Sunday, June 29, 2008

Funeral March for a Marionette

Title : Just WHO is running this country?

With due thanks and acknowledgement of the diligent work of others, this public presentation pulls together some inter-related documents that not only cast doubt on precisely who thinks they are running the country, but also raises important questions as to why otherwise unelected and disparate groups can wield power, not only throughout the country but even inside

No. 10 and Parliament, above and immune from the law.

This document is “public domain” and may be freely used, copied and distributed.

It is the morning of November 14, 2007.

Gordon Brown is getting ready to address the House of Commons on the latest national security measures.

Already, the text of the speech has been released to those who are named.

For the purposes of this presentation, here is the original text of an extract from the speech, as sent to two organisations that were recipients of government money, and published by Common Purpose, the Karimia Institute, Crime Concern and Muslim Hands….

The attachment is A-ORIGINAL-GoBr-141107-NatSec-Parliament.txt

The website is

The other recipient of funds that quoted from the original text that was issued to them mentions that their organisation is referenced by Gordon Brown in the House of Commons on November 14th.

Here is what Common Purpose recorded:

“Bursary scheme for Common Purpose

Gordon brown mentioned Common Purpose in a speech, which covered new initiatives around cultural integration. Common Purpose obtained a large bursary scheme from the Department of Local Government and Communities to enable it to target more efficiently leaders from the Muslim communities across Britain. The scheme has now finished and was very successful.”

The attachment is B-ComPur-Jan08-Leeds.txt

The website is

The original document was also picked up by several other organisations.

References are given at the end of this document.

However, something weird happened in those hours between the issue of the text of the speech in the morning, and what Gordon actually said in the Commons.

Here is the relevant paragraph showing what Gordon Brown said:

“We are sponsoring and encouraging a series of national and local mentoring programmes for young people, including a business in the community Muslim mentoring programme, new leadership training and local youth leadership schemes in Blackburn, Waltham Forest, Leeds and in partnership with Tottenham in Haringey. After discussion with Muslim Women, a new advisory group has been set up by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, which will advise on the access of women to mosques and their management committees.”

The attachment is C-DOCTORED-GoBr-141107-NatSec-Parliament.txt

The website is

So as to dispel any possibility of doubt, the best thing to do would be to hear it for yourself. You may listen to it attachment: D-brown cp – mp3

Clearly, the differences between the paragraphs is significant.

The references to Common purpose and Karimia have been expunged.

Among the many questions that must be asked is: why?

Why was Common Purpose, for example, edited out of the later version that was read out by Gordon Brown?

It is known that Hansard is a retrospective account.
Therefore, were all those who received the original versions later sent the corrected versions?

The answer to this is a definite “No”… as both Common Purpose and Karimia, among others, reported on their websites in accordance with what they were sent before the speech, not the doctored version that Gordon Brown read.

Even worse, No.10 NEVER sent out a corrected version, as, even by the following January, Common Purpose were still using the original version that they had received the previous November before the speech by Gordon Brown.

Next, we must ask, given that the text of Commons Speeches are made available to the House, which version was actually made available in the lobby of the Commons before the speech by Gordon Brown? Given that Hansard is a retrospective record, there can be but one answer – the original.

Were members of parliament given the doctored version, as recorded by Hansard?

We have what appears to be a case of the Prime Minister deceiving The House, giving members one version but reading out another version.

We have also seen, in the past year, blatant examples of Hansard being deliberately falsified so as to protect nulabour ministers, where what was said was clearly heard and recorded by the cameras but was reported as something else by Hansard.

The integrity of Hansard has been compromised.

(The falsification of records has been a consistency of nulabour)

Now let us see WHY a group such as Common Purpose should have been written out of the speech to the commons.

It turns out that Common Purpose must have been identified as a possible source of embarrassment to the government some time between issuing the original text and the time of the actual speech, necessitating some last-minute alterations.

Why would No10 want Gordon Brown not to mention Common Purpose in the House of Commons?

The answer to this would be because it appears that Common Purpose has been the recipient of large sums of government money, not all of which could be satisfactorily explained, and now Common Purpose was to receive yet more.

On 11th July 2007, Philip Davies MP had asked this question:

Philip Davies: To ask the prime Minister how much his Office paid to Common Purpose in each of the last five years; for what purpose; and what the outcome of the expenditure was. [147594]

The Prime Minister: For these purposes my Office forms part of the Cabinet Office. I refer my the hon. Member to the answer given to him by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary for the Cabinet Office (Gillian Merron) today.

The website for this is:

In fact, Philip Davies MP, asked questions about Government spending on Common Purpose from June to September. Some answers were given, sometimes the answers were fudged, some answers refused to state a figure.

The attachment is: E-ComPur-HoC-Nov07.txt

The website for this is:

Clearly, Common Purpose was already a potential source of embarrassment to the Government generally, and to No10 in particular.

So, WHY all the secrecy and deceit?

What is it about the workings of Common Purpose that must not be revealed?

Again, the above website gives a brief account of what Common Purpose is about. In summary, Common Purpose is a government agent for the creation and maintenance of unlawful government control mechanisms from No10 to street level, completely outside of the democratic, transparent and accountable institutions seen by the common citizen.

In addition to taxpayers’ money that Common Purpose has received, this organisation has also received ratepayers’ money unbeknown to the ratepayer and not included in Local Authority Accounts – to carry out its separate agenda, with nulabour support. In addition, Common Purpose has received the free use of facilities, premises and services for which taxpayers and ratepayers are blissfully ignorant.

More details of this can be the subject of a separate presentation.

Also, Common Purpose are “running scared”. Their leaders have written to major taxpayer-funded institutions and councils, directing them how to answer Freedom of Information requests should anyone ask awkward questions. They have provided bizarre reasons why councils should break the law and have given specious and fatuous arguments for refusing legitimate requests for information. It is a sad indictment of the insidious penetration of Common Purpose into our institutions that councils and police authorities, for example, do as Common Purpose tell them!

This issue too can be a subject for a separate presentation.

Gordon Brown must now be asked to explain himself.

This will also be the subject of a separate presentation.

This citizen’s main themes have been the multi-billion Eurofrauds, the fraud and corruption associated with nulabour-sourced regeneration money, and the devastating price paid by those who would expose the corruption. The structures, mechanisms and people involved have been identified.

It can be stated here, unambiguously and unequivocally, that several of these institutions are Common Purpose infected and many of those identified as corrupt or as controlling abusers are Common Purpose members.


Clearly not the government we can see.


( Name withheld by the angry cheese for obvious reasons.)

Useful links: (WOW!)

Many thanks to the contributors to this article.