Thursday, May 21, 2015

How to end boom and bust: make cash illegal.

How to end boom and bust: make cash illegal.

Trond Andresen is an all-round communitarian knob-head and ‘useful idiot.’
Wikipedia - Trond Andresen is a Norwegian academic, former communist politician, public writer and debater, broadcaster, and assistant professor of Cybernetics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Wikipedia   
Here is his clever idea:-    Improved macroeconomic control with electronic money and modern monetary theory

A proposed new law in Denmark could be the first step towards an economic revolution that sees physical currencies and normal bank accounts abolished and gives governments futuristic new tools to fight the cycle of “boom and bust”.
The Danish proposal sounds innocuous enough on the surface – it would simply allow shops to refuse payments in cash and insist that customers use contactless debit cards or some other means of electronic payment.
Officially, the aim is to ease “administrative and financial burdens”, such as the cost of hiring a security service to send cash to the bank, and is part of a programme of reforms aimed at boosting growth – there is evidence that high cash usage in an economy acts as a drag.
But the move could be a key moment in the advent of “cashless societies”. And once all money exists only in bank accounts – monitored, or even directly controlled by the government – the authorities will be able to encourage us to spend more when the economy slows, or spend less when it is overheating.

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