Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Training for Plato's Guardian Class

Amazing courses available to students in USA and probably elsewhere too,


Mentioned by a caller to this edition of The Alan Watt Show:


Learn how to be a traitor, a spook, a thief, a killer, a liar, a conman (or woman)!

Who knows? You could even end up in politics, serving the Elite, and Satan.


MOD have received Common Purpose Training

‘Will you open fire on UK citizens’ Army personnel being asked

Taken from:

PJC Journal
Sunday, April 26, 2009

In a stunning conversation with a friend, who is a serving member of the Armed Forces, over the weekend, it was revealed that transfers to regiments and other units in the UK on home duties are being undertaken by the MOD based upon whether an individual was prepared to ‘open fire’ on UK citizens during civil disturbances.

I found this long and extracted conversation to be both bizarre and frightening. I will state at this point that he is someone that I have known for years, and trust implicitly. The fact that service personnel are actually being asked in special briefing sessions whether they would fire on their own nationals indicates that the rumours about the Army being put on standby are indeed very true.

As if to add weight to this, it was reported yesterday as a tag on a posting about UKIP by Richard North on EUReferendum that plans for Army involvement were well advanced:

Recently, from a confidential source, I received information that the MoD was buying up unusually large quantities of tear gas and other riot equipment. Clearly, it has no intention of being caught out, as it was at the beginning of the Troubles, having to ration tear gas and riot shields. Maybe they might even find a use for all those Snatch Land Rovers, when they are returned from Iraq.

The implications of putting the Army on the streets, though, are horrendous. Currently, the Army is riding on the crest of a wave of public approval but, as it did in Northern Ireland, sentiment can very quickly turn. The ramifications for the campaign in Afghanistan might be significant. An Army which is sent out against its own people is not likely to attract much support for its other activities.

But there is not much prospect of the Army disobeying orders. As we saw in the 2001 Foot and Mouth epidemic, it went to work with a will, engaging in illegal activities, intimidating ordinary people and conspiring with the civil authorities to enforce false arrest. It will do so again if ordered, with the back-up this time of the Civil Contingencies Act which makes legal much of what was illegal back in 2001.

It goes a long way to explain why our servicemen and women are not getting the equipment they need in the war zones, lack of transport, lack of helicopters, lack of personal protection equipment. We know for instance that there are several hundred Italian made soft personnel vehicles in storage in the UK for use here, bought by the MoD to replace the snatch Land Rovers, but never sent to Iraq or Afghanistan, and the fleet of 8 Chinooks that was due to be dispatched this month are now to be kept in the UK.

We believe that this Government is looking for that confrontation with the people in order to invoke the Civil Contingencies Act and make use of the plethora of authoritarian laws it has prepared over the 12 years in control.

It continues to introduce new rules, rulings and guidelines on a daily basis designed specifically to inflame the anger in the population, hoping that they will eventually snap and take to the streets.

Armed with this latest knowledge, I would advise extreme caution and suggest that we heed the words of warning from Leg-Iron.

If we don’t riot, Labour are likely to be obliterated in a general election.
If we do riot, there won’t be one.

This Government is looking for a fight. Don’t give it to them.

This trend needs to be discussed at the highest levels, the very idea that the Government is plotting against its own people is repugnant in the extreme, and I would like to call for confirmation that this disgusting process of briefings is indeed being undertaken.

The Daily Express is reporting.

TOP secret contingency plans have been drawn up to counter the threat posed by a “summer of discontent” in Britain.

The “double-whammy” of the worst economic crisis in living memory and a motley crew of political extremists determined to stir up civil disorder has led to the ­extraordinary step of the Army being put on ­standby.

The Questions that really need to be asked here are this.

1) Is the Army legally entitled to support a Government no longer wanted by the people?.
Would the Army comply with such orders on the British Mainland?

2) I want to know exactly what this Government has planned for Military deployments in the UK, and whether they would be deployed against their own citizens.

3) It is known that many of the senior personnel in the MoD have received Common Purpose training. The content and purpose of that secret training now needs explaining.





Thursday, April 23, 2009

Go into the Light, All are Welcome.



The Archbishop: Good morning my fellow brethwomen of the eternal psychosexual flux. What a glorious day to be alive as we come together to “just do it” for Jesus. We are gathered here today to pay homage to the Glorious Green of all creation, embracing the great mission before us in the faithful service of eternal uniformity and oneness with the spirit.

The Archbishop: Ohhhhhhm. Bring forth the gong that we may summon forth the voice of the tantric void to bless our gathering. Yet light not the incense lest we be damned to another cycle on the wheel for earth Karma crimes.

General Synod: Hallelujah, Gaia uber Alles!

The Archbishop (singing): The Lord is here, there and anywhere according to each and everyone’s individual and non specific cultural needs.

General Synod (response): His spirit is with us, them and everyone else, wherever they may be in time or space or doctrinal orientation.

The Archbishop: Lift up your hearts (or maybe any other bodily organ that may serve the Holy Green just as well).

General Synod (response): We lift them to The Green.

The Archbishop (singing): Let us give thanks to the Green our God.

General Synod (singing): It is right (or wrong or perhaps neither) to give thanks and Praise!

The Archbishop: Heavenly androgeny . Through the ephemeral mists of time and spoke to us through your prophets - Care for my creation you charged us. Fail not to punish those who sin and transgress against your Holy Green, master of all creation. Spare not the heretics, the deniers, the infidels who deny your laws and your truth.

General Synod:

Our Gaia, who art of nature

Hallowe’d be thy name

Thy garden come

Thy climate be calm

On earth, as it is in Green

Give us this day our daily carbon allowance

And forgive us our carbon debits

As we forgive those whose carbon usage exceeds ours

Lead us not into gestation

But deliver us from sanity

For thine is the spirit, The Green and the Power, now and forever


The Archbishop: Blessed are you my children. Go forth in the spirit of diversity and linguistic hyperbole, to love and serve the utterly banal and faceless conformity that is sweeping this world away and bringing forth The Green once again in its glorious wake.

From: The UK Column. The Apostle of Apostasy, by John Morton.




Happy Birthday William Shakespeare.



As far as I am concerned William Shakespeare, an ordinary bloke, wrote his wonderful plays and poems, and stuff any greedy, frumpy, old aristos who claim otherwise!






Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lawful Rebellion

Declaration By

The British Constitution Group

We, the British People have a right to govern ourselves. That right has been subjugated as a consequence of acts of treason having been committed by the collective political establishment, aided and abetted by corrupt segments of the judiciary, the police, the Church and the civil service.

Furthermore, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose position has been usurped by a corrupt House of Commons and who has been forced into the destruction of her Kingdom and the breaking of her coronation oath, no longer governs us in accordance with our laws and customs, as was the situation when she was elected by the people as our Sovereign and our Head of State.

Why Her Majesty has failed in her duty is not for us to judge at this point in time - Her Majesty has however been made aware of the situation and is now duty bound to make amends.

A political elite has for some time manipulated the electoral system to deprive the people of true democratic representation by constructing a party political system that has allowed, indeed encouraged, acts of treason to have been committed.

As a direct consequence of the betrayal of the British people by the collective political establishment, and others, the British Constitution Group is calling for Lawful Rebellion, as is our right under article 61 Magna Carta 1215.

Read More | Download PDF


What is lawful rebellion? www.tpuc.org/node/285



Conference Tickets on sale now!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Society has lost its bearings.


by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Charlotte Roche's repugnant "Wetlands," the best selling novel in the world in 2008, begins with the sentence, "As far back as I can remember, I have had hemorrhoids" and it doesn't improve. It is a disgusting, brutal assault on woman and girls, and on our sensibilities in general.

Disguised as "women's rights," it is the real hate literature, the real face of the NWO Communism and globalism. It is the true Luciferian meaning of "revolutionary" and "progressive," i.e. the destruction of all that is natural, healthy and wholesome.

If a man had written about a degenerate woman who consumes her genital (and other) secretions, and neglects all feminine hygiene, he would be classified as a despicable misogynist. But if a feminist does it, she is celebrated for hammering the last nail into the coffin of femininity.

A reader on Amazon.com commented: "The first chapter was so intensely graphic (describing the protagonist's anal lesion surgery) that I literally had to take breaks between pages, fearing I might pass out."

Roche, 31, is credited with breaking taboos and giving modern women "a new vocabulary" (i.e. to describe their depravity in "positive" terms.) She doesn't know she's actually expressing the self-loathing and desperation of women who have lost their female identity.


In a civilized society, Roche would be considered an embarrassing idiot and given counseling. Her manuscript would be returned. But because the global media is owned by an occult sect called the Illuminati, she is turned into a role model and her book is hyped in 27 countries. You'll be hearing more about her soon.

English by birth, Roche was brought up in Germany. She is a garage musician and TV dj with a long history of doing disgusting things for attention. According to a fansite, she "would do virtually anything to scandalize herself and others, including cut herself and use the blood to paint pictures, shaving her head and experimenting with a variety of drugs."

"Wetlands," the story of Helen Memel, a patient in a hospital proctology unit , is a squalid meditation on her genitals, bodily functions and "sexuality." In a recent interview with Salon, Roche reveals the book's flavor, her background and the quality of her self-hate.

"You can clean and clean, and you won't ever stop being dirty. My mother tried to raise me in a very liberated way. I was allowed to have sex at a very early age. I was allowed to bring boys over to the house because she didn't want me fucking around in the woods. She's a very strong, political feminist, and she raised me in a very feminist way, teaching me that as a girl, I can do everything a boy can do, there's no problem. But still, the sexual stuff ... she never managed to teach me that masturbation is a good thing. Although my mother was liberated, I still feel that if I have dirty knickers [underpants], I have to hide them from my husband."

"If I'm being really honest, on the one hand I want women to be liberated, but on the other, I have terrible problems. I think I'm too fat, although I'm probably too thin. It's really difficult, for example, to live in a society like this with small tits. I don't even believe my husband when he says he likes the way I look. He has to tell me 10 times a day and I still don't believe him. I think he wants to fuck a blond, big-titted lady. You run around and you have complexes about everything. It's so difficult to keep it out of your head.

"And it is not allowed for me as a young feminist to say that women are masochistic. I am and all my female friends are. We stand in front of the mirror, we are naked, and we feel ugly as fuck. We see everything as wrong. We try and fight our body to become prettier and work on it. It's not at all free and self-confident. I don't want it to be like that, but I see that it is."

Her special brand of insanity seems inspired by "The Vagina Monologues."

"The problem with taboos is that you think you're the only one. And Helen always wants to know: Does it smell the same with other women? How do other women's vaginas look? We're all completely isolated. It's not a group of women that menstruate; we're on our own. But where does that come from? Mothers still don't think it's a good thing to be a woman."

The interviewer's assumptions are almost as sickening as Roche's answers: "Contemporary women are supposed to be liberated, hedonistic, you can go out and get drunk, sleep around. But if we don't have the words to describe the range of experiences other than the old negative ones, then nothing has really changed....The contemporary woman is supposed to be sexually available, as you say, but when a women is sick, she ceases to exist as a sexual being."


Feminism has made women redundant by depriving them of their natural identity as wives and mothers. Women like Roche are reacting with self-loathing. They are describing their bodily functions in the most disgusting terms. Apparently, this is a widespread phenomenon as documented in another Salon article "The Great Girl Gross-Out" .

Femininity is based on being pleasing to a man. Feminine modesty is attractive, to men as well. As shown above, Roche's mental breakdown is based on her rebellion against men.

"Very often, lately, people have come up to me and say "You look tired," and I hate it." she says. "Women are supposed to always look fit and healthy and pretty. But everything that is sick and tired is all very human -- and I think that being human is a big taboo. When people say that the book is about taboos, I ask them, what do you mean? Shit? Piss? Menstruation?"

Female psychology and physiology are based on the reproductive function. Women are like hearts pumping love through a family. They attract and give it. They are nest builders and nurturers. Most need the love of husband and children to fulfill their function.

Yes, we are animals. But Christian civilization taught that our bodies are the temple of the soul, and the soul aspires to God, i.e. spiritual ideals. We are supposed to mend our behavior according to our spiritual aspirations, to refine ourselves and be beautiful in the sight of God. These ideals are what makes us human, not our animal condition.

A culture looks to women to embody its spiritual ideals and transfer them to the new generation. The attack on women is an attack on civilization. They want to define human beings in purely naturalistic and materialistic terms. They want to mire us in our shit and become immune to it.

Roche: "I would look at the disgusting thing and describe it in a very detailed way. Maybe even to overcome the disgusting. You look at it as long as you can and then it's not disgusting anymore."

A great deal of what passes for art today would be labeled obscene just 20 years ago. This book is no exception. The decline of Christian civilization means that moral standards no longer govern what we read and see. We have standards for food and air but none for cultural products. We are under constant attack by perverts and psychotics.

In a NY Post review of a recent movie "Observe and Report" Kyle Smith tells us, "Seth Rogen stars in a sinister, alarming, even gory study of a psychopath ...The script is wall-to-wall with filthy language, drug abuse, and gratuitous violence." So Smith gives it only 3 out of 4 stars.

