Thursday, March 3, 2011

Clegg and the EU's Stink Tanks

Clegg, Brussels and Libya: part deux

Well, that was enlightening, in ways the deputy prime minister never intended. Clegg wiki

Nick Clegg gave his speech this evening at the British Permanent Representation to the EU. Since the deputy prime minister was due to talk about what should be the European response to events in Libya, I thought the room would be mostly journalists, diplomats and whoever was travelling with Clegg.

Nope. At ten minutes to showtime, the room filled up with Continentals in suits and ties: it seems Clegg's Brussels fan base is made up of EU think-tank types.

So I was across from the director of the Egmont, the think-tank of the (Belgian) Royal Institute for International Relations, which is a long title for something that could be covered as: 80 percent funding from the Belgian foreign ministry to push for ever closer union (in the EU, not Belgium, of course. Belgian doesn't have ever-closer anything, since it hasn't had a government since last summer. A situation of which I thoroughly approve, but that is for another post.)

I was behind a couple of suits from the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), which gets its funding from -- now, wait you're going to love this. The CEPS website announces that it 'obtains its funding from a variety of sources, which helps to guarantee its independence.' And right next to that is a pie chart showing 31 percent of its money comes from running projects funded by the European Commission. There are another couple of slices from other EU institutions. That's what passes for 'independent' in this town.

Also sitting in front of me was Hans Martens, chief executive of another think tank, the European Policy Centre (EPS), which also proclaims its independence...right above the admission it gets money from the EU.

Which explains what followed Clegg's speech. (If you want to know what he said, it was along the lines of 'I would like to very warmly welcome President Barroso's call this morning for a pact for democracy and shared prosperity' and the need for 'a bold new European offer.' So, boilerplate.)

Here comes the enlightening part. As soon Clegg finished his speech, the diplomat with the mic said there would be just 15 minutes for questions, and then immediately handed the mic to Hans Martens, the man from the 'independent' EPS. Martens hadn't even had his hand up. I smelt a rat.

Here is how Think-Tank Martens began: 'I have a question for the UK Deputy Prime Minister, formerly Nick.' At which all the think-tank types around me gave knowing little Continental chuckles, because of course, 'Nick' is One Of Them.

This was the Manchurian Candidate come back to visit his mates at his Old School for the day. Remember: after Clegg worked his five years as a eurocrat in the commission, and after he had his five gold-plated years as a member of the European Parliament, Clegg had a job doing research for -- right, the EPS, whose boss was given the favour of asking the first question.

Later the same boss asked me if I thought the way he had asked the question -- the 'Nick' opening -- had been all right. I assured him I thought it was perfect....and it was, in so many ways.