Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama, Sibelius, Tiller

"Birds of a feather flock together."

Will Tony and Cherie approve? Probably! What about the Poop?

'Governor Kathleen Sebellius is an outspoken Catholic dissident who views the taking of the lives of children in the first home of the whole human race as a “health service” and a “choice”. If her record in Kansas is any indication of how she would lead HHS, she would be an aggressive advocate of the expansion of abortion and the use of Federal funds to pay for it.

The Kansas Governor received extensive coverage during the last U.S. presidential campaign. She was an early supporter of the candidacy of Barack Obama for the Presidency. After his nomination she became a leading contender for the Vice Presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket.

However, her continuous and overt defiance of the teaching of the Catholic Church concerning the dignity of every human person no matter how small led to her public reprimand by the Archbishop of Kansas City Joseph F. Naumann, her own Bishop.While claiming to be a Catholic, Governor Sebellius consistently vetoed every effort to restrict abortion.

The Archbishop referred to her “30-year history of advocating and acting in support of legalized abortion” in his public correction fo the Governor. He noted that she was engaging in what the Catholic Catechism defines as “scandal”, when “one’s action leads someone else to sin. Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil.”'

And how has this woman’s promotion been reported here in Muppetland by the BBC? Not one word of the controversy is referred to, still think what we get in this country is news? Couldn’t be just a load of state controlled, Pro –EU propaganda then?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Together We Can, Yes We Can, Change.
Dr. Henry Tam.

"Henry Tam is a social development specialist. He currently leads the UK Government's work on Civil Renewal and Community Empowerment. He developed the cross government "Together We Can" action plan and is responsible for promoting ideas and evidence in support of active citizenship, strengthening community organisations, and ensuring more citizens are involved in shaping public policies and services. He was also a member of the Government's Sustainable Development Strategy Board." From

A Communitarian in the White House?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Royal Mail Break Up - the Truth

As usual, the BBC is not being at all honest concerning the breakup and sale of our postal service, neither are our Government or the other political parties. Even the unions involved are skirting around the real reasons, which are actually addressed in this short film at 6 minutes 48 secs. in.

As you can see for yourself, it has nothing to do with the Royal Mail being inefficient, unviable, not making profit or any of the other bare-faced lies and utter nonsense being spouted.
How can the mail be less used when ebay users are sending more packages than ever before? I frequently see more than one ebayer in the local post office with carrier bags full of parcels and packages. Ordinary people across the country have never sent so many items by post, everyone uses ebay now! So what is really going on?
Why are they such a rotten bunch of despicable liars?
Destroying the Royal Mail, as you can see in this film, is simply a requirement of being in the EU, and our Government is simply about to do exactly what it has agreed to do all along, kow-tow to the EU like the grovelling scum they are!
They signed away our postal service years ago, all the protests and petitions by desperate, concerned people have been pointless and a waste of every one's time.
When are you going to wake up and kick these lying LibLabCon scumbags up the ar*se?
Find an anti-EU group or party and get active - NOW.


More liars - simply by being pro EU every pro EU MP is party to this break up of the Royal Mail because it is an EU requirement. All this "protesting" and "rebellion" by Labour MPs and unions is a puppet show to convince, to demonstrate to the British public that "they tried to do something, they did their best but sadly failed." Yeah right! We believe you Mandy - you wouldn't lie would you?

Any troubles the Royal Mail is in are due to the LibLabCon writing it off and signing it away years ago. This has been a done deal for donkey's years, and could be solved simply by voting for anti-EU political parties from now on.

The Royal Mail was handed over to the greedy, corrupt EU years ago – the unions know it, and so do the Government, and all LibLabCon MPs. These are just more lies, more smoke and mirrors for the stupid workers and the stupid British public, Wake up, we need to get out!

The Third Way to solve unemployment
Ode to Solving Lincolnshire Womens' Unemployment (Not)

In Lincolnshire, wimmin are losing their jobs,
They need special help ‘cos they’re sweet – not like yobs!
More wimmin than men here are being laid off
Oh dear, can’t have that, enough is enough.
But women are equal to men we protest,
Let’s just help all in the Credit Crunch mess.

Baroness Warsi comes on the TV,
I know what’s best for you, listen to me.
Perched on the sofa she proceeds to hector,
This problem needs management by the Third Sector.”
With quangos and charities, think tanks and boards
Who will suspect Communitarian fraud?

Grants for the graduates whose purpose is common
Some for the men but most for the wimmin.
They will ensure the Government and EU
Will write out huge cheques to "help all of you."
Funds for the agencies, dosh for the panels
Ha ha! Who’ll suspect its a load of old flannel?

by bardEaUX ( with thanks to Viz )
 Image Detail

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Third Sector - Pulling It Apart

“ We need to start pulling apart the Third Sector. ” Brian Gerrish, 2009.

In Britain we used to have “The Public Sector” and/or “The Private Sector,” but have you noticed we now also have a third one - “The Community Sector,” “the Third Sector" or "the Third Way?”

What is it? Where has this come from?

It seems to have evolved, and has become accepted and established without being talked of very much. It gravitates around “charity” involving huge grants from the National Lottery, the Government and the EU = public money - your taxes!

It is becoming obvious that Common Purpose and its clones, and similar organisations form part of this Third Way, with the Community or Voluntary Sector, and that they have become the mechanisms through which the authority of traditional elected and publicly accountable government in Britain is now being seriously undermined, side-tracked and emasculated by our betters - the chosen ones who know best!

This change reflects the ethos of Communitarianism.

It puts europhile Non Governmental Organisations in charge of projects and awards grants to fund them. Obviously, “the most suitable people” to run these pro-EU NGOs are the “graduates” “ambassadors” and "beacons" etc. from Common Purpose and other similar organisations, who have been “chosen” and trained to “lead beyond authority,” to quote Julia Middleton, the founder of Common Purpose.

This is how the EU will, or actually is taking over the rule of Britain.

A Web Search for “Common Purpose” produces numerous links but many just parrot Brian Gerrish and do not actually add much more, so it can be extremely frustrating unless you are very selective. However, do please make the effort anyway to try and see what you can find out about Common Purpose, Communitarianism, the Third Way, Julia Middleton, Henry Tam, Demos, etc. Let’s all stir the sediment and see what floats up! And then discuss what we can do.

If you have had any dealings at all with this organisation or similar ones at work, socially or within your family or circle of friends, etc. it may be helpful and therapeutic to speak out about your experiences with concerned, sympathetic and interested people. We need to build up a picture of this problem but, because it is secretive, subversive and widespread, it will be from a large, complex jigsaw of information that the bigger picture will take form. So your contribution, however small, is absolutely vital. Complete confidentiality will be respected and, if you wish, your views and experiences can be presented anonymously on your behalf.

Watching one of Brian’s talks is a bit like choosing to take the red pill in The Matrix movie. You are left disturbed and shocked wondering, to quote Morpheus, “...just how deep the rabbit hole goes.” Brian’s films pose more questions than providing answers and we all need to investigate further this hidden agenda or programme, which is actually criminal fraud!

This mad agenda is dangerous, wasteful, deceitful, probably criminal and incredibly destructive. It is no exaggeration to say that people are dying because of the introduction of Communitarianism into Great Britain. That is how serious this is!