Society has lost its bearings. This is not an accident but the deliberate program of the Luciferian cult, the Illuminati, which controls the world. They want to reduce us to an animal state or worse, better to serve them and their God Lucifer.

---See also my review of "The Vagina Monologues"



Saturday, April 18, 2009

Look closely enough and you will see it.



"......Just open a newspaper or turn on the television, and you will soon see examples of Common Purpose in action.

Common Purpose is very much like the Magic Eye books that were popular at the start of the 1990s - look closely enough and you will see it. Here's an example from my own experience - in 1997 the BBC scrapped its traditional BBC type logo in favour of a red and yellow hot air balloon - THE SAME COLOURS OF THE LABOUR PARTY, WHICH CAME TO POWER IN THE SAME YEAR! Today the main colours of the BBC are red and white - COLOURS ASSOCIATED WITH COMMUNISM! The BBC is now operated and manipulted by Labour and Common Purpose, with employees such as Mark Thompson and Robert Peston (who sits with Julia Middleton on the Board of Trustees of the Media Standards Trust - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Standards_Trust). These people control what YOU watch in the media - is it no wonder that what you watch is mainly dumbed down rubbish like Big Brother (what an aptly named programme!) or sexually explicit programmes or ones which contains endless profanities. They even contribute towards The Orwell Award (their sense of humour leaves a lot to be desired!) If they can control what you watch, they can control your mind - beware! As an aside, Albert Scardino (who is mentioned at the bottom of the list) very nearly succeeded with killing the oldest football club in the world - Notts. County Football Club - what is a failed businessman doing on such a powerful board as this, or is he there for a 'common purpose'?

Cultural Marxism (which is what Common Purpose ultimately wants under the Facist European Union) proports to do the following to a nation in order to turn it into a Communist state:

1. The creation of racism offences

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. Huge immigration to destroy identity

5. The undermining of schools and teachers authority

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of Churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against the victims of crime

9. Dependency on state or state benefits

10. Control or dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

12. Political correctness



Update: As a fan of the group Level 42, I found this video of their song 'The Chant Has Begun' on You Tube. The theme ties in very nicely with Common Purpose and the problems facing the world now, even though it was released way back in 1984 (spooky!)"

by Gareth Williams


Gareth, talking about what happened after the death of his dear and precious father.

"........I was very angry at the way he had, or rather had not, been treated by the National Health Service and wrote to the manager of the Local Health Authority and the then Health Secretary John Reid MP voicing my disgust and concern about the way he and others had received 'treatment' at the hospital.

I got no reply from either.

To me, this sums up what the state and those in power think of us ordinary 'minnions' - we don't matter and can all go hang."

Gareth, I and many others in Britain could not agree with you more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BANK OF ENGLAND NOMINEES LIMITED, (BOEN), a private limited company, no. 1307478


By Mike Robinson.

Many people believe that the Bank of England is a privately owned corporation. Many people believe that it’s owned by the Rothchilds.

Neither of these beliefs is true.

The truth is much worse.

The story of the Bank of England is the story of the British Empire. The British Empire was never a political empire. It was always a monetary financial empire, as much a parasite on the people of Great Britain as the rest of the world. The idea of the Victorian’s British Empire bringing civilisation to the darkest parts of the world is one that needs real reconsideration by many Britons.

The Bank of England was originally set up as a core part of the British Empire - making huge profits from loans to the British East India Company and other tendrils of the Great British parasite. The mainstays of the trading activities of these companies were drugs, warfare and the looting of raw materials from poverty stricken nations.

As the banker to the Government, the Bank also did quite nicely from lending to the Treasury, thank you very much. In those days, the profits of the Bank went into the hands of the shareholders.

In 1844, the Rothschild inspired desire to take complete control of Britain came true with the Bank Charter Act. This gave the Bank of England the monopoly on the production of Sterling, and control of Britain’s money supply. In Northern Ireland and Scotland, where to this day commercial banks are allowed to print their own money, they must have one Bank of England note in reserve for every note of their own that they issue.

1946 brought the “nationalisation” of the Bank. At the end of WWII, Britain was more or less bankrupt, so it was agreed that instead of paying cash for the shares of the Bank, shareholders would receive 3% Treasury stock instead. With the 1946 Bank of England Act, all the Bank shares were transferred into the possession of the Treasury solicitor, and there they are to this day. It remains a corporation, not a government department.

