Monday, July 6, 2009

Common Purpose - an anti British charity

Common Purpose: Britain’s Rise Or Demise?

I received this response to one of my posts describing MOD surveillance teams trailing me a while back.
Its worth bringing to public attention again seeing as increasing numbers of people in this country are coming in for scrutiny for an increasing number of reasons.

Without a doubt you hit the nail on the head Daniel. Whatever is going on, it is coming out of left field. It is something being done on a quasi-official way by agencies of the government, perhaps the Department of Dirty Tricks. These semi covert activities focused on you is not about intelligence collection but is about watching you all the time to sabotage your life. These operatives are more like gremlins in the works rather than rational state agents. Their job is to be a permanent bane on your life causing mishaps, misfortunes, chronic ill health with electronic and microwave harassment and there is always the slander campaigns in your neighbourhood to recruit locals to join in in the stalking/surveillance. Each of these acts will be done in a careful and layered methodology to enhance the trauma. You are not the only one suffering at the hands of these murderous degenerates in the UK. There are perhaps many thousands abused in this manner up and down the country: I am one and am in contact with at least thirty others.

The current wretched government enacted Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIP or RIPA) which allows the investigation of anyone for any reason and costs are fully funded. Then in 2003, David Blunkett announced wide-ranging extensions to the list of those entitled to see information collected under the RIPA or instigate an investigation. The list now includes jobcentres, local councils, and the Chief Inspector of Schools. The list includes junior police constables, MPs, social services etc. Applications can be downloaded from the internet, completed and signed off by a local police inspector and unknown civil servants.
Anyone can be incorporated to join in on the stalk and surveillance with the serving of a section 49. Penalties for disclosure and unauthorized discussion is severe and always involves imprisonment.

Further, John Prescott’s former department initiated the formulation of an anti British charity known as Common Purposes who are singularly concerned with placing their members and recruits in all senior level of governmental institutions and publically traded company regardless of merit but must be compliant to their organization. This agenda expresses itself in a profoundly unBritish trait, destruction of local representative government, aggressive attacking and isolation of individuals resistant to their overtures and total submission of national interests to the EU.

The individuals controlling Common Purpose are the founders of Demos and various other lunatic Troskeites groups. Interestingly, these radicals remain true to their beliefs of social engineering in line with their Stalinist pedigree only they are after personal enrichment too. The social engineering angle is facilitated by identifying future leaders whom they indoctrinate in meetings and training programmes, all under Charter (Chatham?) House Rules to avoid corporate probitary, and placed in office. Equally, potential whistleblowers, noncompliant leadership material, private individuals with ability are subject to investigations under RIPA and other as yet unidentified methods. Private individuals, like myself, are used to occupy the time of and train the standing army of gangstalkers in the employ of these aforementioned organizations and interest groups.



Are Common Purpose in your children's school yet?

How would you know?

Do you know?

Read on:

And look who's in on it - the Fire Service, Sheffield Cathedral as well as the various headteachers of these schools ! Sick dogs!

Also see: