Friday, October 8, 2010

Chinese Thuggery in Tibet

Political prisoners

Karma and Rinchen Samdrup and Chime Namgyal

Three environmental activist brothers are imprisoned by China in a politically motivated case. Three of their cousins have also been targeted.

Karma Samdrup, 42, environmental activist, and one of the wealthiest businessmen in Tibet was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment on 24 June on the charge of dealing with illegal antiques, a charge that was already dropped against him in 1998. Karma Samdrup was arrested on 3 January 2010 after visiting his brothers in prison. It seems Karma Samdrup’s sentence was a retaliation for his efforts to secure the release of his brothers who were arrested in August 2009 after they publicly denounced local officials for illegal hunting of endangered animals.

The case of this family shows an alarming trend in Tibet of the targeting of artists, intellectuals, activists and influential Tibetan public figures who otherwise are not involved in political activities.

“…Rinchen Samdrup, elder brother of unjustly sentenced to 15 years "King of Dzi (Heavenly Beads)" Karma Samdrup, was sentenced to 5 years in prison by the Tibet Autonomous Region Chamdo Intermediate People's Court on charges of "inciting splittism".

I dug out my photos of summer 2004 taken in the Karma Kunsang area of Lhasa, photos of Rinchen and his family. In fact, some of these pictures have already been posted on my blog. But I want to post some more, I'd like people who see these photos to understand what kind of person Rinchen Samdrup is.

And I particularly want to add that Rinchen Samdrup and his family, over a period of more than 10 years have made great efforts to save the major achievements of Tibetan Buddhism of Changchup Dorje and all of his precious texts, they entered everything into the computer word by word and put them on discs, after the police raid, the evil officials confiscated everything and it is said that everything was destroyed by fire!

What this means, needless to say, is that I am left extremely outraged.

Those who do evil, remember well, the judgement of karma, like justice, has a long reach….”
