Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In Memory of the Yorkshire Ripper.

Issues surrounding prostitution have recently been headline news in Sheffield, UK. With a degree in Law and 8 years experience as the proprietor of a busy massage parlour in this city, Madam X has unique insight in this clandestine area. MPs and Ministers advocating change in this area claim to have consulted widely but clearly have done no such thing. Madam X feels it is a great pity that persons such as her have never been interviewed or consulted for their knowledge and experience by the local or national authorities. This interview gives her the opportunity to air her views.

Angry Cheese: Did you enter the sauna business with your degree?

Madam X: Yes, I couldn't have studied while running the place. The degree came first, then the sauna. Actually, it was having some knowledge of law that gave me the confidence to set it up.

AC: Why this business?

MX: I studied as a mature student, but there are too many graduates chasing too few, decent jobs in Britain these days. It soon became obvious to me that obtaining a placement in a Law firm was going to be difficult, elusive - and I couldn’t wait. The sauna and massage scene in Sheffield seemed busy and lively, I had serious family problems and needed to earn decent money straight away so I took a chance and set up my own parlour.

AG: Do you still own it?

MX: No.

AG: Now, there has been controversy in Sheffield recently. An Eastern European woman has been jailed for people-smuggling and slavery. Young, illegal-alien girls have been rescued in raids on brothels across the city and several MPs have voiced strong opinions on these issues, talking about changes in the Law etc. What is your take on all of this?

MX: Where do I start? It is a total mess!

AG: Have things changed over the years since you first got involved?

MX: Oh yes, very much. It’s gone downhill actually, if you want my honest opinion. People have meddled. Busybodies have interfered and done more harm than good. I am angry about it because a system that worked has been removed and the changes are ridiculous. The people behind the changes, MPs and so-called experts, are pig- ignorant, they are lazy and haven’t bothered to find out about the history of this area. Or talk to the people involved.

AG: Go on, please.

MX: Ok. Well, you know about Ian Sutcliffe – The Yorkshire Ripper. Most of his victims were around Leeds but the whole of South Yorkshire and this area were affected by him, in the early ‘70s. Actually I studied him in my law degree and Professor Green, the Home Office Pathologist who was involved in the investigation at a high level, gave us an excellent lecture on the Ripper Investigation, with forensic photos that the public have never been allowed to see. Professor Green was living in the Sheffield area himself and had young daughters at the time and told us how difficult it was back then. Fathers in Sheffield were having to escort their daughters to every disco and party, women of all ages even elderly women were afraid to go out in the daytime, even shopping, on their own. Although the Ripper seemed to be targeting street prostitutes, everyone was frightened. Did you know that Sutcliffe was actually caught and arrested in Sheffield?

AG: No, I didn’t know that.

MX: Yes, and that is the reason why, afterwards, the council and police in Sheffield took a more relaxed line towards the setting up of saunas and massage parlours feeling that, if women had to work as prostitutes, they were better off indoors where there are lights and other people around. Rather than working alone in dark streets. Also, it’s more healthy because they and the punters can wash and take showers, and so on. It’s more civilised.

AG: So, after the Yorkshire Ripper the authorities were more relaxed?

MX: I don’t know personally because I’m not from Sheffield but this is what I have been told by a number of people over the years, including policemen. This is how the scene developed, in the light of the Ripper murders. A few saunas/parlours were tolerated while the area heaved a sigh of relief and recovered slowly from the horror of it all. Getting back to normal. Most people thought the saunas were a good idea!

Anyway, when I set up my parlour I was surprised to received a letter from Sheffield City Council after a few months, telling me I needed to apply to them for a Cinematic License if I had TVs or was showing films on the premises. I didn’t know about this.

AC: A Cinematic License?

MX: Yes, it was a shock but I had to do it, and then it made sense.

AC: Please, go on.

MX: Well I had to pay £180.00 to the Council and fill in some forms. In return they arranged an inspection date. Officers from the Council came to the premises on that date with Police Officers and Fire Officers. They inspected the premises from top to bottom, inside and out. The Council Officials covered cleanliness, laundry, the bathroom, rubbish-disposal, and things like that. The firemen looked at safety issues, fire-escapes, smoke alarms, fire-doors and so on. I had to show valid gas boiler and electrical inspection certificates and a TV License. The police just took my details, looked around and familiarised themselves with the place and informed me that if I ever had any trouble they could be with me within 5 minutes.

AC: Really? That’s good.

MX: Yes. I had to comply with their recommendations, about replacing a fire-door and having a security light installed. I had a couple of weeks to do this, then rang them back and arranged for an officer to check the work was done. They reported, and then a few weeks later my license turned up. I put it in a frame and displayed it on the premises for clients to see.

AC: Really? Amazing! You were proud of it?

