurried away before she started to flap her mouth in my direction. What a thoroughly ugly sight to behold! What a repulsive harridan!


Once upon a time, not so long ago either, this kind of rampant gossipping was deeply frowned upon,

Shame about the repulsively sickly-sad music and the sychophantic tone of the dialogue here; an interesting video though. You see years ago peace and quiet, and time to think calmly, were much more appreciated than nowadays..

And now bone idle chit-chat is being openly promoted online through Twatter, the online (mainly female) gossips' idea of heaven where they can all yap-on endlessly 24/7 about their garbage, drivel and B.S.   
My idea of literally hell on earth. No good will ever come of it.  
Now take a look at this:-

Man Faces 6 Months in Jail For Daring to Disagree With Feminist Haridans on Twatter, Published on 15 Jul 2015

 A Canadian man faces 6 months in jail for disagreeing with feminists on Twatter, a case that one journalist warns "could have enormous fallout for free speech.
Look at these obnoxious harridans with their ugly glasses and demeanours; Germaine Greer look-and-sounds-alikes! How vile....
synonyms: shrew, virago, harpy, termagant, vixen, nag, hag, crone, dragon, ogress