Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Very Sinister Future For Us......

Free Speech Warrior Bill Whatcott Ceases His Ministry & Heads to the Philippines
By Paul Fromm
April 26, 2015

It is sad to see a really selfless champion of free speech and a loving and committed Christian, Bill Whatcott withdraw from the field of battle. As he explains in his message below, after a 25-year battle against abortion and the homosexual agenda, he believes it is time to suspend his Christian ministry in Canada. He is moving to the Philippines.
Needless to say, Bill and I wouldn’t see eye-to-eye on all issues, but he has been a tireless and principled champion of free speech. Canada and his fellow Christians, through ignorance, indifference or cowardice, have served him badly. Along the way, he has exposed for any Christian with eyes to see or any traditionalist of whatever religious stripe, that Canada’s senior judiciary is pathologically anti-Christian and has been captured by hard core cultural communists, dedicated to imposing their anti-Christian and radical egalitarian ideology on Canada.
Just a week ago, the Supremos who blather on about “reasonable accommodation” of foreign religions (Sikh kids being allowed to pack their daggers to school when White kids are hampered by a zero-tolerance for weapons policy) have banned Christian prayer at civic meetings, in deference to the feelings of the miniscule number of atheists who, of course, were never forced to recite or even stand for such prayers.
Bill was prepared, on numerous occasions, to go to jail to defy the large bubble zone imposed by pro-abortion legislators around abortuaries. It was forbidden to protest or even leaflet within these 100-200 yard zones. So much for free speech in Canada.
Agree with him or not, Bill felt homosexuals could be converted and drawn away from their lifestyle choices which he saw as both spiritually sinful and physically and psychologically harmful. As most Christians believe, Bill felt he was called upon to witness publicly or testify to his faith. Thus, in 2001, he handed out a variety to leaflets in Saskatchewan highlighting traditional Christian teachings about homosexuality and warning about the homosexual agenda in Canadian schools, advanced, needless to say, with taxpayers’ money. For that, he was dragged before the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission in a 11 year battle that culminated in 2012 with the Supreme Court nuking Christian belief and, against all evidence and reason, elevating homosexuals (who now have same sex marriage, same sex adoption, and their agenda ensconced in many educational curricula and blared in public service ads in the mass media) to a “vulnerable minority.”
The Court ruled that in human rights civil law, as opposed to criminal law, truth, sincere religious belief, intent or even political argument were no defence if one’s words were likely to expose a privileged minority, in this case, homosexuals, to hatred or contempt. A dying Doug Christie two weeks before his death, in March 2013, read the decision and proclaimed “the death of free speech in Canada.” [I would still like to think Doug’s words were overly pessimistic.]
While Bill won a few minor points in this decision, our new cultural Marxist elite sent a stinging message to a mere Christian peasant who had the temerity to challenge the new Christian-hating aristocracy of imposed equality. Mr. Whatcott, virtually penniless, was saddled with the “costs” of the taxpayer supported Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, a bill well in excess of $100,000. As Mr. Whatcott had raised important constitutional matters and as this appeal was anything but frivolous, the more normal course would have been not to award costs, but the Supremos could not resist a final boot to a poor, committed Christian.
Crushing as this defeat was, Bill was not discouraged but soldiered on. He held numerous meetings across Canada and reached out to political prisoners like Brad Love, visiting the latter in jail in May, 2014. Along the way, he published his engaging autobiography Born In A Graveyard (available for $25 from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3, Canada). Expelled form the nursing profession for his religious beliefs, Mr. Whatcott supported himself by running a carpet cleaning business in Weyburn, Saskatchewan.
Last summer, he infiltrated the Vancouver Gay Pride Parade wearing a pink wig and shorts and styling himself as the Church of the Flying Squirrel and handing out hundreds of tracts along the way. Bill always brought humour and good spirits to his protest. Needless, to say the homosexual lobby was not amused and looked into ways to charge him. [Yes, fines, prison and legal punishment are the price of dissent from political correctness in Canada today.) He and U.S. campaigner Peter LaBarbera were arrested on the orders of the University of Regina for “mischief;” that is, setting up an information table with signs and literature in a public quad seeking to engage students in dialogue. The university felt it must protect its ADULT students from, politically incorrect ideas that might upset them and shake their faith in the cultural Marxist ideology being jammed into their heads. Mr. Whatcott was acquitted in court.
Last fall, he sought to organize a seminar on Christian morality, especially in terms of sexuality. The Regina Leader-Post, no fan of free speech except for itself, refused a paid ad for the event. The intrepid Mr. Whatcott and a few allies then set about handing out several thousand leaflets to advertize the event. Then, the Leader-Post sprang into action and approached the owner of the funeral home which was providing meeting space for the event and asked what his response would be to possible protests., The frightened man, who apparently shared many of Mr. Whatcott’s beliefs, said he’d been misled and promptly cancelled. A booking with the Delta lasted no more than a few hours. So, chalk up the Delta as another corporate entity with no commitment to free speech. Mr. Whatcott then approached a local Ukrainian Catholic Church whose views would be entirely in sinc with Mr. Whatcott’s traditional social conservatism. That booking held for a few days until the pastor decided he just didn’t want any controversy.
In the end, the speakers and a few supporters met quietly in a restaurant, in a sense, the “Last Supper” of Mr. Whatcott’s ministry in Saskatchewan. Mr. Whatcott was palpably hurt, not by the hostility of the homosexual lobby or the smug, swinish endless hypocrisy of the press, who, short months later would bray loudly “je suis Charlie” in favour of free speech in France (but not in Canada, of course)! No, Mr. Whatcott was broken by the cowardice, apathy, indifference and conformity of supposed fellow Christians. Standing up for free speech was, well, just too much trouble as was witnessing, or permitting another to witness, to the morality they claim to support.
Doug Christie always warned: “It’s not what’s in Charters of Rights and Freedoms or constitutions. You only have the freedom you’re prepared to fight for.” Sadly, the fighting spirit of Vimy Ridge has faded in far too many Canadians. Far too many Canadians are weak wimps and politically correct whipped wankers.
Meanwhile, Mr. Whatcott had lost many of his customers, frightened off by a homosexual lobby boycott and controversy.
Unable to make a living in his second profession, Mr. Whatcott has given up and moved abroad.
Someday, I hope sheepish Christians will repent and honour the man they helped the cultural communists in the judicial elite to martyr. Hopefully, a new generation will come to appreciate a loving, witty, dedicated Christian curmudgeon.
Bill, your colleagues still battling for free speech in this Christian-hating land wish you all the best.

Paul Fromm
Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

The following article is an excerpt from a longer posting of Bill Whatcott’s on March 10th, 2015 which is titled, “Whatcott ministry to Canada comes to an end.” Bill has been one Canadian who has displayed the intestinal fortitude that so many Canadians today lack when it comes to standing up for Canada rather than tossing their principles and their integrity into the Zionist ring and only standing up for Israel instead.

Dear Friends..........................

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