Sunday, April 27, 2008

What Would "Tank Man" Think?

As "The Flame of Shame" continues its sickening worldwide spectacle, thousands of Chinese students were bussed into Canberra last week to "support the flame" outnumbering Tibetan protesters by 25 to 1. They seem to have been organised and encouraged by the Chinese Embassy in Australia. The Flame Supporters' violence and intimidation even forced the Australian Police to order the Tibetan protesters to leave, at certain stages of the torch relay, for their own safety! Bullying of Tibet supporters by Chinese continued away from the route afterwards.,23599,23594307-2,00.html
Canberra was swamped by a sea of red flag-wielding Chinese, ironically giving Australians a short, one-day demonstration, a little taster, of what it must feel like to be a Tibetan in Tibet under Chinese occupation!

Interesting comments on the Canberra experience may be read here,

Have these Chinese students any knowledge of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, 20-odd years ago? Have they seen film footage of "Tank Man?" What are they thinking?

Giving them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps they are only too well aware of it and feel terrified and under too strict surveillance to voice their objections? However, reports suggest that they seemed to enjoy the bullying a bit too much! And their chatroom comments give them away too. I will not go into them here!!

Do they not understand that China was only granted the Olympic Games on condition that they improve their dreadful record on human rights and start treating people better, and demonstrate to the world, by holding the Games, that China has become a decent place worthy of the Games. This they have failed to do. China's has not kept its side of the bargain. Not only has China totally failed to make any improvements during the years leading up to the Games, they have used the Olympic Games as an excuse to throw thousands of ordinary Chinese people out of their humble dwellings, without any compensation, to make way for the huge new sporting arenas these Games seem to require. And to up surveillance to ridiculous levels, and throw even more people in prison. Disgusting behaviour! Hence the protests, if China had behaved decently the protests would not be necessary.

Chinese students studying abroad may be very intelligent but clearly lack common sense, and seem to miss the point. Although the Tibet angle has dominated the Olympic Games protests, the demonstrations around the Olympic Flame are about all aspects of human rights issues in relation to China- both at home and abroad, including their role in Darfur, their vicious suppression of the Fulan Gong movement, and the bad treatment of the Chinese people themselves.
The young Chinese supporters who confront the Tibetans, and others protesting, are incredibly fortunate and privileged Chinese. For starters they are, presumably, the precious one-child products of the vile and monstrous "family planning" extermination program, and are therefore amazingly lucky to be alive at all! And then, through having rich and/or connected families, and high IQs they have also been permitted to travel and study abroad. They are the cream of their country, a tiny, lucky fraction of China's people. Have they no pity, respect or concern for those in China, the millions less fortunate than themselves? Or do they feel too frightened not to support their seriously misguided government? China - why are they so proud of this toilet? Seriously - who wants to there and watch these stinking, disgusting, cesspit Olympics?
The Angry Cheese finds the sight of these prosperous young people scorning others who care, deeply disturbing and very ugly. By following their government they are missing the golden opportunity to express themselves freely, something they may never be able to do in China. It is a great shame. And a lesson for us.
We in the West need to wake up fast and realise the threat to our freewill and individuality that the new surveillance technology will bring!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Food For Thought

Food shortages across the world are extremely prominent in the news at the moment. Join me for a spin around the internet:-
Scroll down to listen to Alan Watt's excellent radio shows from the backwoods of Canada, relevent ones here being April 11th and 21st 2008 covering food shortage issues. Alan refers readers to various documents including,

UK Food Supply in the 21st Century: The New Dynamic”
Research Project Proposal

Here is the research team who are working on this project:

Project Leader- Susan Ambler-Edwards, seconded to Chatham House from the Ministry of Defence. She has led the food project since June 2005. Her areas of expertise include Resilience of the Civil Infrastructure. What is that? Apparantly - terrorism!

What are the other people involved in this project like? Well there is,

Alexandra Kiff recently joined the Food Process Innovation Unit at Cardiff Business School, currently researching the impact of global change on supply chains and future changes to UK food supply.
an expert on sustainability, and industrial ecology.
another expert on sustainability and environmental issues. Currently writing on a book on food regulation in Europe.

You can find out about the others for yourself. There is not a farmer among them but you get the general idea - GM food, the EU, global issues, food supply, environment, and "Sustainability" - there goes that word again!

Yet look how we, as a country, have been behaving in relation to food:

Cheesey's farming relations, and hundreds like them in Britain, have repeatedly been forced for years by the British-EU Nazi Government to pour countless hundreds of thousands of gallons of beautiful, fresh milk down the drain! My relatives effectively faced ruin before finally having sadly to give in and abandon their dairy unit! Revenge will be sweet indeed for British farmers when the food shortages do come!
Whatever happened to all the wine lakes, meat mountains and butter mountains in the old days when Britain first joined the Common Market? But of course, this country has been run by a greedy gaggle of clever lawyers for decades hasn't it! Let them eat books.

