Saturday, March 23, 2013

World's Nuclear Waste Problem, Mafia Solves It.

This is communitarianism. This is your community at work under the EU!
The Mafia tenders for government contracts, and gets them.  Not just in Italy either!
3rd sector?   Government contracts?  To the cheapest tender?

Good luck without the Freedom of Info Act 2000 right to find out what 'they' are up to!

With no right to find out anything under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  And new nuclear power stations planned for the UK?   
Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me!

The Real Pirates of Somalia, 

Chris Everard on France and nuclear research, amongst other topics. 
He knows his stuff. Listen and learn,   AT 1 HOUR 12 MINUTES INTO INTERVIEW.
                                                            The stealing of Billions of tax payers’ money. 
Plus massive insurance fraud, watch and think,