The new ArcelorMittal Orbit Tower in London's Olympic Park.
The perfect Mittal monument.
At a time when the British are suffering mammoth cuts across public services and things are so bad here that nurses may soon have to take pay cuts!!!!......
I believe this arrogant a*seh*le has paid millions for a monument to himself? But just like its sponsor, this tower is BENT, isn't it? Is it not disturbing, warped, sick, weird, unsettling, unattractive, perverted and downright UGLY? and ironically, very appropriate?
Why is a this thing, who apparently contributes virtually NOTHING to the British People but sponges here like a great, greedy, parasitical leech, why is this thing having a monument – admittedly a very ugly monument, named after him?
Are we, the British People, actually INSANE for allowing this?
“Building Design magazine’s Oliver Wainwright was not quite as impressed. ‘It’s just an obnoxious statement and a totem pole to the richest man in the U.K.’ he told the Telegraph.”
Mittal is not the richest man in the UK, HE IS ONE OF THE TIGHTEST, MEANEST SCROUNGERS IN THE UK, isn't he? Millions on a monument - little or nothing on the NHS, etc?!
Pay your dues Mittal, like the restof us – or f*ck o*f to he*l!