Might we shortly be reaping exactly what we have sown?
Unfortunately the film "The World According to Monsanto" is unavailable free online with Google or YouTube at present but if you look hard you might still find it! Failing that, I urge you to purchase a copy and watch it with your family and friends. It is, without a doubt, the most important documentary that has ever been made.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Oldest Profession?

brass etched plaques

I don't think so.
A true profession consists of mutual respect between professional and client.
The professional commands a lucrative fee, in return for which the client expects considerable expertise to be exercised on his behalf.
Qualifications and experience in the chosen field should be taken into account when hiring a professional, the good name of the firm, the individual's reputation. These in turn are valued by the professional who knows that without them he has no profession. The word "profession" instantly implies legitimacy.
A profession has a code of client confidentiality, it must have in order to exist.
A profession has an elected ruling body to devise and update the professions' code of conduct. This body, which the professionals are obliged to be members of, will deal with complaints, disputes and breaches of their professional code.
Doctors, nurses, lawyers, these are all examples of a true profession. Social workers, the police and teachers are not guided by a strict code of client confidentiality and are therefore not in the same league. Roman Catholic priests are true professionals in relation to the act of confession. The act of confession, by its nature, must be totally confidential. They do not command the high fees of some other professionals, but are superior to other denominations in the area of client confidentiality. Cheesey knows, from personal experience, that few other men of the cloth are genuinely professional and most cannot be relied on for their honesty and confidentiality.
"The oldest profession" is absolutely no such thing. It is a bunfight. Anyone can do it. No qualifications are required. No standards or codes of conduct are in place. No professional body oversees it. Breaches of trust and bad service go totally unchecked and disputes are rarely resolved in a civilised way - until the authorities, police even, become involved.
Please do not end up in the Sunday papers! Be very careful who you confide in, be very choosy when deciding to whom you will bare your - soul!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ugly Art, Ugly EU, Ugly One-World Government!

Brian Gerrish in his video talks about Common Purpose, refers to the sinister Government policy of promoting “Ugly Art” and disturbing logos to the public. See - Recently Visited Websites on this blog. This promotion of the ugly is happening in all other aspects of the Media too - TV, theatre, film, print etc. It appears to be a world-wide practice – well the western world at least!

The British Government heavily influences Art by the use of grants and funding, using public and lottery money, through think tanks, Arts Councils, seminars, committees etc.

Are you aware of the latest ugly “Art Sensation,” in America, possibly the most ugly so far, worse even than dirty duvets, giant pickled herrings and dried corpses. You know what I mean!

Abortion as Art! The Angry Cheese kids you not!

I suppose we should feel sympathy for this young woman because in 20, 30 or 40 years time she may well find herself feeling wretched and depressed over this misguided experiment. How can she ever recover from this?

Getting back to Common Purpose, certainly not from choice but because we really must get our heads around it :-

Common Purpose is a manifestation of Communitarianism. See:- for a brave and comprehensive attempt at a down-to-earth analysis. This is a world wide movement/problem and we all need to be aware of what is going on not just at home but abroad as well.

Cheesey has been investigating this a little and in Britain it goes back to the mid-eighties when the Labour Party needed a new approach, a sort of make-over, in order to appeal to the public and regain power.

This is when The Third Way evolved and New Labour was invented. As we are unfortunately only too well aware, we now have three aspects of public life in Britain. Schemes, organisations, policies, initiatives etc. used to be either Public (governmental) or Private (commercial).
But for many years now we have had a third sector, the ubiquitous “Community Sector!” This is The Third Way. Scroll to bottom and click on “…Government White Paper by Henry Tam DCLG.”

Who is Henry Tam? Here he is talking about how community groups can take over ownership and/or control of Community Assets here in the UK! This guy is an academic, a civil servant not an elected politician! What is going on here? He clearly has had considerable influence over Gov. Policy,
Google search: Civil Renewal and Diversity, Henry Tam. Also -

He and others of his ilk have clearly been inspired by the ethos of Israeli-American sociologist Amitai Etzioni.

Concerns are also being raised in America:

Here is their UK trade mag. A charity that, among other things, teaches young people how to set up charities!

In America, Agents of Change are being trained and encouraged in all walks of life to promote “Sustainability,” in Britain they are called Graduates or Ambassadors after receiving training on things like "Diversity".

Change Agents in the USA,
Leaders in the UK.

A tentacle in Australia too…

It will all end in tears!