Friday, December 9, 2011

Welcome to Soviet Socialist Britain

The mask of Soviet Britain has finally slipped off with the news that British housewife Emma West is to spend Christmas and New Year behind bars while four female Somali thugs convicted of a violent and unprovoked assault on a white passerby are freed to walk the streets.

Anyone who had any doubts about the violent nature of the establishment would have received a nasty wake-up call with the ruling today that Emma West, the white girl from Croydon whose crime it was to be rude on a tram, has been refused bail and ordered locked up until her next appearance.

The excuse which the prosecution and the court used for this outrageous decision to deprive Ms West of her liberty was her “safety.” Apparently threats have been made against Ms West on the internet and so the anti-white establishment Soviet Britain puppets decided the safest place for her is in jail.

This is of course just an excuse to take her children away from her as well, so as to exert the maximum pressure on her and to make an example of any white person who dares to speak their mind about how this country is now being run.

Consider for a second, Ms West’s alleged crime: she was most certainly very rude to the people in the tram. Using flowery language, she told them in no uncertain terms that they should go back to their countries of origin and that Britain was being destroyed. They were harsh words, indelicately expressed.

But since when did being rude become a crime? Is this the state of Britain today? When a person gets locked up in prison over Christmas and New Year and has their children taken away - just because they were rude?

Compare Ms West’s “crime” to the recent vicious, violent, unprovoked and racist physical assault on a white passerby, carried out by four Somalis in Leicester.

Despite the overtly anti-white and racist nature of their words, and the vicious violence these non-whites used, the same establishment court system set the attackers free.

Soviet Britain, 2011

The crazy reasoning behind this state of affairs is simple: decades of crypto-communist brainwashing which makes the automatic presumption that anyone white is “racist” and “guilty” and that anyone non-white is never racist and almost always innocent.

Time is running out for all British people to resist the creeping Sovietisation of Britain.

* You might want to send Emma West Christmas cards and even a personal gift (money will be most welcome, we are sure) to her directly in the British Soviet Gulag at:

Emma West

C/O HMP Bronzefield

Woodthorpe Road



TW15 3JZ