Tuesday, April 10, 2012

London Summer Olympics, Security Test. 7/4/2012

Trenton Oldfield, the Boat Race disruptor. 7/4/2012
Did the Elite organise this?
What an excellent test for London Olympic security later this summer?
Failed miserably didn't it?
Thus ensuring an excuse for even more millions of tax payers' money to be poured into the various Olympic third sector, communitarian, "charity" trusts and quangos bottomless pit!
And ensuring that, in the future, the Boat Race will be much more expensive to hold and will be patrolled by machine gun weilding police units along the banks of the river Thames.
Way to go Trent! You Feckturd!

Added By: Rothers
Trenton OldfieldThis is the knob who decided to interrupt the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge. He decided to do it in protest of elitism. I'm nominating him not for his actions, or his reasons, but simply because of his naivety. Did he really think that the world would listen and switch over to communist values simply because he decided to swim in front of a boat race. What a fucking idiot.

Sunday, April 8, ReverendCoitus, Quote:

Hypocritical, fuck-witted little faux-Marxist cunt. Went to the LSE and is a member of the RSA. Elitist little bastard. (Elitist little OZZIE bastard actually)

Fishfingers, Quote:

Attention seeking prick in my opinion. Only time he had been on the tv before was when his Grandad bent him over his black and white picture box to fuck him.

BettySwallocks, Quote:

According to the RSA's social network page, Trenton Oldfield is 'currently researching the socio-political history of fenced green spaces in London. The fucking puff. LOL

According to the Guardian: Trust the bloody Guardian to know all about this worthless tosser! Read this - if you can bear to!

http://elitismleadstotyranny.squarespace.com/ This is Trenton Feckturd's manifesto!

Why do I care?

This Ozzie Feckturd seems to hate toffee-nosed Eton public school cunts like Cameron and Boris.
SATURDAY'S STUNT WAS DISGUSTING! It was the wrong place to protest against the Elite. Toffee nosed Eton-type public school cunts like Cameron, Blair, Brown and Boris have never rowed in their lives!
They are sly psychopaths with no guts or self-discipline!
Most rowers in the UK are ordinary,train very hard, love their sport, and go to ordinary colleges or have jobs, they are not elite at all!
I happen to know this personally. My working class daughter rows! All her colleagues are average young people who desrve some respect. All this did was upset decent youngsters, and disappoint the public.
If this worthless, feckturd weirdo wants to do something useful he should blow up Parliament or Buck Bloody House!