Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sheffield University History Dept. Book Trashing 2011-12.

This book now needs a new chapter, called "Sheffield University"

Sheffield University's History Dept. has recently moved to trendy new buildings. Since before Christmas 2011, I believe, workmen have been in the old history building to gut it and refurbish it. Just before Xmas, I have been reliably informed, a demolition team filled 2 LARGE SKIPS WITH THOUSANDS OF OLD HISTORY BOOKS. THESE BOOKS TOOK THE FULL FORCE OF THE HOWLING WINDS AND TORRENTIAL WINTER RAINSTORMS with which the UK was battered. Can you believe this? I am finding this very hard to deal with. As we were getting ready for Christmas, dodging the storms and enjoying the holiday, these precious books were soaking and rotting in the open air! UNBELIEVABLE!

I cannot express my utter contempt for this disgusting business, it's like something out of 'Fahrenheit 451' and comparable to the Nazis.

A friend who was sent to work on site just after the New Year salvaged 2 carrier bags of historical journals for me which never made it to the skips and stayed dry. If only he had been there the week before,he was informed, there were 2 skips full! How can a "respectable" university, a centre of higher knowledge and learning, behave in such an appalling, wasteful and disrespectful way? I am still reeling from the shock. I also have the old door signs, "Library" and "Old Library."

Everyone I have told about this is utterly horrified. It's kept me awake at night!

Why has this happened? Stupidity? Laziness, selfishness, or a deliberate act to supress knowledge? When I go to bookshops, charity shops, car boot sales, etc. I have noticed over the last 15 years or so that non-fiction books are just not around much anymore, apart from dozy biographies, gardening, cookery, the odd attractive coffee table book, and sport. And it's nearly all junk novels now, have you noticed this?

Why couldn't these books be sold to second hand book dealers, why not auction them off, or give them away to a charity? I know people who would have filled up a van for £100.00 or £500.00 and the money could have been put to good use.

Is there an agenda in Britain to destroy knowledge? Many believe there is. A quick study of the Fabian Society, the Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School would pay most people dividends however, theory is one thing, you can know about it in your head but, when evil physically touches you and your circle, it still shocks your heart. I know, but I don't want to finally accept, that there are such wicked, disgusting people in the world. I have to though.

Burning or destroying a library is destroying peoples' study, theories, dreams, ideas, plans. People who are no longer with us have very kindly left their hard work behind for us to learn from. Other people, who have also now passed on, saw fit to appreciate these works and purchase them for the library with public money, or paid for and donated them. Where has respect gone? Common decency? Appreciation, high standards and civilised behaviour?

The remaining part of one set of books from the trash, that we salvaged, were donated as a gift to the university and have the lady's name inside. They are illustrated and have gold leaf on the cover, and are beautifully bound in leather. Very expensive in their day.

I could not go to university when I was young. I would have loved to go but it was unaffordable and much harder to do, back then. I did my degree, years later, as a mature student at Sheffield University! It was a big achievement that I had waited a long time for. Sadly, university nowadays is for students - not for scholars! I have a rare document in my possession which I have been considering getting properly bound to donate to Sheffield University for posterity but I am far too scared to now! I just might burn my degree certificate on the campus near the Dean's office because I am so angry and disappointed over this!

Just when you think you have heard enough, some other bastard kicks you in the guts! Thanks, Sheffield University!

A scene from François Truffaut's film 'Farenheit 451.' (1966)

Commemorative plaque to Nazi book-burning in 1933 on Römerberg Square, Frankfurt City Hall, Hesse, Germany.
