Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Food For Thought

Food shortages across the world are extremely prominent in the news at the moment. Join me for a spin around the internet:-
Scroll down to listen to Alan Watt's excellent radio shows from the backwoods of Canada, relevent ones here being April 11th and 21st 2008 covering food shortage issues. Alan refers readers to various documents including,

UK Food Supply in the 21st Century: The New Dynamic”
Research Project Proposal

Here is the research team who are working on this project:

Project Leader- Susan Ambler-Edwards, seconded to Chatham House from the Ministry of Defence. She has led the food project since June 2005. Her areas of expertise include Resilience of the Civil Infrastructure. What is that? Apparantly - terrorism!

What are the other people involved in this project like? Well there is,

Alexandra Kiff recently joined the Food Process Innovation Unit at Cardiff Business School, currently researching the impact of global change on supply chains and future changes to UK food supply.
an expert on sustainability, and industrial ecology.
another expert on sustainability and environmental issues. Currently writing on a book on food regulation in Europe.

You can find out about the others for yourself. There is not a farmer among them but you get the general idea - GM food, the EU, global issues, food supply, environment, and "Sustainability" - there goes that word again!

Yet look how we, as a country, have been behaving in relation to food:

Cheesey's farming relations, and hundreds like them in Britain, have repeatedly been forced for years by the British-EU Nazi Government to pour countless hundreds of thousands of gallons of beautiful, fresh milk down the drain! My relatives effectively faced ruin before finally having sadly to give in and abandon their dairy unit! Revenge will be sweet indeed for British farmers when the food shortages do come!
Whatever happened to all the wine lakes, meat mountains and butter mountains in the old days when Britain first joined the Common Market? But of course, this country has been run by a greedy gaggle of clever lawyers for decades hasn't it! Let them eat books.

Might we shortly be reaping exactly what we have sown?
Unfortunately the film "The World According to Monsanto" is unavailable free online with Google or YouTube at present but if you look hard you might still find it! Failing that, I urge you to purchase a copy and watch it with your family and friends. It is, without a doubt, the most important documentary that has ever been made.