Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Please sign and share this:-
STOP MOORSIDE: "Biggest Nuclear Development in Europe

Moorside's first sham consultation ends on the 25th July.
The developers, NuGen are inviting people to contact them and *Have Your Say* on this first of a series of CONsultations. People attending the consultation events are being told by NuGen (60% Toshiba and 40% GDF Suez now Engie) that ...*nothing will stop the development... but that people can ...*help shape the plans*.
The only shape we want is   NO NO NO
The CONsultation says *Have Your Say*  !
Send snail mail to NuGen at: Freepost, Moorside, Have Your Say
Tel: 0800 157 7352 
Write in your own words;  here are some ideas and more info below........
Dear NuGen *I will be Boycotting Toshiba products as a direct result of your aggressive push for new untried untested reactors near to the worlds most dangerous radioactive wastes at Sellafield.
*Any consultation that is predetermined is not a consultation but a pretence
*In 2007 the High Court found that the government's plans to build a new generation of nuclear power stations was UNLAWFUL
*New international studies provide STRONG EVIDENCE that nuclear power is a cause of leukaemia and other radiation linked diseases
*The cooling for Moorside would result in a.churning up the already radioactively contaminated sediments of the Irish Sea bed b. heating the Irish Sea and c. cooling towers sending vapour plumes from the Irish Sea over Lakeland.
*The AP1000 has so called passive containment cooling in case of an accident. This involves millions of gallons of water sitting on top of the three reactors. Apart from other concerns this makes for three dangerously top heavy installations in the vicinity of the worlds most dangerous wastes. The AP1000 reactor design has been criticised as unsafe by former nuclear regulator Arnie Gundersen and others.
*The Copeland Local Plan 2001 -2016 says that there should be: NO NEW HAZARDOUS DEVELOPMENT or POPULATION INCREASE NEAR SELLAFIELD
References: NUGEN CONsultation:-
Government loses nuclear power case
Radiogenic Risks Strong Evidence
We Need to Talk About Moorside – with Arnie Gundersen

Useful Info:-

Moorside Report by Radiation Free Lakeland 19.9.14
Greenmoorside stretches from Sellafield towards Calder Bridge, Braystones and Beckermet and to the Irish Sea. The river Ehen, designated as a Special Area of Conservation runs alongside the boundary. The consortium wanting to build the reactors is called NUGEN. NUGEN is 60% owned by Toshiba (merged with Hitachi) who designed, built and serviced the reactors, which directly contributed to the Fukushima nuclear disaster n…
Moorside Land Grab Report by Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment
Land Grab by NuGen, with compulsory purchase on the cards, as the *biggest construction project in Europe* more than doubles in size – from 200 to 552 hectares of farmland adjacent to Sellafield…..The permanent works – outside the boundary for reactors – will include an electricity sub- station, spent reactor fuel and nuclear waste stores and a visitor centre. This sprawl of temporary and permanent facilities outside the rectors boundary are likely to ruffle more than a few local feathers, particularly among property and land owners within the Additional Scoping Land who face the prospect of having their assets compulsory purchased.
Moorside Consultation -Nuclear Free Local Authorities
It is doubtful whether a site such as Sellafield with questionable geology and remote from where electricity is needed would have been selected without the lobbying undertaken by the industry and trade unions based at Sellafield. Moorside’s geology, has been described by Amec as: difficult to construct a nuclear power station … the depth to reach bed rock is so great that construction is unreasonable – it is not the most favourable site and currently has significant commercial disadvantages.
MANY THANKS and Please keep on sharing the petition it is almost up to 8000 with very little press publicity!  :-

STOP MOORSIDE: "Biggest Nuclear Development in Europe

Dead Dolphins In Fukushima

 Fukushima 'mutant vegetable'