Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Lawful Bank

From The World Freeman Society.

650 of them...

Take another look at the homepage as it has recently been updated with a new explanation and overview.

I have to stress, the quicker we build numbers, the quicker we can make progress. Help me, if you will, by trying to encourage 5 to 10 friends each to come and join in with us and, as you introduce each friend, encourage them to do the same.

We cannot move this on without you guys helping us out , encourage your local businesses too. Remember that small corner shop is being squeezed out by the big corporate supermarkets , anything that helps them win back their custom can only be good for the local community.

If anyone needs questions answered just email me at the address shown on the Lawful Bank Page , I can receive your mails but you are likely to receive a response from this mail address until at least the 6th , when my problem will be resolved.

Thanks everyone and let’s get these numbers built up.