MX: Yes, and it had to be reapplied for every year. The Council sent out reminders, and we’d go through the whole thing again. It was nothing to do with films actually but it was a device whereby they could look around the place and I was motivated to have a spring clean, and keep it nice. That license meant a lot to me because I could refer to it in advertising, on my website. I did not want to do anything or allow anything to jeopardise it. As long as I behaved, that license meant I would not be raided, if there had been a problem or a complaint we would have discussed it, in a civilised way. There never was, by the way. I had a strict “no drugs” policy, too. In fact, after the first visit, the police never came back! The council officers said that the police told them they were not coming anymore because they never had any trouble with my place so what was the point?

AC: Amazing, so they approved of you then?

MX: Well, I don’t know about that. Maybe!

AC: So, how does it work then? On a day-to-day basis?

MX: Well, my parlour was in a residential area so I was always aware that it would be foolish to upset the neighbours. The building was very discreetly set out with a nondescript name, in fact many people thought it was just an office! This suited customers and girls because they could enter and leave without feeling embarrassed.
I don’t know how other sauna owners organise their financial arrangements but in my place I was very careful. I took a small, daily fee from each woman for use of the premises. This was like a reasonable rent and went towards heating, lighting, the facilities and adverts, things like that. They paid nothing else.
I also charged an entrance fee to customers and an extra fee for use of a VIP room which was just a slightly larger, nicer room. What the woman and client did in a room, and what money changed hands was private, and of no concern to me. That is how I avoided ever being accused of any impropriety. It worked. It was a registered business and I paid full tax on my earnings too! Not many people in this line do, you know? I even had an accountant!

AC: How did you recruit staff?

MX: I didn’t much. Women would always be phoning up for shifts so if I had space I would take them on. If they liked it they stayed and got more shifts, if not, they moved elsewhere. I did not employ them. They were self-employed and had to make their own arrangements with tax and insurance, etc. They are always very reluctant to give personal details – even their real name!

AC: What kind of people were they, or are they?

MX: The girls, or the customers?

AC: Well, both.

MX: A complete mixture. The women are any age from 18-60, mature women are actually very popular. If a girl seemed young I would ask for her birth certificate or passport to show she was 18. Mostly British girls, some Oriental, a few West Indian girls and a few Asian girls.

AC: Customers?

MX: A total mix. From 18 – 80. British, foreign, educated, workmen, students, gypsies, businessmen, pensioners, all sorts. I had a room on the ground floor with wheelchair access for disabled people, one guy used to come with his carer! I always treated them with respect and tried to make sure vulnerable types were not taken advantage of. There was often a happy, jolly kind of atmosphere and sometimes lonely men stayed for hours, nearly all day!

AC: Did you come across illegal aliens?

MX: Yes, and that annoys me a lot and I’ll tell you why. But first let me just say this. Around 2003-4, I was told by Sheffield Council that I would not need a new Cinematic License. The old system was being abandoned because new laws were being brought in by New Labour which would affect my business so I had better be ready for change!

Well, I waited for change and guess what? Nothing happened – except Sheffield’s old system was thrown out! I and the other sauna managers in Sheffield were never inspected again!

AC: Really! That’s bad isn’t it? Why did they do that?

MX: I suppose they were waiting for the Government to do something, and they never did!

AC: So what has happened since then?

MX: Well, lots of things really. New establishments began to open around Sheffield with brazen, idiotic names and when you enquired it was not a business premises, just a private house or a flat. They were opening and closing all the time. They were not proper businesses and paid no tax, and because they were never inspected, outrageous rumours of shocking drug use and client muggings started to circulate about them.
The local Newspaper seemed to be changing its policy around this time too. It had always had rather a strict attitude to the wording of ads. in its “Sauna and Massage” section but suddenly it was permitting silly, suggestive names and allowing words like “mistress” “madam” “cp” “strict” “busty” etc. Previously, this kind of thing would have been banned.

AC: So the climate changed, so to speak? In early 2000?

MX: Oh, definitely! New Labour meddled and it all went pear-shaped! It had been discreet, but the Sheffield sauna scene was getting seedy.
Around this time girls had begun to appear from the eastern European countries, too. I would get phone calls from foreign-sounding men offering me girls for massage work. That had not happened before. I always replied that if a woman wanted a job they would have to come themselves and I could not arrange anything through a third party. These men even called at the entrance to the premises, a couple of times, with girls and I had to say “no thanks” and send them away.

AC: So they would have been illegals then?

MX: Yes, I think so. But what could I do about it? This New Labour Government is putting women’s lives at risk.

AC: In what way? How?

