Monday, October 31, 2011

The Musa family need our support

Monday 31st October outside the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand WC2, 9 am onwards

here will be a demo in support of Nigerian couple Chiwar and Gloria MUSA who are in RCJ Family Division Court for 4 days this week defending themselves against LONDON BOROUGH OF HARINGEY who have removed all of their 6 young children from them.
The Musas might not always have played quite straight with Haringey eg on accommodation issues, but nothing justifies this horrible attack on their family life. There has been no contact at all with their oldest child 11-year-old Favour Musa since August 2010 when she sent an SOS to her parents that she was being abused in the foster-care home. The youngest ‘Queen’ Elizabeth born 11th June 2010 was snatched immediately after birth in hospital, police invaded the maternity ward at 4 am, roughed up mother Gloria Musa and made off with her newborn! This snatching of newborn infants has happened in other Boroughs too.
It’s hard work for us still relatively few who are aware of these atrocities & injustices being perpetrated by our own public officials, rubber-stamped by the Family Courts, but WE HAVE TO STAND UP! or this evil will only continue to replicate and get worse.
Therefore I do hope a few kindred spirits will be able to join me outside RCJ tomorrow morning (as on Thursday last week in support of Hollie, thank you!) despite the short notice. With respect to the thousands on my mailing list who are simply too far away for instantaneous action in London or have jobs to go to, etc. I do know you would join us if you could and are behind any action to protect children from paedophilia, from exploitation as a commercial resource by the State, etc.
(It’s disgusting to me that HARINGEY the Borough where I reside is making MONEY from stealing the beautiful Musa children and traumatizing this whole family.)
Tomorrow morning a French film company is coming to film our demo at RCJ. Publicising the atrocities going on in modern Britain will of course delight the French public, we are not so far from the Middle Ages! although the French have exactly the same syndrome going on in their own public life & courts as I know from first hand.
Let no one think a few fine buildings make a city or civilization, it’s how we treat our children, vulnerable adults/the disabled, the aged and the animals that defines us as civilized, or otherwise.
So I do hope a few can join me outside RCJ tomorrow, or next time.
McKenzie Friend, Musa Family > 18,000 visitors since 23 July 2011
... stolen by Haringey Council: six Nigerian children who want to go Home
... to comply with UN and EU Declarations of Human Rights: > 400 signatures and >2,500 page views
The Secrecy of Family Courts should be lifted NOW > 700 signatures & 10,000 page views
... after having heard about too many heart wrenching stories
Blogger, Victims Unite! > 65,000 visits since August 2010
... Empowering victims of fraud and white collar crimes
National Co-ordinator, Forum for Stable Currencies - meetings in Westminster since 1998
... Advocating Economic Democracy through Freedom from National Debt
Links sent by Sabine K McNeill []
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T: 020 7328 3701 - M: 07968 039 141

Saturday, October 29, 2011

videos of interest Oil is not made of fossilised sea shells and forests; you have been lied to by your teachers and the media….Listen to old Texe, he knows a thing or two... Of course, otherwise the Chinese will want trade unions and want to save the natural resources they are currently plundering in Tibet and elsewhere, and might want a clean environment to live in, then the prices will go up! Can't have that can we? War is big money, much more is planned. Why bother building when you can make of fortune from blowing stuff up, plus it gets rid of a large numbers of those pesky Goys at the same time.......

Friday, October 28, 2011

Queen in Australia to Destroy the English Constitution

How better to show our "delight" at her betrayal?

What the Hell is going on?
The Queen has sneaked off to Australia with her vile husband and Dodgy Dave to bugger about with our English constitution?

I wondered what was up for her to be going down there, as she wobbled down the plane steps. She doesn't travel much these days does she? So it had to be for something corrupt, at her age.
And it was!

I hope all the Queen–loving and monarchy-loving idiots in the British Constitution Group are very, VERY HAPPY!!!!!????

And never speak to me again!
I told you so! I have known for ages she is rotten through and through!

She has NO RIGHT to tinker about with our Constitution or allow Dodgy Dave to do so either.

Thanks for discussing this with the British People - you stinking arse-holes!


What cowards!

Sneaking off to Australia like the creeping sneak-thieves that they are! Well, perhaps they went to the right place to do this dirty work!

