Friday, January 30, 2009

Nikki Raapana - on "Change"

Communitarians Wear Many Disguises

".....I think the American right is purposely leading their followers away from communitarianism. Accepting the authentic, verifiable legal and academic term for the changes means they have to admit their part in helping to bring on the emerging global communitarian synthesis.

Just as many on the left are completely fooled into believing Obama's change means benevolent, anti Wall Street, socialist populism, the right is even more fooled into believing Obama's change is just some barely veiled form of communism. How convenient for the communitarians that both sides are still so totally stuck in their dialectical roles. The only way Americans will ever defeat the communitarians is if they can identify exactly who they are, exactly what they're doing, and how they're doing it......" Nikki Raapana.

Prolific Alaskan author and researcher Niki Raapanan is so right in this recent article on her blog. And she is mirroring one of the main themes of the recent "Lawful Rebellion, Action Not Words" Conference in Stoke on Trent, UK held by

All speakers at this highly inspiring and well attended meeting returned again and again to the fact that the UK’s troubles will never be solved by voting and supporting the Big Three – New Labour, the Conservatives or the Liberals as all three parties are Communitarian and totally committed to locking the British people permanently into the EU. I repeat - None of the Big Three – The LIBLABCON, none of these three offer the way out of the EU that most British want. Actually all three want us entrenched into the EU even deeper!

Just like the general public in the USA, how many British people are aware of the term "Communitarianism"? Hardly any. I am not aware of anyone in my circle of friends and acquaintances being familiar with this word, or ever having heard of it, until I try and explain it to them. Communitarianism, and its implications for life in Britain, is virtually never referred to in the media here in the UK at all. My first ever encounter with this word was due to my discovery, by accident, of Nikki's Anti-Communitarianism website.

Yet Communitarianism is the philosophy - the very ethos, of Blair and Browns' New Labour Government. Interestingly though, it has been covertly spreading through our society for at least the last twenty years. So it may have started under a Conservative Government!

The Third Way, The Third Sector, the Community Sector (rapidly replacing "voluntary work") = Communitarianism.

It is all around us like a digusting, unhealthy smell that we have not yet identified.

Common Purpose and its ubiquitous leadership/diversity clones, is the physical manifestation of this. It is Communitarianism in action.

And Common Purpose is not going to disappear under a Conservative, Liberal, Scottish or Welsh Nationalist or even a Green British Government. So do not be fooled.

So who do we vote for?

Anyone, or any party who are anti-EU.

We vote on this one issue - irrespective of any other policy, even if we detest the person or party!

It is the only way!

"Communitarianism is a collectivist philosophy that explicitly rejects individualism. It does not merely relegate individualism to a subordinate position, but is openly hostile to it. It is an ideology of 'civic society' which is nothing less than one version of Post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for certain wealthy and influential organized groups, and in consequence, a renewed feudalization of society." Vaclav Klaus.

Here we are on the verge of entering fully into the EU but the legal implications of this are not being considered in any depth or seriousness by ordinary people.

Communitarian Law and European Community Law : Individual & National Sovereignty versus the Collective Good

by Niki Raapana, April 2003. Revised March 21, 2006.
Updated January 6, 2008

"There is an emerging social justice system based in communitarian philosophy, called communitarian law. Communitarian law is enforced at the local, regional, and international levels. Recorded case law for communitarian jurisprudence rests with the European Communitarian Court of Justice....."

Nikki then goes on to discuss the American perspective but it is all true for us here too.

Come on British people, give this some thought, and then start some action, before it is too late.

Here is an excellent article, everyone should read this:

"The socio political economic agenda of the EU is carefully and intentionally buried beneath myriad layers of tedious and unintelligible `newspeak`. Despite this, in recent years, as the pace of so called EU 'reform' has quickened, many researchers like myself have begun to expose and unravel this intentionally obtuse and often ambiguous jargon and reveal it for what it really is: A tool of confusion and misinformation intended towards the enslavement of the peoples of Europe by the rule of diktat and economic servitude.."
By Philip Jones 26th October 2008

End of Nations. - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty ( EU Deception and Betrayal, EU Tyranny)

“… Because you should know that what is published up ‘til now, what is signed by the Prime Ministers is a text they have NEVER, EVER READ! NEVER!

WHY? ..Because it can’t be read. This is not a treaty. This is 300 pages of amendments to 3,000 other pages of treaties and you can only read it if you take one amendment by one and then look it up in the existing treaties and insert it….”

