Friday, October 21, 2011

A message from the Godless

Not a fan of the British M.S.M. – QUITE THE REVERSE these days, but I did watch the news on UK t.v. last night (Friday) flicking between ITV and BBC1 out of interest to see what was said about Gadaffi.
(BTW, how strange that these 2 totally separate and individual, independent news channels manage to be synchronised to within a mili-second of each other, covering exactly and precisely the same issues and “stories” simultaneously, in incredibly similar ways!) This was reported about Thursday’s coverage – which I did not see.
But yesterday, (Fri.) they broadcast yet more of the same? Why, after being so heavily criticised?
They must adore the controversy?
They must really want to shock the British public even more?

I believe these broadcasts were a clear message to all leaders and future leaders from the Zionists.
Give in, do our bidding without question or complaint, or this will be you and your loved ones! We are Godless, vengeful and unforgiving, we will wait years to get you and TORTURE AND KILL your children in the end. We are wealthy psychopaths and will ruin your country and destroy everything you love, and we are going to take everything from all of you. What can you do? NOTHING!

The coverage of Gadaffi’s downfall broadcast on both channels last night was disgustingly vile! Both showed, yet again, the amateur mobile phone footage by his murderers, from the Web, of a bloodied and battered old man being dragged about, pleading for his life while a lunatic, blood-crazed rabble of criminal scum set on him like mad dogs. His corpse was shown, and his son’s corpse was shown, roughly laid out, surrounded by crowds of jubilant, ecstatic young ghouls laughing and gawping at the sideshow. The same sort of repulsive crowds that surrounded the gallows centuries ago or the guillotines in France, I imagine.
All the while, the British journalists were striking an upbeat, cheerful commentary over all this! It was absolutely harrowing and sickening, and I cannot imagine this coverage and reporting happening back in the Black & White days when the news was sedately presented by more dignified and manly men in suits and bow ties.

It was like Saddam Hussein’s downfall all over again.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha - We could win £10,000 (or make millions now he’s dead) !!??” Next to references to football, romance, win a pint of milk! and the totally un-Christian vengeful, hate-inciting references to Lockerbie, Yvonne Fletcher – and the Express “gunned down in a sewer,” etc. to justify the horrible video images of this bestiality.

Where's the regret, the mercy, justice, dignity, and kindness?

I do not hate the Godless country Britain has become but, I do hate all those in power here and the wicked games they are playing with our people's minds. Where is our common decency going? I know the British people are better than these MSM broadcasters and MSM news rag printers who are just cursed servants to the Beast. Our great grandparent’s generation were amazing. Something’s going horribly wrong here, it’s not the ordinary people – it’s the warped cowards like these in charge and the evil un-Christian Elite above them:! 53 seconds in, bankers’ slaves mock protesters. This is what, I believe, is in charge of our lives here now – Godless, greedy quaffing and scoffing leeches, arrogant, irresponsible and uncaring, they are selfish, bare-faced thieves and assist mass-murderers. They are THE FACILITATORS OF ALL EVIL, parasites of the most devious and repulsive kind.