Monday, June 18, 2012

MMR in Scotland.

Now USA, Italian and other Courts are all accepting the link that some people are predisposed to get brain damage/autism from vaccines. So why the cover up in the UK?
Why is the BBC still not investigating and presenting the growing worldwide evidence. Just some of the evidence is attached and referenced below.
Jeremy Vine, unlike the board and trustees of the BBC, I and the general public trust you. At the time you ran a slot on your radio 2 show on MMR and Autism. However you refused to call in the parents of vaccine damaged children. Will you do so now? The BBC’s is a puppet of the English Westminster Parliament and their lack of investigation is now directly impacting the children and adults of Scotland.
Check out the following video links:
1. The systematic abuse of Scotland’s children by the Westminster Government in England was further demonstrated when it became public knowledge that the British Medical Council failed to disclose to the Scottish Parliament that their key witness, Professor Sir Michael  Rutter FRS, published a paper 4 years before Dr Wakefield’s stating categorically (unlike Dr Wakefield’s) that Vaccines were a  probable cause of Autism (see the attach link as to what Wakefield actually said).
The proof of the deceit of the Westminster Parliament on Scotland can be found within, Professor Sir Michael  Rutter FRS paper …… 
Rutter M, Bailey A, Bolton P, et al Autism and known medical conditions: Myth and Substance, journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry 1994 35 (2) 311-22.
2. Check out this video on YouTube:
3. Watch the full video clip and see first-hand the lengths the Westminster Parliament, backed up by the BBC went cover up.