Monday, May 25, 2015

Methylcobalamin, B12 Deficiency and Paedophilia

What is surprising is how many children with blonde hair and blue eyes have been taken into care over many decades and have been abused.  Many Northern European people, especially those with Scandinavian ancestral DNA with perhaps blonde hair or blue eyes have a mutation on their gene which prevents them from producing intrinsic factor in their stomach which is needed for absorption of B12, a vitamin with a large molecular structure which is not easily absorbed in the gut and ideally needs injecting into fatty tissue or muscle.  Doctors on the NHS use Hydroxycobalamin, which is an inactive form of B12 and the body has to be able to convert it for it to be effectively used up out of the serum and put into the tissues.  Many people cannot do this. Methylcobalamin, which is an active form of B12 and is cheap, non-toxic and is available in the rest of Europe, has not been licensed by doctors in the NHS and a deal was struck to keep it in the private sector where some doctors are charging exorbitant fees per dose.  In Japan, a serum level of less than 500 is considered to be a deficiency but in the UK, the levels have been set very low indeed at between 150 and 200. Doctors have not been following Best Medical Practice, nor the guidelines issued by The British Committee for Standards in Haemotology for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cobalamin and Folate Disorders which advises that regardless of blood test results which are unreliable due to the sensitivity of the tests, if a patient is symptomatic, treatment should commence immediately to avoid any further neurological damage.  Doctors have been prescribing pharma drugs which lower B12 levels including proton pump inhibitors, antacids, anti biotics, pain killers, anti-depressants, metformin and a host of other drugs.  Nitrous oxide gas switches off B12 synthesis in the body, sometimes permanently and can cause neurological damage to occur.  The American Vetinary Association has said that Nitrous oxide gas is not suitable for use on mammals.  If left undiagnosed and untreated in children, this deficiency causes untold damage on developing brains leading to neural connections wiring up in the wrong place, like the wiring in a telephone exchange.  It effects sexual development causing precocious puberty to occur which causes some children to display inappropriate sexual conduct behavior and may lead them to engage sexually with adults way beyond their years, when they are not fully developed which leads to them suffering emotional damage and puts them at risk from sexual predators and paedophiles.  There are countless stories of children who have been taken into care and who have found themselves being taken to hotel rooms where they have been beaten and raped by older men.  There are many reports of young males who have engaged in rape which is considered to be a type of inappropriate sexual conduct behavior. The pattern has been the same all over the country in cities such as Rotherham, Nottingham, Southampton, Rochdale, Oxford, Merseyside.  Children who have been taken into care by the “child protection” court have been abused. Most of the children and babies have blonde hair and /or blue eyes. This deficiency causes spontaneous bruising to occur, makes bones weak causing them to break easily, makes hair fallout and loosens nails. There are many parents who may have been blamed for harming their children when in fact they are innocent. Baby P springs to mind. I have spoken to members of the public and asked them if they have noticed very young people in bars and clubs at night and every person I spoke to said that they had seen many young girls who are caked in make up to disguise their age, wearing clothes which are not age appropriate hanging out at night in bars and clubs with older men. There are many stories over decades upon decades of children with blonde hair and /or blue eyes who have been put in care or force adopted who have been sexually abused in council run care homes or by adoptive parents.  Many of the force adopted children who were sent to Australia, reported sexual abuse.  It is obvious of doctors’ part in the abuse of children over a very long period of time.  How was Jimmy Saville able to sexually molest post-operative children with nurses telling the children to pretend to be asleep?  It seems that Lord Laming, who took over Jimmy Saville’s job at Broadmoor mental hospital, wrote the "child protection” report which had many endorsers including heads of the NHS such as Andy Burnham, Ed balls and members of the BBC amongst others. Chris Grayling, who went into the BBC and put all the old boys out to pasture with a pay-off, then joined the Justice department who took away Legal Aid from children and gave it to “people who have been having trouble working with or around children” instead.  Lord Laming’s group pay funds to the Justice Department.
Adolf Hitler had the Jewish folks taken into “protective custody” and we all know what happened to them don`t we? The Nazi`s justified doctors experimenting on them and their murder by saying that they were “weak” and “unhealthy.”  They had pernicious anaemia (B12 deficiency). The bodies of children which were dug up from the grounds of Magdeline Laundries and children`s homes were found to have broken bones, a symptom of pernicious anaemia.  Ashya King had all the symptoms of B12 deficiency.  He had a brain tumor, was staring into space whilst being unresponsive, had a yellow skin tone and could not swallow. Patients who have pernicious anaemia are vulnerable to stomach cancer. When we have cancer, our body rids itself of iron to prevent the cancer from growing. Ashya King was being drip fed iron straight into his stomach.  A woman recently allegedly killed her twin babies who both had spinal atrophy.  She had been hounded by child protection SS and is reported as saying that she could see no future for her babies.  Spinal atrophy is a symptom of severe B12 deficiency and is treatable with injected Methylcobalamin.  A nurse has been in jail for the last thirty years and was branded a serial killer due to the deaths of 5 women in his care connected to insulin. There is a strong connection to low B12 levels, nitrous oxide gas and the effect on insulin levels which leads to fatality.  Another nurse has just been sent to jail for allegedly murdering patients with insulin. I doubt his guilt. Harold Shipman allegedly murdered hundreds of mostly female patient who he had no doubt failed to treat for low B12 levels or pernicious anaemia. Lord Laming was involved with the inquiry along with Mrs Butler Shloss.  When the NHS began, just after the 2nd world war, a survey was conducted to see how many people had pernicious anaemia. Only 7 people were tested and they all had it, which by any ones’ calculations means that 100% of those tested had it.  The symptoms of pernicious anaemia were then separated into different illnesses. The NHS loses billions due to misdiagnosis of B12 deficiency and pernicious anaemia because doctors are treating each individual symptom with a B12 lowering pharma drug instead of treating the cause.  Patients are having needless operations and procedures. Basically every illness which you could name is caused by the same thing which is B12 deficiency pernicious anaemia. Nurses have been telling doctors for years that they are leaving patients to suffer needlessly with the symptoms of B12 deficiency but have been ignored.  One of the effects of deficiency is a tendency to feel suicidal.  Mr Gove, who instigated the forced adoption said that he wants to bring back hanging. It looks like he is fulfilling his sadist fantasies because many of the parents and children who have been ripped apart by his scheme have been found hanging.  Psychiatrists may well be using auto suggestion techniques on suicidal B12 deficient patients to encourage them to kill themselves to hide the paedophile ring which some doctors are most definitely involved in.  Babies have been getting body snatched from maternity hospitals after their mothers have given birth whilst breathing nitrous oxide gas.  The babies are then handed to adoptive parents draughted in by private companies. The babies will start to display the symptoms of the B12 deficiency caused by the nitrous oxide gas out of sight of their parents and will be taken to children`s hospitals by their carers and adoptive parent.  They will undergo traumatic and needless procedures and be used to practice surgical skills on. They will be neurologically damaged and will have their childhoods stolen, which they will spend sickly and ill. They will have precocious puberty and will no doubt then be harvested for sexual abuse.