I suppose they will toast this with champagne and think it’s funny! Let them eat feckin' their cake! And choke on it! Know exactly how they feel!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Please sign, date and send a copy to your MP

This letter is published for general circulation by The British Constitution Group.
If you agree with its content... please sign and send a copy to your MP – and please inform us that you have done so.
Be assured that whilst they may ignore you... we are not ignoring them. The process is under way to bring these people before a common law court of the people – to be tried by a jury for acts of treason. Every letter they receive sends a clear message that reinforces our intent. Thank you.
The British Constitution Group. The Annex. Scott Lodge. Scott Road. Plymouth.
Tel: 0151 601 4694.

The People’s Voice
For the attention of: -
David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Edward Miliband and all Members of Parliament,

We Have Had Enough.

This letter is a warning - from the people. It is not a request that requires an answer, but it does require a response - by way of action on your part that demonstrates that you understand its substance and the seriousness of our intent.
The collective political establishment has betrayed the British people by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power without our consent. This is in defiance of our constitution and an act of treason.
You do not need to know how many people we represent today, only how many we might represent tomorrow and you should know that our numbers grow daily. This letter thus serves as your window of opportunity to make amends and give remedy for the crimes committed against us. We will show compassion for those who recant and we will be ruthless with those who do not concede to the wishes of the people.
Ignoring this letter is not an option... if you think it is, then this serves only to demonstrate that your intellect is subservient to your arrogance. You may feel that you can ignore it because you are too powerful, but to do so is to underestimate the seething resentment that the people feel for the political establishment in general.
I, the undersigned, did not write this letter, but it expresses what I think about the way that we are being misgoverned. You have acted in contempt of the principles of democracy and shown total disregard for our right to govern ourselves. It does not matter who penned the words of this letter, what matters is what it says.
For the past several decades the British people have been treated with extraordinary and total contempt by the collective political establishment. It has not mattered which political party has been in office or ‘power’ as you insist on calling it, nothing ever changes. We are continually subjected to the same global agenda. We have been used and abused like pawns in your game of supremacy in which a dynastic ruling class see themselves as ordained to rule as masters - with impunity, whilst we the people, as virtual slaves, are supposedly destined to obey – without question. You have persistently and consistently undermined our democracy by agreeing to treaties with foreign political elites who have no business in our affairs.
You have rewarded yourself with the trappings of office - high salaries, luxuries denied most of us, privileges, pensions, prestige and benefits that we can only dream of... whilst burdening us with ever-higher taxes, derisory pensions and declining standards of public services. It is we who pay the price for your malfeasance.
The story of Britain over the past several decades that will be told in the history books of tomorrow is the story of betrayal, greed, corruption, nepotism, treason and modern day fascism – the latter of which manifests itself in the global agenda being imposed upon us against our will.
The European Union - a step process towards global governance is now fully exposed. Built on lies and deceit is being hoisted by its own petard - the edifice is crumbling but still the political elite like demented fools, continue to feed on their own delusions. The docile masses, mesmerised by trivia, propaganda, complacency and ignorance have still somehow managed to grasp some basic elements of the truth, alerted almost certainly by the blatant and arrogant refusal of the political elite to tell the truth even when it stands proud in the rubble of political deceit and betrayal.
The political class are discredited at every level. They rant about the benefits of our subjugation to a foreign enterprise, peace, prosperity and democracy where in reality chaos, dictatorship and corruption reign supreme. European economies are on the brink of collapse because of the corrupt banking cartels, there is visible resistance on the streets and people call for lawful rebellion. But less known, there is clandestine resistance behind closed doors. Whilst the majority advocate a peaceful uprising, the extremes will always be in the mix and when passion and anger are fused and those aggrieved can find no remedy... violent resistance is as understandable as the passion for life itself.
The police and militia that you currently rely on to defend yourselves against the people’s retribution... are made up of our own, they are not your people – and when they learn about your betrayal and your intent.... AND THEY WILL - they will turn against you. Their awakening, which you cannot stop, is your Achilles heel. Your greatest fear must be that we will impose upon you the regimes and repression that you had planned for us.
People are meeting in groups across the country, talking across oceans... they are disparate, disorganised and without an effective plan to repel the global agenda... as yet. BUT a leadership is emerging... organisers are co-ordinating and small groups are linking to form larger groups. The dichotomies of left v right, Christian v Muslim, , black v white, Catholic v Protestant, which have been used to great effect to divide and conquer in the past, will find no favour in this war. The call to arms that will unite us will be ‘the people v the global elite’ – the cry will cascade street to street and find easy passage and universal support – for our common purpose has greater value and strength than yours.
