Friday, January 30, 2009

Nikki Raapana - on "Change"

Communitarians Wear Many Disguises

".....I think the American right is purposely leading their followers away from communitarianism. Accepting the authentic, verifiable legal and academic term for the changes means they have to admit their part in helping to bring on the emerging global communitarian synthesis.

Just as many on the left are completely fooled into believing Obama's change means benevolent, anti Wall Street, socialist populism, the right is even more fooled into believing Obama's change is just some barely veiled form of communism. How convenient for the communitarians that both sides are still so totally stuck in their dialectical roles. The only way Americans will ever defeat the communitarians is if they can identify exactly who they are, exactly what they're doing, and how they're doing it......" Nikki Raapana.

Prolific Alaskan author and researcher Niki Raapanan is so right in this recent article on her blog. And she is mirroring one of the main themes of the recent "Lawful Rebellion, Action Not Words" Conference in Stoke on Trent, UK held by

All speakers at this highly inspiring and well attended meeting returned again and again to the fact that the UK’s troubles will never be solved by voting and supporting the Big Three – New Labour, the Conservatives or the Liberals as all three parties are Communitarian and totally committed to locking the British people permanently into the EU. I repeat - None of the Big Three – The LIBLABCON, none of these three offer the way out of the EU that most British want. Actually all three want us entrenched into the EU even deeper!

Just like the general public in the USA, how many British people are aware of the term "Communitarianism"? Hardly any. I am not aware of anyone in my circle of friends and acquaintances being familiar with this word, or ever having heard of it, until I try and explain it to them. Communitarianism, and its implications for life in Britain, is virtually never referred to in the media here in the UK at all. My first ever encounter with this word was due to my discovery, by accident, of Nikki's Anti-Communitarianism website.

Yet Communitarianism is the philosophy - the very ethos, of Blair and Browns' New Labour Government. Interestingly though, it has been covertly spreading through our society for at least the last twenty years. So it may have started under a Conservative Government!

The Third Way, The Third Sector, the Community Sector (rapidly replacing "voluntary work") = Communitarianism.

It is all around us like a digusting, unhealthy smell that we have not yet identified.

Common Purpose and its ubiquitous leadership/diversity clones, is the physical manifestation of this. It is Communitarianism in action.

And Common Purpose is not going to disappear under a Conservative, Liberal, Scottish or Welsh Nationalist or even a Green British Government. So do not be fooled.

So who do we vote for?

Anyone, or any party who are anti-EU.

We vote on this one issue - irrespective of any other policy, even if we detest the person or party!

It is the only way!

"Communitarianism is a collectivist philosophy that explicitly rejects individualism. It does not merely relegate individualism to a subordinate position, but is openly hostile to it. It is an ideology of 'civic society' which is nothing less than one version of Post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for certain wealthy and influential organized groups, and in consequence, a renewed feudalization of society." Vaclav Klaus.

Here we are on the verge of entering fully into the EU but the legal implications of this are not being considered in any depth or seriousness by ordinary people.

Communitarian Law and European Community Law : Individual & National Sovereignty versus the Collective Good

by Niki Raapana, April 2003. Revised March 21, 2006.
Updated January 6, 2008

"There is an emerging social justice system based in communitarian philosophy, called communitarian law. Communitarian law is enforced at the local, regional, and international levels. Recorded case law for communitarian jurisprudence rests with the European Communitarian Court of Justice....."

Nikki then goes on to discuss the American perspective but it is all true for us here too.

Come on British people, give this some thought, and then start some action, before it is too late.

Here is an excellent article, everyone should read this:

"The socio political economic agenda of the EU is carefully and intentionally buried beneath myriad layers of tedious and unintelligible `newspeak`. Despite this, in recent years, as the pace of so called EU 'reform' has quickened, many researchers like myself have begun to expose and unravel this intentionally obtuse and often ambiguous jargon and reveal it for what it really is: A tool of confusion and misinformation intended towards the enslavement of the peoples of Europe by the rule of diktat and economic servitude.."
By Philip Jones 26th October 2008

End of Nations. - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty ( EU Deception and Betrayal, EU Tyranny)

“… Because you should know that what is published up ‘til now, what is signed by the Prime Ministers is a text they have NEVER, EVER READ! NEVER!

WHY? ..Because it can’t be read. This is not a treaty. This is 300 pages of amendments to 3,000 other pages of treaties and you can only read it if you take one amendment by one and then look it up in the existing treaties and insert it….”

Jens-Peter Bonde, Danish MEP, on the Lisbon Treaty

“…Ignorance generally, on the part of most British citizens in relation to EU matters, is a huge problem and is the Europhiles’ greatest asset. No insult to the British people is intended here because the various treaties and issues concerning the EU have been intentionally presented to us all by Whitehall and the mainstream media in an extremely long, complex, virtually incomprehensible form of printed/verbal diahorrea, designed to baffle or bore us all to death. Most ordinary people have just switched off in relation to understanding the EU and have decided they have no choice but to "trust the experts.”
How very, very, very convenient! Remember, Cui Bono? (who benefits)

But we badly need to leave the EU. Fortunately, there are now anti-EU pressure groups whose members have had time to study the politics of the EU and can discuss and explain these vital issues in the sensible, intelligent language that the government/media never uses. We will only get either baby-talk, pompous legalese or cunningly phrased doublespeak(55) from them, with the intention to frustrate us and make us back-off and give in!
( If it makes no sense then that is exactly what it is – nonsense ! )

Please wake up now, we need immediate action. Even if you are not living in Great Britain at present, please take an interest. If each individual joins an anti-EU pressure group, the unified effect could trigger some kind of British renaissance for this new millennium. Then all the traitors who have damaged our people and our land, will pay a very high price!....” The Angry Cheese, December 2007