Jens-Peter Bonde, Danish MEP, on the Lisbon Treaty

“…Ignorance generally, on the part of most British citizens in relation to EU matters, is a huge problem and is the Europhiles’ greatest asset. No insult to the British people is intended here because the various treaties and issues concerning the EU have been intentionally presented to us all by Whitehall and the mainstream media in an extremely long, complex, virtually incomprehensible form of printed/verbal diahorrea, designed to baffle or bore us all to death. Most ordinary people have just switched off in relation to understanding the EU and have decided they have no choice but to "trust the experts.”
How very, very, very convenient! Remember, Cui Bono? (who benefits)

But we badly need to leave the EU. Fortunately, there are now anti-EU pressure groups whose members have had time to study the politics of the EU and can discuss and explain these vital issues in the sensible, intelligent language that the government/media never uses. We will only get either baby-talk, pompous legalese or cunningly phrased doublespeak(55) from them, with the intention to frustrate us and make us back-off and give in!
( If it makes no sense then that is exactly what it is – nonsense ! )

Please wake up now, we need immediate action. Even if you are not living in Great Britain at present, please take an interest. If each individual joins an anti-EU pressure group, the unified effect could trigger some kind of British renaissance for this new millennium. Then all the traitors who have damaged our people and our land, will pay a very high price!....” The Angry Cheese, December 2007

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Conisholme 2nd Incident

A damaged wind turbine, at left, is seen in the village of Conisholme, Lincolnshire, England, on Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009. The mysterious severance of the wind turbine blade may have been caused by a mechanical failure, an expert said Thursday. Local residents reported seeing a bright light on Wednesday morning, prompting speculation that a UFO had caused the damage. But Fraser McLachlan, chief executive of GCube, which insures more than 25,000 wind turbines worldwide, said that although it is unusual, this type of incident happens about five or six times a year. From AP Photo by Chris Radburn.

Common Purpose arrived here with passion
And hit wee Conisholme, UFO-fashion.
The sky lit up and the countryside shook.
Julia Middleton frightens Donna Nook.

The Icarus missile is fast and strong
But excretes a vile and toxic pong.
Brian Gerrish accepts these cases,
Confronting monsters with two faces.
by bardEaUX.

Iceland to Enter EU?

One objective of the new Left-Green socialist government of Iceland is to hold a referendum on the controversial issue of joining the European Union.

The center-left SDA proposes the newly-called general election be pushed back from May 9 to May 30, and the EU referendum be held on the same day. The Socialist Left-Green Movement wants general elections to be held earlier, sometime in April. the LGM came out against Icealnd entering the EU earlier this month.

The SDA proposal calls for the Icelandic constitution be amended so an EU membership application can be more quickly processed, and change the Icelandic parliament so it has the authority to amend the constitution.

The issue of Iceland’s membership has been a sensitive issue for several years in the tiny Nordic country, with proponents gaining momentum since the economic collapse occurred last October. “We cannot waste any time in applying for the European Union,” said Arni Pall Arnason, Social Democrat MP in the Icelandic parliament last Thursday before the government’s collapse. Delegations from two political parties from Norway, a staunch anti-EU proponent, visited Iceland last December to persuade its government to say no to EU expansion.

The outgoing Independence Party doubled the whaling quota as its last act in office, a sign many are taking as a defiant no vote against entering the EU.

The SDA also wants to radically alter Icelandic Central Bank. First the board governors must step down, a popular idea among Icelanders, then amend bank laws so only one governor can run the Bank at a time.

The SDA also wants to establish a series of committees and councils to regulate the Central Bank’s monetary policy. Future Central Bank governors should be appointed on a basis of international standards, according to the SDA.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lawful Rebellion Conference Reports

Sukyspook reports:

"I got back about an hour ago - had a brilliant day - excellent conference.

Poor old Stoke has been murdered, especially the various pottery companies and the city centre - especially the pubs. One was called the 'New Phoenix' which was completely boarded up, how ironic a name - not the only pub in the relatively small area either - sigh.

I had the priviledge of meeting John Harris who has come on in leaps and bounds with his presentation - thank you John and believe me, John is incredibly moved by the plight of global humanity - as am I and I told him so out loud and to him personally. God bless him.

I also met Brian Gerrish - a true gentleman and a completely honest, down to earth truthseeker. Excellent speaker who has grown in confidence since his first CP video which is still as valid as the first time I watched it. God bless you too Brian.

I also introduced myself to David Shayler. David, imho, speaks the absolute truth but I do worry about his Messiahship....however, he is no 'nutter' and again, imho, a true ensouled human being.

I thoroughly enjoyed Albert Burgess's presentation who amazed me with his tales - with natural humour - of how he has taken on the police regarding the treason of Heath and his cabinet (and all the other pro-eu'ers since) - no mean feat!

John Galloway did a short pres on 'Mediatisation' - no, I didn't know what it was prior to this either - but it's 'annexing a state to another state' which is what 'her madge' may have done...very interesting.

I also enjoyed the presentation by Mike Robinson and I'm sorry, I didn't write the name of the co-presenter down - however, joined lots of dots I already knew and a few more besides re the Black Nobility of Venice - the money changers in one of their other disguises.

