Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Support Tibet Uprising Day 10/03/11

Tibet Uprising Day 2011

The 52nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising will be commemorated in the UK with a series of events. On Uprising Day itself (Thursday 10 March) there will be a Mass Lobby of Parliament, where Tibetans and supporters will be directly lobbying their MPs and calling for action on Tibet. The Lobby will be preceded by a wreath-laying ceremony outside Westminster Abbey. On Saturday 12 March the annual Tibet Freedom March will take place through central London, finishing with a rally outside the Chinese Embassy. The events culminate with Tibet Fest, a cultural afternoon featuring Tibetan music, dance, food and much more.

Lobbying Parliament Page Index

1. Tibet Mass Lobby: Thursday 10 March
2. Wreath-laying Ceremony: Thursday 10 March
3. Tibet Freedom March: Saturday 12 March
4. Remember Tibet: Saturday 12 March
5. Map of venues & route of march
6. Links to reports & photos from 2010