We have a constitution – which you ignore. We have been denied our democratic rights, regardless, we have clearly expressed our wishes, in one opinion poll after another, that we do not want to be governed by a foreign unelected officialdom, but still you disregard us. We are promised a referendum on our future, but then you recant. You speak in support of our views when in opposition, but act to the contrary when we elect you.
You consult with corporate executives, international bankers, non-government organisations, international charities, academia, foreign dignitaries, political elites, think tanks and lobbyist – collectively a tiny minority, who do not represent us. These groups all emanate from the same social strata, with their own agendas to satisfy and all funded by the same cartel. You take note of their every whim, but you care not a jot for what we think or what we want. Your children are given jobs, with big salaries fresh from university and then rapidly climb the corporate ladder as reward by the same corporate bodies who you have favoured with your decisions. Our children must make their own way in an increasingly desperate world. Your corporatism suppresses our freedoms with deliberate and malicious intent.
You accommodate tyrants, dictators, arms dealers and all manner of dubious characters, with whom you are happy to keep company. You turn a blind eye when the smell of money wafts your nostrils... it suppresses the stink of corruption and evil. Your moral compasses are defunct... your values deplorable and motives despicable. Our soldiers die to service your corporate agenda – their blood is on your hands.
You are educated at the same elite schools and members of the same elite clubs and you allow these influences to override the consideration which should be paramount in service of the people. You have adopted the “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” philosophy... because you have learnt from your predecessors that corruption and deception do indeed pay. The European Union is awash with it and you have determined to get your snout in the same trough. You take comfort from the fact that you control those who have the authority to indict you for your criminality... because they too have fallen prey to the corruption. You have sold off our national resources to your friends, divided communities, deprived villages and towns, undermined, destroyed and bulldozed. You have laid waste where once prosperity was enjoyed. But you have not suffered... you have remained aloof, disengaged, uninvolved - removed from the debris and the misery that you have wreaked upon the rest of us.
We have seen our three billion annual fishing industry handed over to foreign control for nil reward. Our farms no longer feed us, crippled by regulations made to favour foreign farmers. Our ship-building has been dismantled and our merchant fleet whittled to nothing. Our armed forces are under strength and we see foreign troops being trained on our own soil on the pretence that they may be needed to protect us... when the reality is they are being trained to subdue us... to protect you from our vengeance. Our children are victims of social engineering in the schools and declining standards of education. They are being sexualised by explicit exposures before they have the emotional maturity to be able to cope. You are destroying their minds and their childhoods.
You have engineered a police state with legislation that empowers you at our expense and you have been blatant in your contempt for our democratic and constitution rights and our common law, which have been known to us for centuries. You deny us our rights and our freedoms and contemptuously imply that you can provide us with a new Bill of Rights. Would we seriously trust a thief with our wallets? You have corrupted our courts by appointing judges who are contemptuous of our common law and you have bowed to the pressure of foreign elites who have inflicted their inferior system of justice upon us... without our consent. You have not defended our interests... you have conspired merely to enhance your own.
You have dissected our nation and sold off our infrastructure. We buy our own water from foreign corporations who grow rich on the back of our suffering. Pensioners die of cold because they are unable to afford their heating bills visited upon them by foreign corporate greed. You are then rewarded by them with lucrative directorships when you slip quietly from office with your bulging pensions. You remain oblivious, unconcerned... disconnected. We will no longer be ignored as you go about you globalist agenda. We will resist your controlling and petty rules and regulations... we will resist your fines and penalty charges and challenge your corrupt and biased judges, we will defy the over-zealous police, and your oppressive and unlawful taxes.
It is our intention to govern ourselves... we do not seek your permission – this is our right. You have had your opportunity and you have failed. We will take control of our own lives in stages, as and when it suits us. Our numbers will grow as we show by example that prosperity is the natural consequence of honest and fair governance. We will expose you for the parasites you are.
This country has a constitution – which you ignore. We have Magna Carta, the declaration and the Bill of Rights... we have trial by jury, habeas corpus, the coronation oath. We have our customs, traditions and common law. We have the right of petition, free speech, and free movement and above all... we have the right to govern ourselves. These are our inalienable rights – they are not privileges granted to us by you or your ilk. They cannot be taken away or extinguished at the whim of political diktat or through corrupt judicial process and certainly not at the behest of foreign undemocratic institutions. You have no authority to dictate... your duty is to serve.
We do not recognise regions imposed upon us by Europeans to affect their control over us - to divide and to conquer us. We are a sovereign nation... a proud people. We have watched our country slowly destroyed... by you - we now see clearly what you have done... your purpose and you betrayal. We will honour our inheritance – the freedoms fought for and secured for us, and we will ensure that we will pass this on to the next generation, to our children and theirs.
You have been sent this letter by a constituent. On sending a copy to you, they have also registered your name with the co-ordinators. This will remain with us as evidence for your trial... for treason, should it be necessary. It’s your choice
We are many – you are few... and our leaders are emerging.
You have been warned.


