'Rotten to
the Core.' (a most
important investigation!)
by Martin Edwards, | Wednesday, 24th June 2015
In addition to the operation of the Common Purpose Effect in
Rotherham MBC and Nottingham Councils are there any additional shared
characteristics that link these Public Bodies together? UK Column research
teams believe that the answer to this question is a loud yes!...
What are core cities and do they
link to UN Agenda 21?
……Agenda 21 is being implemented
away from the glare of public scrutiny under the 'Big Society' banner. The Localism Act aims to
make the aims of the Big Society a reality. It sets out a programme of change
which aims to transfer power from central government to local councils,
communities and individuals on many issues that directly affect their lives.
But just how embedded in local decision making positions are the Common Purpose
operatives who are networked to allies in Government Departments and even Parliament
itself?...read on…
Which Cities are Core Cities?
…..Core cities include the following: Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool,
Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, (Glasgow & Cardiff joined
2014). In the interests of brevity we shall only be examining a brief snapshot
of four of these Core Cities within this article. We asked: Is the Common
Purpose Effect operating across these Core Cities?...read on…