MX: They keep whining on about under-age girls and trafficked women. Obviously, these are very bad things and they need to be stopped. But the Government should tighten up on immigration. It is their lax immigration policy that has caused the problem, if every child and young person coming here was scrutinised and records properly kept the problem could be controlled. This Government is totally clueless!
This is where the system absolutely stinks.
A young lady in her 20s from Zimbabwe illegally, contacted me for work and I gave her a shift, she had a couple of friends so I gave them all a shift. Because they were here illegally they found it hard to find legitimate work. Two of them eventually drifted off to do nurse-training and to be able to stay legally as students, then the last one eventually decided to do the same. They were all grateful to me for the chance to earn, I do not think I exploited them, I believe I helped them when nobody else would. They earned good money and it helped them through a rough patch.
Then some Thai girls started turning up at my place asking for shifts because an unlicensed brothel in Sheffield, where they had been working, had been raided and they had run away. I felt sorry for them and offered them work but, before they could start, police and immigration officers visited me and put me straight about giving work to illegal girls. I could get into trouble, my place could be raided, I could end up in court and I could be fined big-style, etc.
These officers, two quiet guys and a stroppy, young hag, were going all around Sheffield warning every sauna and massage place of the big trouble we would all be in if we helped illegal, vulnerable, foreign girls! Can you see my point, here?

AC: Yes, I think so because they are forcing the women out of clean, safe places onto the street or into a grubby, druggy flat.

MX: Yes, precisely, you get it but New Labour don’t! They are totally reversing the safety policy that evolved in Sheffield after the Reign of the Yorkshire Ripper. It is totally Hegelian, they say it is for safety and they are improving things while they interfere, bugger-up big style and spoil tolerant systems that have worked well! They are lunatics!

AC: Wow, that’s really stupid!

MX: Very! In my opinion.

AC: Is there anything else you have learned from this business? Or any other comment you want to make?

MX: I’ll try to keep it brief. But there are a number of things actually, and I am afraid they are not very PC either!

AC: Fire away, please.

MX: I am going to read from some notes I have made:

There are many women in the sex industry who enjoy sex, want lots of money and would not change to a different job if you offered it to them on a plate! They might say all the “right things” out of shame and to please, but will get straight back into the sex business as soon as the spotlight is off them! And sorry, this applies to many foreign women too!

There are many women in the sex industry who come to this country illegally in the full knowledge of what is involved, and who lie when caught!

There are many women in the sex industry who are lazy, cannot get up in the morning, cannot get to appointments on time, cannot be bothered, who could not hold down a proper job in the real world for 5 minutes! They exist, I have met them!

There are many women in the sex industry who are hopeless with money and live chaotic, unstructured lives, and like it that way! You would not believe the hundreds of thousands of untaxed money these women lose, waste, gamble and give away!

The problems of Drugs, Illegal Aliens and Trafficked People are NOT sex industry problems.
They are Bad-Government Problems, they are Cultural Issues, they are Immigration Issues, they are Welfare Issues, they are Crime Problems, they are Security Issues, they are Police Problems, they are Customs and Excise Problems, they are International Police Problems, they are Social Problems, they are Administration Cock-Up Problems and do not exist in the sex industry alone but can be found in all walks of life, - mainly due to New Labour's gross mis-management of this country for the last 10 years!

Illegal drugs are everywhere, in schools, the workplace, nightclubs, youth clubs, sport, etc.
Illegal aliens are everywhere, in every walk of life,
Trafficked children are slaves in wealthy homes, sweatshops, doing fieldwork, etc.
Not just the sex industry.

If you legalise, or try to monitor this too much you will turn Great Britain into a pimp. The Queen, the Crown will become a pimp. Women will be forced into prostitution because you will have to treat it like any other job and unemployed people will have to work in saunas if no other work can be found for them, or not receive dole money. Do you want a madam coming to your child’s school to teach them about life working in the sex trade? etc. Be very careful!

De-criminalising the brothel definition so that more than one person may work as prostitutes from a flat puts people into direct conflict with Landlord and Tenant legislation. Violating the terms of a lease, etc. How many lease agreements include a clause covering the conversion of a dwelling into a brothel? How dumb can you get?

Denis MacShane MP has been extremely vocal recently about this subject and sees himself as some kind of self-appointed expert but he needs to try seeing the world from other mens' viewpoints.


You may not like the idea of a sauna/massage establishment but for some people at various stages in their lives, it is their only way to have an adult relationship. What about the young paraplegic? War veterans? The lonely, elderly widower? The depressed travelling businessman? The immigrant whose family are all abroad? It is not all about you, and what you want!

Look at the kind of people who are coming into this country now, legally or not. Lets be honest, many of these men are not going to be attractive to British women - some may find partners here, many won't. So what are these young men to do? Realistically, what? If MacShane gets his way and makes the act of a man paying for sex in Britain illegal, I predict more Rippers in the years to come. Bad idea, bad law, bad government.