Signature ..............................................................................

Address: ....................................................................................................................................................................................

A voice of the people.

Friday, October 21, 2011

A message from the Godless

Not a fan of the British M.S.M. – QUITE THE REVERSE these days, but I did watch the news on UK t.v. last night (Friday) flicking between ITV and BBC1 out of interest to see what was said about Gadaffi.
(BTW, how strange that these 2 totally separate and individual, independent news channels manage to be synchronised to within a mili-second of each other, covering exactly and precisely the same issues and “stories” simultaneously, in incredibly similar ways!) This was reported about Thursday’s coverage – which I did not see.
But yesterday, (Fri.) they broadcast yet more of the same? Why, after being so heavily criticised?
They must adore the controversy?
They must really want to shock the British public even more?

I believe these broadcasts were a clear message to all leaders and future leaders from the Zionists.
Give in, do our bidding without question or complaint, or this will be you and your loved ones! We are Godless, vengeful and unforgiving, we will wait years to get you and TORTURE AND KILL your children in the end. We are wealthy psychopaths and will ruin your country and destroy everything you love, and we are going to take everything from all of you. What can you do? NOTHING!

The coverage of Gadaffi’s downfall broadcast on both channels last night was disgustingly vile! Both showed, yet again, the amateur mobile phone footage by his murderers, from the Web, of a bloodied and battered old man being dragged about, pleading for his life while a lunatic, blood-crazed rabble of criminal scum set on him like mad dogs. His corpse was shown, and his son’s corpse was shown, roughly laid out, surrounded by crowds of jubilant, ecstatic young ghouls laughing and gawping at the sideshow. The same sort of repulsive crowds that surrounded the gallows centuries ago or the guillotines in France, I imagine.
All the while, the British journalists were striking an upbeat, cheerful commentary over all this! It was absolutely harrowing and sickening, and I cannot imagine this coverage and reporting happening back in the Black & White days when the news was sedately presented by more dignified and manly men in suits and bow ties.

It was like Saddam Hussein’s downfall all over again.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha - We could win £10,000 (or make millions now he’s dead) !!??” Next to references to football, romance, win a pint of milk! and the totally un-Christian vengeful, hate-inciting references to Lockerbie, Yvonne Fletcher – and the Express “gunned down in a sewer,” etc. to justify the horrible video images of this bestiality.

Where's the regret, the mercy, justice, dignity, and kindness?

I do not hate the Godless country Britain has become but, I do hate all those in power here and the wicked games they are playing with our people's minds. Where is our common decency going? I know the British people are better than these MSM broadcasters and MSM news rag printers who are just cursed servants to the Beast. Our great grandparent’s generation were amazing. Something’s going horribly wrong here, it’s not the ordinary people – it’s the warped cowards like these in charge and the evil un-Christian Elite above them:! 53 seconds in, bankers’ slaves mock protesters. This is what, I believe, is in charge of our lives here now – Godless, greedy quaffing and scoffing leeches, arrogant, irresponsible and uncaring, they are selfish, bare-faced thieves and assist mass-murderers. They are THE FACILITATORS OF ALL EVIL, parasites of the most devious and repulsive kind.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011



On the 14th Nov 2011, Robert Green who is the legal advisor to Hollie and Anne Greig, is due to appear in court, on a charge of breach of the peace. As many of you know, as a journalist/investigator, he has been devoted to highlighting the “Hollie Greig” case and trying to get a proper investigation/Justice into the allegations made.
I have copied below his request for letters of support from his blog:

On the 14th November, I am to stand trial at Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire on a breach of the peace charge. Due to the anticipated large number of witnesses, the proceedings are set to last for two weeks.

The terms of my defence will ensure that this trial becomes a test case, not only for the future of the freedom of the press, but also impacts on freedom of speech. I shall stand on the right of a journalist to publish what he believes to be the truth and is in the public interest. My excellent legal team, led by the eminent Frances McMenamin QC, feel that the success of my defence may be enhanced by having letters produced in Court from those who have supported my actions in bringing the Hollie Greig case into the public domain and believe my stance to be justified in the public interest.

Thus, I would be most grateful to anyone who feels that they can support me in this way.