In 1977, the Bank set up a wholly owned subsidiary called BANK OF ENGLAND NOMINEES LIMITED, (BOEN), a private limited company, no. 1307478, with 2 of its 100 £1 shares issued. According to its Memorandum & Articles of Association, its objectives are;-

“To act as Nominee or agent or attorney either solely or jointly with others, for any person or persons, partnership, company, corporation, government, state, organisation, sovereign, province, authority, or public body, or any group or association of them….”

Bank of England Nominees Limited was granted an exemption by Edmund Dell, Secretary of State for Trade, from the disclosure requirements under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 , because, “it was considered undesirable that the disclosure requirements should apply to certain categories of shareholders.”

Add that to the fact that the Bank of England is protected from prying eyes by its “Royal Charter” status and the Official Secrets Act. What have we got here?

In 1998, the final piece of the puzzle fell into place. In return for fixing the 1997 elections and getting New Labour into power, the Government enacted the 1998 Bank of England Act, which gave the Bank’s Court of Directors complete independence with regard to monetary policy.

So if we add this all together, we have a nationally owned institution which has the monopoly in the production of the national currency, and has independent control of the country’s monetary policy in the hands of a Court of Directors who serve the private banking system as they have since the Bank was established.

Think about it - private banking control of our currency and monetary policy, fully independent of government. When Gordon Brown signed away government oversight of the Bank, he committed Treason on a scale not seen in Britain since the Heath government took us into what would become the EU.

Since 1998 we have seen the Bank rapidly inflate the money supply, while at the same time relaxing regulation on how banks could lend. No longer were banks required to have cash in reserve for loans they made. Instead the vast majority of currency entering the economy did so as a result of commercial banks entering some numbers into a ledger - money out of thin air, literally.

Working for the private bankers, the Bank of England set things up to maximise the returns for their banking colleagues’ speculative activities, in the full knowledge that as a nationalised institution, it would be the UK taxpayer who was carrying all the risk, and not, as would have been the case before 1946, the shareholders.

The Court of Directors is working for the Anglo/Dutch/Saudi empire - the still-alive-and-kicking hidden hand behind the British Empire of the Victorian age. So it’s no surprise that the solution they provide to today’s manufactured monetary financial collapse is to print more money. Their aim is to destroy the last vestiges of British sovereignty; for a hyper-inflated and hyper-devalued Sterling to be replaced by a single, global, currency, under a single world fascist government.

Gordon Brown announced the new financial infrastructure at the G20. He announced the new global currency - to be issued and managed by the newly reinvigorated IMF.

This has to be stopped. It has to be stopped now. We want our country back, before there’s no country left. We want our country back from the parasites that use one square mile of London as their base of operations. Back in a way it hasn’t been for about 250 years. Join us in this fight - come to the next British Constitution Group conference in London on the 13th June, and find out what you can do.

article taken from:


Friday, April 10, 2009

The BBC Forgets Good Friday


See these examples of how the Illuminati loves to play around with words, dates and timing. And how the mainstream media gives them the opportunity to rub our faces in it.

The G20 meeting last week - on April Fools Day,(an Illuminati joke)

Blair’s conversion to Catholicism, taking place and being announced to the British public -by the BBC, and other media, right on Christmas, (a massive slap in the face for Christians)

His sidekick Alistair Campbell’s fashionably unmarried wifelet launching her book on the anniversary of Dr. Kelly’s death, again covered heavily by the media on the day to obscure references to Dr Kelly. ( This is called "Burying the bad news")

Now we have Beezelbub-loving Tony “Damien” Blair pontificating about religion – tonight, on Good Friday. Total sacrilege!

And you would never know it actually was Good Friday either by reading any of this!


Mustn’t miff the Muftis, I s'pose!

I believe Gordon Brown wears a toupee.


It is a very nice one, and it suits him but I despise him for it. Why?
Well, to me it represents his hypocrisy.
First of all, I like wigs and toupees and have never, and would never, ridicule anyone for wearing one - ever! And I have worn one myself, and had hair extensions in the past too.
The New Labour- loving British press, whipped up by spin-masters like Alister Campbell
(currently involved in mentoring young people to be bare-faced liars in a disturbing new reality show on public speaking on BBC 2)
banged on and on about William Hague and Ian Duncan Smith being bald. They made a real, childish issue out it, and it annoyed me greatly at the time as I hate bullying.
So now, when I see Brown’s toupee I think to myself, what a phoney he is.
Pretending to have a full head of hair, would they be so rude and unkind if he started not wearing it anymore?
Wear a wig, hair extensions or a toupee with my blessing but do not then go and hang around in gang that take the piss out of bald people!