Friday, March 14, 2008

Budget 2008. Twilight Zone

Am I in the Twilight Zone? When did Carbon Monoxide or CO, become Carbon Dioxide or CO2? These are two very different gases.
We will now refer back to school, to all those science lessons you daydreamed through when you were 12 or 13! Remember? Perhaps we should have paid more attention in Chemistry and Biology.

Back in the late 1970s - early 80s, the press and the mainstream media (MSM) were full of how bad lead is. Moves were put in place by government to remove lead from petrol because it was discovered that children being brought up in inner city areas were suffering from constantly breathing air filled of traffic fumes heavily laced with lead. Also, we were informed that Carbon Monoxide or CO from traffic was contributing to Ozone in cities where, on warm days when there happened to be little wind, a thick smog-type situation formed with unpleasantness for all especially those with asthma or bronchitis, even little city-dwelling birds died. As a result of studies, lead free petrol was introduced and leaded petrol was gradually phased out. The cleaner air we now have in our cities is a good thing. I am certainly not arguing about that.
The issue of carbon monoxide and ozone remained in the public arena and it still crops up in relation to the necessity of vigilance with gas installations being properly maintained and repaired. Carbon monoxide or CO is a killer! Carbon monoxide is a significantly toxic gas with no odour or colour. It is the cause of the most common type of fatal poisoning in many countries.

Carbon dioxide CO2 is not a killer in the same way. What am I talking about? Well, you cannot breathe pure oxygen but we do all need oxygen to live. It is our gas, it is our requirement, it fuels us, but we cannot breathe pure oxygen. We have a pair of lungs to continually absorb the required amount of oxygen for our bodies from our gaseous environment which contains various elements. Fish and other water animals have gills to absorb their life-giving oxygen from the water in which they live.’s_atmosphere

This link shows the content of our planet's atmosphere. You will see that air contains many elements including CO2. In fact, as you should remember from school, we actually exhale CO2 from our lungs. We also, much to our embarrassment, exude Methane from the other end of our bodies, as do the other animals. These gases occur and are emitted due to the continuous chemical reaction which takes place in our bodies called "life."

Carbon dioxide or CO2 is the gas of plants. It is their life-giving gas. This goes for trees, freshwater plants, seaweed, plankton, etc. And, of course they release oxygen whilst living, which they do not require. So we and all the other animals are symbiotic with plants, they give off what we need, and we give off what they need. A truly beautiful, perfect relationship, living together in an atmosphere containing both gases and from which we absorb what we need. The answer has been given to us by our creator, surely. How complicated do we have to make it?

If we are in a room with rather too much CO2 it will be "stuffy" and we will become uncomfortable and want to open a window or the door, we may even get the urge to leave and stroll outside for a while. If we are in a room with rather too much CO we will die, quite quickly. That is how different these two gases are.
When an over-excited person hyper-ventilates and starts gasping it is likely they have taken in temporarily too much oxygen. It is advised to put a paper bag over their mouth. Breathing in and out through the bag for a short while will cause them to breathe in slightly more CO2 and restore balance so they will become calm again. However, no doctor would advise anyone to breathe in CO for a few minutes, it could brain damage or kill them!

In the recent budget speech I noticed the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, referring a great deal to CO2 in relation, not to pollution but, to Global Warming or Climate Change as it is often called. He did this with the urgency that was once used in relation to CO.

It strikes me that a crafty magician's trick has been pulled on the general public here. The valid urgency of the 70s- 80s policy in reducing CO pollution in city environments ( bearing in mind that volcanoes spew this stuff out in gargantuan amounts on a regular basis, and anyway it eventually gets transformed by the atmosphere into CO2 etc. ) seems to have morphed into the principle of keeping down CO2 emissions, but it is not the same thing!

Surely, if CO2 bothers us, we should simply plant more trees - reforestation, green some of the desert areas, and stop polluting the air and seas with toxic chemicals, waste and nuclear radiation so seaweed and plankton stop dying and start to grow and reproduce more. This will create more oxygen, and more CO2 will be absorbed from the air by plant life.
The burping and farting of bovine animals, and of us, plus the emission of CO2 from our breath and combustion machines is our modern life. Planet Earth can handle life, that is its purpose. Life is not pollution. At the risk of sounding like Star Treck - carbon based life forms are not an infestation. Carbon is what we all are.
If those in power are really bothered by CO2 from vehicles then why don't they introduce the necessary changes from the boring, old-fashioned oil and petrol system we have now had for over 100 years, to the new cleaner technologies that have long-since been invented and whose patents have been bought or stolen, and hidden away.

But of course, why bother to do that when the Big Boys can make money from nothing by frightening us all into paying for our natural emissions?

The EU and the UN are very busy now designing and promoting new environmental taxes, where will all that money be going? No mention of that yet, hmmm… 3 guesses!
How many birds, whales or woodlands will be saved? Will the rivers, air and the sea be any cleaner?
Has it occurred to ordinary Britons that the new environmental taxes are just a replacement for the tobacco tax that will be lost once most of us have given up smoking? It is a hyped-up con!
How often have we joked that the government would tax the very air we breathe if they could? Well actually, to a certain extent with the tobacco tax, they have been taxing the breath of a large number of us for decades.
HELLO – now they are about to tax us ALL for every breath!
The carbon tax is a crafty con-trick, to tax air! To tax your breath!
It is so beautifully evil and we are all so supine and naive! World governments have worked out a way to con us all into paying for ordinary air!
In other words, we will be taxed on nothing! Do you get that? We will be taxed on nothing!

Naturally, it is an EU priority issue, and a top UN initiative. It will rake in wealth for the evil few in authority like never before, giving them even more power over us.
Our environment will get no cleaner of course, in fact it will get more polluted and more “dangerous” so you’ll need to pay more and more and more, as time passes.
Over-paid, traitorous “environmental” Celebrity Skunks will be prattling on about nothing else in the mainstream media for years to come until you accept the principle! Heaping the guilt on us all so we pay up and are grateful. Making it cool, hip and trendy to “care” about the planet! Celebrity Scumbags will say anything they are paid to! Are you already falling for this scam?

Pollution and extreme weather issues are being cruelly manipulated by our deceitful government purely for the financial gain of the merciless, clandestine elite who are the ones really responsible for the damage ! And who really do not care at all!
Why not do some investigating of your own, read some scientific research? Serious factors that do have an effect on our atmosphere and environment are not being openly discussed, shouldn't we know more about these?
Ever heard of Operation Argus, Operation Starfish, HAARP, scalar weaponry, weather control experiments, the chem.trail/contrail debate? In the last 60 years government programs across the world have shot our upper atmosphere with mega-tonnes of radiation to deliberately destroy the Van Allen Belts (nature’s radiation shield) just to see what happens?!!!
Dangerous, poisonous chemicals are being released for ongoing attempts at weather control. Germs and viruses are being released into the air, and HAARP is suspected by many of literally boiling the upper atmosphere as we speak! Some believe this to be behind recent incidents of disruption to insect and bird migrational activity, and the beaching of entire pods of whales and dolphins.
Read what you can about the use of depleted uranium (DU) in weapons technology, and what it does to our environment. Truly sick, and potentially fatal for all of us!

These are policies from the same governments (maniacs) that will regulate genetic engineering, robotics and the nanotechnologies in development now! And we think Aids is bad!
Yet, according to “the media” and selected “experts”, global warming is apparently all our fault for using hairspray, driving cars and letting cows burp and fart! And we need to be punished for that with more taxes and restrictions!
Please check these facts or, alternatively, you can just keep on paying these crooks like you’ve been trained to! And carry on taking advice from "qualified scientists" like these: