Friday, January 6, 2012


The traitors, cowards and robots in Parliament:

On November 30th, Robert Green, the high profile private investigator exposing the terrible truth about what happened to Hollie Greig (, took part in a well publicised presentation in the Jubilee Room at the House of Commons on organised ritual child abuse. The evidence that people in positions of trust, including some senior politicians, are involved in paedophilia is appalling enough, but there is now growing evidence that satanic rituals take place in some quarters and real unspeakable evil is meted out to some of our most vulnerable children, including ritual sacrifice!. So you would think that a presentation on ritual child abuse might attract a standing room only audience. Well, out of 650 MPs, only three bothered to turn up, and even then one of them for just a few minutes. As far as I’m concerned, that’s it! Our country deserves better and our present parliamentary system is clearly not fit for purpose. It has to go!

Every MP in Parliament has been repeatedly sent essential and truthful information that would have them all asking the right questions in the House of Commons if they were thoroughly decent, honourable and wise people. We all know that the dreadful things happening in the world cannot just be put down to systemic failures due to human error and poor planning. The real reasons are quite simple. The whole global corporate system is rotten, fraudulent and designed to enslave the peoples of the world. It ensures that a tiny minority of one per cent in all countries enjoy a luxurious and obscene lifestyle at the expense of the rest of us. And the ingenious part of this corrupt system is that we have all been brainwashed and programmed into believing that there is no other way and that this is what ‘life’ is all about. From cradle to grave, we work (if we are able), we consume (on their terms) and we pay their taxes (without question or dissent). They control this extraordinarily complex and criminal corporate, legal and banking system by dividing us into political parties, religions, cultures and all manner of ‘ologies’ and ‘isms’ to ensure that we never work out the complete truth about what is really happening to all of us.

To put it very bluntly, our MPs are a bloody disgrace! They are just party robots. My own MP, Tim Farron, the current President of the Liberal Democrats and MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, quietly told me five years ago that he had a problem with the official narrative of 9/11 after seeing the visual and scientific evidence that proved that the ‘attacks’ were a ‘false flag’ event and had nothing whatsoever to do with militant Islam. He remained silent, not asking one searching question in the House of Commons even though British soldiers continue to die fighting this bogus War on Terror, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children who have perished in Iraq and Afghanistan. I’m sorry, but in my book he has displayed appalling cowardice! But he is not alone….all the MPs in the House of Commons over the last seven years have been consistently alerted to the glaring inconsistencies concerning the official account of what happened on that fateful day, and not one of them has done anything to find out the real truth. They are a disgrace! They will not go where the evidence takes them. As I say, they are just party robots doing as they are told.
And some of the MPs would appear to be openly traitors. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, and the junior MP for Penrith and the Borders, Rory Stewart, both attended the Bilderberg Conference in Switzerland last year. For those who haven’t heard of the Bilderberg Group, it is supposedly a ‘think tank’ for some of the most powerful people in banking, business, politics and the media, along with a smattering of European royalty, where they can all meet as ‘equals’ to discuss openly and confidentially the big issues of the day. The reality is quite different – like the Committee of 300, Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission and the Council for Foreign Relations, it is where key decision makers (useful idiots) meet to receive their instructions from the House of Rothschild, the main driving force for the New World Order and the planned corporate enslavement of the world. It is also a fact that when political unknowns, like Rory Stewart, attend a Bilderberg Conference, their careers suddenly take off (Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Margaret Thatcher….the list goes on, but, out of fairness to Mrs T, she did eventually fall out with them over the EU and this is what caused her political demise). So the question is this, what’s planned for Rory Stewart? Despite repeated polite requests to him to find out what was agreed and what was said at the latest Bilderberg Conference, Stewart refuses to answer, believing instead he has a right to a private political life. This is incredible! We elect MPs to be the protectors of our country’s sovereignty and wellbeing, and yet they seem to think they can get away with conspiring with criminals to carry out hidden agendas designed to distress our country and its people into even greater servitude and debt slavery. In the case of Rory Stewart, we will be asking the police to investigate his actions as we believe a Common Law charge of treason can be successfully brought against him.

Before reading any further, I would urge the reader to look at this short video:
This is cutting edge science being undertaken by open minded scientists. Incredibly, we are all one. That’s right! We are all from the One Consciousness… when it comes to the controversial issue of immigration, I want people to please look at things in a slightly different way. Yes, our country is becoming overcrowded, and yes, we must stop this planned uncontrolled immigration which the global elite have deliberately inflicted upon our nation in order to create tensions and problems to the social cohesion of our country. Operating clandestinely, some of our elected representatives have worked to a criminal globalist agenda for over fifty years – an agenda that aspires to see alien cultures flourishing whilst creating social tensions as well as breaking down the sovereignty and identity of strong, well established nations as the global elite prepare for their planned European Superstate.

Now, my viewpoint is very clear and very simple. All of us in Great Britain who reside here lawfully, regardless of our skin colours and cultures, are the victims of the New World Order. We must all stand together, arm in arm, to defeat this global threat peacefully and effectively. Yes, from a purely practical viewpoint, we must close the immigration flood gates, but we must do so with humanity and compassion….not an easy task I know. But remember this! Once the truth comes out about how countries all around the world have been unlawfully distressed, exploited and plunged into debt by the criminal psychopaths; once people can see a clear way to removing ALL poverty in the world as well as ALL tyrannies, then the need for economic migration and political refugees will become a thing of the past. People will quite simply want to live and be happy in the countries they were born in. Problem solved!

Islam in Britain:
Now we come to a subject which I know divides some people within the Lawful Rebellion movement….and that is the spread of Islam in Great Britain. Let’s get one thing straight right from the outset – throughout history, all religions have been created and encouraged by the hidden controlling elite in order to control and divide humanity and so prevent it from ever finding the ultimate spiritual truth. Knowledge is power and the ancient Mystery Schools and Secret Societies were well aware of this. All religions were created to have a tremendous amount of good about them, but there were always enough poisonous lies and ruthless religious hierarchies to ensure that no one religion would ever become too dominant and that religious wars and bloodletting were guaranteed.
In my humble opinion, if you want to search for the truth about life and who we really are, you can’t do better than to look at the wisdom of the world’s surviving indigenous peoples who are unaffected by imposed mainstream religions and who have oral traditions and histories going back thousands of years. Couple this with the latest discoveries coming from cutting edge quantum physics, along with an open and questioning mind, and I think you have an excellent base line from which to start your spiritual journey. Certainly, the overwhelming numbers of people who have a religious faith are good and sincere people and we are all united in defeating evil…..and it is that evil, in the guise of The New World Order, which Lawful Rebellion will expose and bring down.
Islam, being the newest of the mainstream religions, has been enjoying a recent surge in countries where Christianity is the prominent religion. This surge is met with approval by the New World Order as they desperately try to trigger a ‘clash of civilisations’, a clash between Christianity and Islam that will endanger and put at risk the sovereignty and well-being of many of the old, well established and conservative thinking European countries that stand in the way of the New World Order’s plan for global governance on their terms. We must remember this every time issues concerning Islam in Britain come up.

In recent times we’ve seen the emergence of the English Defence League – this is an organisation which has been created by those who seek such a ‘clash of civilisations’. There is overwhelming evidence to link the EDL with Zionism and the State of Israel, the Rothschild created fiefdom. Yes, there are hotheads and fundamentalists within the British Islamic communities who are behaving extremely foolishly and in ways designed to incite the indigenous population. They may have hidden controllers stirring things up, they may not. Certainly the attempts to introduce Sharia Law to some parts of Britain must and will be scuppered – only Common Law is allowed to exist in our country and no other. But let’s just step back a moment and consider these two essential facts.

Firstly, the attacks on the 11th September 2001 were ‘false flag’ attacks not carried out by Muslims, but by Rothschild Zionist rogue elements within America to initiate the bogus so-called ‘War on Terror’.

Secondly, Islam does not support or practice the use of usury within their banking system, unlike the Rothschild Zionists who have used usury to plunge nations and families into unlawful debt. However, I’m not an apologist for Islam, far from it! I am well aware of how badly women are treated in some Islamic countries like Afghanistan and how child brides and paedophilia are allowed within some Islamic communities. This must be condemned outright and stopped. But please remember how children are being harmed by Catholic priests and how the truth about paedophile activities within the Roman Catholic Church are only now slowly coming to light and being grudgingly recognised by the Pope. So please be balanced when criticising the Islamic religion. They have problems. We have problems. They have easily controlled fanatics. We have easily controlled fanatics. Let’s simply come together and work in harmony together as human beings to expose and defeat this evil mindset that seeks to control us all.