The letters must be hard copies, sent by mail, not email. To be valid, they must contain the address, name and signature of the sender and be addressed in the following manner, to enable me to forward them to my solicitor, Mr Gerry Sweeney, and then onward to be placed before the Sheriff. It should open with "To whom it may concern".

Here is the address,

The Court,
c/o Robert Green
4 Birchdale Road
Cheshire WA4 5AR

This issue, I believe, is of importance far beyond the parameters of the case itself. It revolves around the concept of openness versus secrecy in our society. It must now be obvious to any reasonable person following the Hollie Greig case that the degree of secrecy involving senior state officials in trying to obstruct and pervert the course of justice by making clandestine agreements behind closed doors is completely unacceptable in any civilised and democratic society.

May I thank everyone who has supported Hollie, Anne and me throughout the campaign and hope that you may be able to help in this regard. The letters do not need to be lengthy, nor particularly detailed. All that is requested is a statement that you support my position before the Court.
Also, you must DATE your letter otherwise it can be discarded.

We hope as a group, that you can find time to support Robert by sending a letter of support and maybe also ask your local MP/ MEP to do likewise.

John Galloway
British Constitution Group

Monday, October 17, 2011

European Stability Mechanism, ESM


I have just found this for you to read, if you can be bothered!:

from TheDutchDatabase

Here is an informed comment on the Minister for Europe David Lidington's blog (which also has a video of him "explaining"...):

This "European Stability Mechanism" is not just about "adjusting the accounts" of the Eurozone. Read it!
It sets up a body with the power to draw in unlimited funds from its member states - ie tax-raising powers.

This means it (the EU) will be a government.

The EU will be transformed; there will be one huge government for the Eurozone, and ten small governments for the non-euro countries (including UK). And after 2014 this single government will have the power to impose its will on the others by qualified majority voting. Even if they all vote against it, it will prevail.

It'll be like the old USSR which controlled the countries of the Warsaw Pact. We will be satellites (like Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, Mongolia, etc. used to be.)
And what is more, the governors, directors, and staff of this ESM will have immunity from civil actions and from criminal proceedings - they will be above the law. And they will rule us.

So by allowing this treaty change to take place, which will enable all this to be set up, a colossal and definitive transfer of sovereign powers from the UK to Brussels will occur.
David Lidington MP, Minister for Europe is being very "economical" in not telling us any of this. T D Erikson.

This is actually leading to a Global Taxation

Financial transaction taxation (FTT) could constitute a new revenue stream, which could reduce the existing Member State contributions, give national governments extra room for manoeuvre and contribute to the general budgetary consolidation effort. Although some form of financial transaction taxation already exists in a limited number of Member States, the analysis also made it clear that action at EU level could prove both more effective and efficient than uncoordinated action by Member States given the level of cross-border activity and high mobility of the tax bases. Furthermore, it could play a role in reducing the existing fragmentation of the Internal market. The Commission will therefore present a proposal for an EU financial transaction tax in the autumn of 2011. A financial transaction tax that could be collected at EU level would reduce the juste retour problems observed in the current system.

The EU initiative will constitute a first step towards the application of a FTT at global level.

(2) The development of a new VAT resource would bring a new impetus to the development of the Internal market by reinforcing harmonization of national VAT systems...............................................

As announced in a Written Ministerial Statement on 16 December 2010, the Government will introduce legislation to create an exemption from income tax for subsistence allowances paid to experts seconded to EU bodies located in the UK. These bodies are the European Banking Authority, the European Medicines Agency and the European Police College. The exemption will
have effect from 1 January 2011. (Finance Bill 2011)

A Budget for EU as a Global Actor
Main Recommendations from: Business for New Europe!!
• Increase the EU’s foreign policy budget by approximately 10%.
• Ring fence the estimated funds required for a fully-functioning EEAS within the next MFF.
• Increase the funding of CFSP in Heading IV from 4% to approximately 7%.
• Place greater emphasis on the positive outcomes of a substantial humanitarian aid budget.
• Improve preparedness by boosting the emergency humanitarian aid fund with an extra €2 billion
• Provide an extra €500 million annually for the promotion of human rights and democracy in EU countries through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
• Provide an extra €1 billion annually to the EU’s Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) programme to accelerate social and economic development in over 65 developing countries.

Cheesey, “And why were there miserable sodding Chinese at this press conference? Why are they so bloody interested? Who are they reporting back to, and why? eh?”

Offended? Good! Free the moon bears - you evil DISGUSTING Chinese bastards!