Sunday, April 1, 2012

Swansea Students

How dim can you get?
Look at the utterly lame explanation for these students' recent ridiculous behaviour related to Brian Gerrish’s Swansea meeting. Doesn’t this display good research skills – NOT!? They clearly relied upon nothing more than idle gossip for their source of info. prior to Brian's meeting!
"UPDATE: From the reactions to this post, our team would like to clarify some points. This demonstration was organised by UAF Wales and was supported by NUS Wales Black Students’ Campaign who made a decision to act on the information supplied by UAF Wales, most notably the nature of the subject matter for this event. The subject matter for this event was verified from Kevin Edwards blog (a former BNP member) – click here for the screen grab.+++"
This is what dumbing down education results in, mediocre students in college and uni. who clearly do not have the capacity to really be there.These are the kind of graduates who will end up in Common Purpose and get slipped into positions of power (diversity!) to help deconstruct our laws and customs and facilitate the ongoing EU, communitarian plunderfest! Clueless! To coin a phrase from Julia Middleton, they are typical "useful idiots." (mind you, ironically, she is a big fat one herself isn't she?)
And, to be honest, are the Asians in charge of this uni. organisation demonstration strictly black? Really? They are not what I call black.
Poor dumdums:
They think they are black when they aren’t.
They don’t know what a fascist is, they only know they must hate them!
And they are either very lazy and/or utterly useless at research! This is what a black student from South Wales looks like to me.