All these young people want is what you had the benefit of, Blair, Brown, Harman, Mandelson. You have had 15 years to put this right and you did NOT put a stop to Uni. tuition fees while Labour were in power.
Now the rotten Conservatives are in power and turning up the heat – and British students have reacted at Tory headquarters but remember kids, the so-called "Labour Party" and the Liberal scumbags are as guilty as hell too, in letting you down so very badly!
Remember also that Lawful Rebellion works by milllions of people peacefully and lawfully overcoming by weight of numbers, the small number of criminals, and their ‘useful idiots’ now running this country. 2 million people saying “No, enough is enough”, and refusing to co-operate with a totally corrupt establishment can restore common sense and order to the UK.Try to stay calm next time. Rioting plays into the EU traitors' hands and could lead to Cabbage Patch Doll Cameron implementing the traitorous Civil Contingencies Act!