Saturday, December 10, 2011

Guy Leven-Torres, 10 December 2011

The Saturday Essay

By Guy Leven-Torres 10th December 2011

'Just Thought You Might Like To Know'

One of the major problems I have at present is credibility, even in spite of all the ongoing madness surrounding us. To say we live in 'interesting times' is something of an understatement. It is not even a Chinese curse but the very fact we do indeed live in such a period. I have not been able to print half the stuff I know because it would not be believed. My book 'The Unbreakable Glassmakers Takeover The Asylum' is being read by the Police. I knew they would take an interest eventually in my 'activities'. Until now it has been the occasional visit, a few noises here and there but as yet nothing has stuck to me. Sure I had one of the various covert surveillance teams once or twice following me around the country and even sitting in a car or two outside my house, where I could see them. I even asked them in for a cup of tea. They finally decided I was harmless. However the book maybe a different matter. I never would have believed even ten years ago that we now live in a country where authors of truly liberal persuasion, although outspoken, would have their work investigated. I now live with a constant nagging, slowly dripping fear, anxiously pitted in my stomach. I always knew this was a risk but it is one I am prepared to take, even if others are not. I am no hero by the way but simply pissed off with Politically Correct individuals and groups telling me what to think, how to think, how to speak and what to speak with their permission. For myself, declared 'unacademic' in their opinion and even 'persona non grata', such behaviour is like a red rag to a bull- absolute anathema. In Leftspeak, 'unacademic' means that I do not swallow or believe the Marxist tripe and twaddle that is regarded as 'academic' in their terms. The Left are very good at accusing others of what they themselves are, as in 'unacademic'. The Left have a lexicon all of their own. Older scholars who trained me regarded me as a 'very good scholar indeed' to quote one.

As a scholar I must follow the truth come what may. I have rigidly done so and that has brought me to my present situation. My aged father and wife worry that I may one day dig a hole for myself from which there is no escape. However, I will not cower in fear, even if I am scared but will as always, stand where the blighters can see me and give it to them in my usual fashion. I despise evil and these people are not only evil but warped, even sick.

One of the most ridiculous events I learned of in my travels was of a Northern Police Force investigating a 'hate crime', after a football supporter complained about another fan rubbishing his team Manchester City. Such is the scope of such 'hate law' and this is to be seen on any County Force website, that any incident that causes the 'victim' distress is subject to investigation. Harriet Harman's 'Equality Act' now extends the scope by allowing for third parties, not even present to feel offence, even if they only heard about it from another source. 'Hearsay' was under English Common Law inadmissible in a court of law. Only three or four other countries allowed such gossip to be used in evidence- the USSR, China, Germany in the 1930s, and the Terror in Revolutionary France. The Roman Church also took depositions from such provenances, to indict heretics. How the hell we ever arrived or allowed this rotten situation to evolve beggars my own credulity. My book contains nothing but old fashioned commonsense. That of course is my perceived 'crime'. It has already been suggested that I may be a 'proto-Brevik'.

A young woman rots in prison for an outburst on a tram in Croydon. For this heinous offence, she has been detained over the holiday period and her children removed into care. The message and warning is clear, 'If you are white and Christian' you will be crushed into oblivion, your name spread across the increasingly hysterical media as 'Public Enemy Of The People No 1'. Of course they do not mean the white indigenous population of the country who are barely tolerated to exist by the self-admiring 'Progressive' elite but their coloured, sexual and other minority clients from 'Transgenders' to the 'disabled'. I read that journalists in the court at which she was to appear, hugged each other and grinned their appreciation of the detention of the 'offender'. Actually, being an ex magistrate's Clerk myself, I cannot see on what ground they can detain her, except possible affray, or 'Breach of the Queen's Peace' (1952 Magistrate's Court Act et al) that involves a bind over in her own cognizance for 12 months in which she promises to be 'of good behaviour' and allowed to leave the court. Oh no, the woman had to be made an example for all to see. That is not impartial justice but tyranny and favour shown to a favoured section of society- mob rule and show trials in other words, akin to the trials of the July plotters who tried to remove Hitler in 1944. The message had to be got out as a message to all. Yes we got the message loud and clear but far from scaring this author, it simply proves my point that we are ruled by thugs with a most heinous political agenda. I am married to a black woman myself by the way. I even affectionately call her 'Jungle Bunny', while she refers to me as 'Senor Burrito' after the pack-mules used across South America. One Spanish friend suggested comically but too insensitively for my staid English tastes, that it referred to something else. I have already been investigated for using this term of endearment based solely on the opinion of a woman who overheard us in a supermarket. I never use it outside nowadays.

Today we see that Minister of Justice, Clark- he of whisky and suede shoes fame- has doubled the sentence for offenders found guilty of hate crimes, involving gender or colour, so creating further division or tiers of law. One for the favoured elite clients and the others for the vermin-us. I am also of the opinion that sharia will soon follow. A Parliamentary Committee on Islamophobia, is said to be considering this as well within their remit, taking advice from 'community Leaders'.

The former outburst by the Archbishop of Canterbury was a deliberate ploy to test public reaction, as is all the fuss about assisted suicide and making it compulsory to allow one's corpse to be harvested for spare parts. I have also noted the killing of elderly relatives by British white families after their wealth. This was almost unheard of during the formerly Christian UK but I have to say, that with that faith struggling to survive and treated as a fringe faith, while Islam is feted as is our ongoing deliberate Islamification, such events will increase. Rome too suffered slow barbarisation by allowing the demonisation of her ancient gods and the influx of imported barbarians. Since we know that 'honour killings' are a barely mentioned 'event' in the UK today, then why should we be at all surprised by similar acts by our own kind who follow this 'fashion'? Hundreds of British Asian men and women have disappeared, never to be investigated by Police for fear of being racist, or 'Islamophobe', by an hysterical media. Such is the historical process and what it encourages in wider society that adopts the behaviour and morals of the savage. Rome tried to ban Roman citizens from wearing beards and barbarian dress. Little good it did them. Today, almost daily I see white men with days of scruffy stubble. I would not be seen dead unshaven or even wearing a suit without a tie. The stubble I believe is another aspect of our Islamification that started in the eighties with the wearing of Arab head-scarves. Fashion is not simply fashion but and important agent of social change and outcome.

In short, even if we do leave the EU, the problems above still remain and may even become worse. It is our own elite that are the biggest menace of all to what is left of our fast dwindling liberty. We now live in a barbarous, increasingly amoral society, where in savagery and perversion are the law while the normal is traduced. A society of pychopathological outlook- a society of death, violence, cruelty and evil. Personally I wish to live in a society where evil and filth is the exception, not the normal way of matters. Your choice?
