Friday, May 23, 2014

AV 2015. Rosa Koire, the 'Communitarian Witch'

Behind the Green Mask of Rosa Koire
by Niki Raapana with Nordica Friedrich
Anti Communitarian League
Friday, December 13, 2013

It is the latest thing!
Here is how, I believe, it appears to work.
You take years and years of honest, pain-staking, detailed and refined research.  You identify and excise some pertinent facts from it, then plagiarise and twist them to suit your own selfish agenda. You dye your hair so you look like a memorable cartoon. Then you shoot your fat mouth off on cheap US radio shows and at "conferences," and get films of yourself up on YouTube, and win yourself a fan club of truther trendies. Then bring out a tacky book of NWO-biased, plagiarised half-truths which the controlled MSM then happily promotes to 'the sheeple.'
Nice work if you can get it! As a kind of half-baked 'accademic' and actor/actress-come-paid-liar in the information war, I BELIEVE. 

Fracking Nightmare - Episode 25

OMG!  Oh dear!  At 58 minutes Ian R Crane announces - 
Rosa Koire is likely to be the Keynote speaker at the AV6 (Alternative View 6) in 2015!!!!   

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!  Are you nuts!

At 58 minutes in, Crane goes on to refer to Rosa Koire's 'work' in relation to the environment and Agenda 21!!!
Methinks Ian, that you are actually referring here to the considerable body of academic work by Niki Raapana

Hello!  I believe Koire is a fraud!  
I sincerely hope she is not the keynote speaker at this event, because I believe her to be a plagiariser, a twistspeaker, and a truth-bender! 

Stop being so bloody complacent and find out the truth!!!!!

Oh boy!
I believe Koire could be taking you all for a ride!  Enjoy the trip, suckers!

Anonymous said... "The first time I saw Rosa speak, I knew she was paid-for by central banking factions. Too much easy publicity, and then also the shock of white hair. She looked like (intentionally) the quintessential nut case. Her message always fell short of the whole Truth. Fabian socialism infiltrates from within, and then distorts the Truth..."

Charles Steiner, "I’m glad Rosa Koire is being treated in Agenda 21 for the Communitarian witch that she is and her deplorable denial of Niki Rapaana and Nordica Friedrich’s naming Zionist of Amitai Etzioni as the leader behind Communitarianism, which created Agenda 21.  If only Michael Shaw and Michael Coffman and Glenn Beck could have been added to the cartoon!"

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