Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dodgy UKIP dodge Halal vote in EU Parl.

On July 4th Ukip MEP's, Farage and Nuttall, were seen to leave the EUroparl chamber prior to an important vote on Animal Welfare: Deliberately??

Possibly, because the animal welfare matters being decided, included the absence of stunning before slaughter - which relates, inter alia, to Halal.

Whatever the reason, Farage, and his toady, Nuttall, do not give a damn for this cruel practice! Perhaps because Spivboy didn't want to fall foul of his politically-correct mentors and handlers at the BBC, and elsewhere by voting to end this barbaric practice. Or possibly, because he feared what his solicitor mate Zuckerman (British Board of Deputies) might say with regard to kosher slaughter?

Mail on Sunday series of stories about halal meat in British stores

Question: What price principle, Nigel?
Answer: depends on what is best for Nigel!

BTW, in the Telegraph, Farage has challenged the Prime Minister to have an open debate with him on the EU. Given Farage's refusal to debate with others I see no reason why Cameron should oblige him. Not that Farage expects to get a debate, it's just another of his cheap self publicity shots!

I've got a suggestion though, maybe someone would like to challenge Farage to a debate on why he's so uninterested in Halal slaughter methods?

A. by email.

Has Nuttall hit on the real reason for Farage
missing an Animal Welfare vote?????

Below: research papers relevant to the debate that were available to MEP's

Research 29th June 2012.

Animal Welfare: agriculture committee calls for crackdown on offenders.

AGRI Agriculture − 19-06-2012 - 19:55

Animal welfare rules must be enforced and offenders must be punished, say agriculture MEPs in a resolution adopted on Tuesday. The wellbeing of animals is closely linked to public health and good animal husbandry helps prevent the spread of diseases, they stress. The non-binding resolution, passed by 34 votes to 3, with 4 abstentions, calls for a single set of EU-wide rules to crack down on those who break them and close loopholes.

"The failure to enforce animal welfare legislation leads to legal uncertainty, distortions of competition among producers in Europe and the deception of consumers. That's why we need a science-based European animal welfare framework law", said Marit Paulsen (ALDE, SE), who drafted the resolution in response to the Commission's Animal Welfare Strategy for 2012-2015 adopted in January.

Better controls and tough sanctions Animal welfare rules are still being broken, despite some progress, say MEPs. They want member states to employ more inspectors and the EU Food and Veterinary Office to have more powers. Any breach of the rules must be properly penalised, with ample information on how to remove deficiencies, stress MEPs. To avoid long delays in applying the rules, as happened with the laying hens directive, the committee calls for an early intervention system to allow the Commission to check at intervals whether member states can meet the deadline.

New labelling. MEPs want new rules on labelling to prevent abuses and inform consumers about farming methods and animal welfare. For example, the derogation for un-stunned slaughtering has been exploited in some member states, leading to complaints in petitions to Parliament by European citizens. To close this loophole, MEPs ask the Commission to consider creating an un-stunned slaughter label. They also call for an EU-wide voluntary labelling scheme for meat and dairy products, to help consumers make more informed choices.

Trade with third countries, The committee stresses that equivalent welfare standards should apply to all imported animals and products to ensure a level-playing field for EU farmers and comparable quality standards for EU consumers.

All kept animals and pets to be covered. New animal-welfare legislation should also cover all kept animals, including dairy cows, but also cats, dogs and other domestic pets, which are currently not protected by any EU law.

Next steps. The full House votes on the resolution in July. The Commission is expected to table an EU-wide animal welfare framework law in 2013.

Research Opinion. Note new labelling proposals for ‘Un-stunned’. Perhaps the question should be asked as to why the report could not bring itself to refer to Halal/Kosher, just ‘un-stunned’. Overall this is just more rule making which perhaps the already high standards of UK animal husbandry may not require. However the labelling of Halal should be welcomed and this may be what it takes to force the UK governments hand on the issue. It could also be a huge blow to this alien method of inhumane slaughter. See article below. If the widespread practice of not labelling Halal was stopped it could kill the industry as most people given a choice would refuse to buy/eat it.

Daily Mail 1st Jan 2012. The Palace of Westminster has rejected demands to serve halal meat in its restaurants. Muslim MPs and peers have been told they cannot have meat slaughtered in line with Islamic tradition because the method – slitting an animal’s throat without first stunning it – is offensive to many of their non-Muslim colleagues. The stance has infuriated some parliamentarians who have eaten meat in the Palace’s 23 restaurants and cafes, having been assured that it was halal. Lord Ahmed of Rotherham said: ‘I did feel misled. I think a halal option should be made available.’

In 2010, the Mail on Sunday revealed schools, hospitals and restaurants were serving halal meat to unwitting customers. Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Somerfield and the Co-op all said they stocked meat slaughtered according to Islamic tradition without letting customers know.

Fast-food chains including Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, KFC, ­Nando’s and Subway are also using halal meat without ­telling customers, it was revealed.