Not least of all was the first presentation from John Bingley re the British Constitution - all points to a 'William of Orange/Mary' COUP if you ask me - sponsored by the Venetian 'Fonzi' banksters who are still behind the chaos intentionally being created in the world today.

Roger Hayes did a spiffing job of organising, opening and closing the conference so hats off to Roger. Brilliant and thank you....."

Friday, January 23, 2009

Lawful Rebellion - Actions Not Words (3)

Well, I’m off to the Lawful Rebellion Conference in Stoke-On-Trent this morning.

I do not doubt for one moment that there will be plenty of government / Common Purpose spies monitoring the place. I will personally be on the watch for silly, off-beam questions and long waffling tirades of boredom etc. and all the usual disrupting tactics. Never mind. Wish I had a pair of those sunglasses:

( best screen fight ever!)

Lawful Rebellion - Actions Not Words (2)

The collective political establishment, consisting of the three main political parties, have agreed amongst themselves, without our consent, to transfer our national sovereignty to Brussels. This process commenced in 1972 with the signing of the Treaty of Rome and concludes when the Lisbon Treaty comes into force. As the process is now in its final phase, the loss of our national sovereignty is now certain, unless their plans are stopped. There are profound implications for every British citizen if we lose our national sovereignty.

It is incomprehensible that a proud nation, which has on so many occasions courageously defended its freedoms and independence, should now just surrender its sovereignty, as a consequence of complacency, apathy, and ignorance and the duplicity of our own politicians.

The vast majority of voters still fail to realise or are unable to understand that the European Union is not a benevolent club comprising of co-operating nation states – it is unequivocally a new legal and political order wielding absolute power over member states and its citizens, controlled by an unelected political hierarchy with supreme powers. The EU is about centralizing power and the subservience of elected governments. The notion that the EU is somehow subservient to member states is both misguided and dangerous.

To claim back our independence we have to fully grasp the reality of our predicament. It is a travesty that the majority of people wanting to leave the EU are still voting for the collective political establishment that are committed to staying in. It is extraordinarily wrong to reward the very people who are betraying us.

If sufficient numbers of us now make the right decisions, to restore our independence and the right to govern ourselves, then we can be assured of a brighter and more prosperous future, than remaining shackled to the European Union.

The situation is now grave – but we have a strategy that will regain our independence – we need help for its implementation. Those who want to regain our independence and defend our sovereignty now have a simple choice – do something and support usor just keep talking about it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Brown's Massive Banking Scam

"Massive £900 Billion Government Financial Scam Locks Britain Into Poverty.

EU Trough Gets Another £65 Billion of British Taxpayer’s Cash In 2009,

THE UK COLUMN Demands Open Public Inquiry.

Fabian marxist Gordon Brown has duped the British public and sold us into the hands of a greedy, godless and corrupt supranational banking cartel. First he sells our gold reserves, then he sells out the British people. The Tories and Lib Dems assist from the wings.

Brown’s massive banking scam:

Brown has already spent £600 billion and is now about to pawn Britain for £900 billion to a corrupt supranational private banking cartel. Brown has just announced a £2-3 billion support package, including insurance to cover the bankers ‘toxic’ debt. Something smells. RBS and HBOS look likely to announce £10 billion losses for 2008 - each!

Taken across the UK sector - if the total banking losses for the UK are going to be in the region of £150 billion, what has Brown done with the £450 billion already spent? Why is he using tax payers money to cover Banker’s gambling debts?

This collapse is not the result of simple incompetence. It is not, the inevitable bust which has come after an extended boom as part of “the normal economic cycle.” At best, it is as a result of criminal negligence; at worst, as a result of corruption not seen since the fourteenth century.

Those responsible need to be behind bars, not, as with Bernie Madoff, sitting in comfort in a multi-million dollar apartment on a bail of a million of his “own” hard earned dollars.

The Labour government and their fellow Conservative and Lib Dem MPs would have the general public believe that there is a “Credit Crunch”. The term itself has been carefully constructed to have an innocent almost edible attraction.

Comrade Brown would have us believe that it is what happens when the “credit markets” freeze up. He lies and spins as usual - a credit freeze is in fact a symptom.

BBC financial commentators seem to expect everything to be alright, so long as credit starts flowing again. But that’s like suggesting a cancer has gone if the patient is given a strong pain killer.…."

...Tyranny is not a matter of minor theft and violence, but of wholesale plunder, sacred and profane, private or public. If you are caught committing such crimes in detail you are punished and disgraced; sacrilege, kidnapping, burglary, fraud, theft are the names we give to such petty forms of wrongdoing. But when a man succeeds in robbing the whole body of citizens and reducing them to slavery, they forget these ugly names and call him happy and fortunate, as do all others who hear of his unmitigated wrongdoing.

Plato's Republic 344a-c, H.D.P. Lee translation, Penguin Books, 1955, p.73.