That’s it!

AC: Thank you very much for this interview. It has been very interesting.

MX: Thank you for giving me a chance to put across my views.





Meddling local NuLabour Members of Parliament, very choosy as to whom they consult but nonetheless making numerous statements include:

Caroline Flint, Sheffield, elusive , baby-faced “expert” author of “Paying the Price.”

Denis MacShane, Rotherham http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7269531.stm

Meg Munn, Sheffield (MX’s establishment was actually in her constituency? But she never dropped by!)

David Blunkett, Sheffield, (fond of a non-marital fiddle himself!)

“Fiona McTaggart MP was the last speaker and she told the audience of her long standing commitment against prostitution in any form.” She recently made this statement at the first meeting of:
Monday, 11th FEB. 2008,
at Amnesty International’s UK Human Rights Action Centre.



Saturday, February 23, 2008

Serbia / Kosovo

The British people deserve an intelligent, truthful explanation but I doubt if we will receive it - especially from the BBC. An American perspective:


Just in case anyone might be under the impression that the independence of Kosovo - break-away region of Serbia, is about freedom and democracy:












Open Gallery...

Kosovo Independence Funded by Drug Dealers, Rogozin Says

Recognition of Kosovo’s independence might have been funded by local drug mafia, supposed Russia’s envoy to U.N. Dmitry Rogozin. The link between drug traffickers and recognition of self-proclaimed republic by the EU states is quite probable, RIA Novosti reported with reference to Rogozin.
“Kosovo has long turned not only into the base for trafficking drugs to Europe but also into a big laboratory,” Rogozin said, supposing that some policymakers in Europe might have been bribed by money of drug mafia.

Kosovo parliament declared the independence past Sunday and half of the EU as well as the United States and Australia have welcomed a new state already. The standing of Serbia is quite the opposite. During the mass rally that was staged in downtown Belgrade yesterday, the demonstrators set on fire the U.S. embassy, stormed the U.S. stores, McDonalds and the embassies of the EU states that recognized their breakaway province.


Could it however, have something to do with this?:-







Saturday, February 16, 2008

Great Britain - Gutted By Stealth

St. Valentines Day, 2008.

It got off to a good start with a box of ‘After Eight Mints,’ someone loves me!
However, I spent most of the day alone and, at one quiet point I read my latest copy of the “UK Column” newspaper from cover to cover, followed by a quick flick through our local free paper, the “Mablethorpe Target” (Wolds Edition) Feb.13 2008.
I gave up regularly watching the British TV News 18 months ago and have not bought a British mainstream newspaper since either, deciding I was too grown-up for fairy tales! Anyway, on Thursday I thought I would give the early evening mainstream news one more try. ( I haven’t bothered since!)
Several news items registered. Later I found myself putting them together in my head, and dwelling on them. Individually, they are all serious enough but together these 5 reports demonstrate perfectly the downward spiral of reckless stupidity, waste and incompetence that we are being wickedly deceived, duped into believing that Great Britain is being helplessly sucked.
I believe, in fact I know, that there is actually nothing helpless about this. It is all by design, it has all been planned, it is all quite deliberate!
We are now in the change-over period. Britain's institutions are being gutted and replaced by EU ones. When the vortex of chaos finally stops, the British political and public landscape will have changed completely into the EU facist dictatorship.

The Five Reports:

a) The Target, page 3, “Fears for Future of Beauty Spot.”

“New worries have been sounded on the future maintenance of Louth’s cherished Hubbards Hills.
To save £34,000 a year, East Lindsey District Council intends offloading responsibility for the beauty spot to Louth Town Council.”

A “fractious debate” ensued at a meeting of Louth Town Council weighing the pros. and cons., the proposal being eventually deferred in favour of a wait-and-see position pending a future meeting.

“Quizzed after the meeting, East Lindsay District Council’s portfolio holder for finance Coun. Colin Davie, confirmed it remained the intention to devolve management of Hubbards Hills to the town council. “They will be able to attract grants by setting up a charity to run it,” he said.”

b) The Target, page 16, “ Policing Minister says ‘no’ to force’s plea for extra funding.”

Lincolnshire Police Authority and Chief Constable Tony Lake held crunch talks with policing minister Tony McNulty on Thursday to ask for more funding…….

They expect their budget deficit to exceed £14 million by 2010……

Authority chairman Angela Crowe said the cap limit would have to be broken and she was adamant that there would be no job cuts…..

“ The minister was impressed by our case and that we had the support of our MPs.

He listened attentively and seemed to understand our unique position but……

At that point he simply reminded us that it was Government policy to not to go above the guidance figure of five per cent.”

c) www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=514421&in_page_id=1770&ICO=NEWS&ICL=TOPART

“Care Home Left my Mother Looking Like a Concentration Camp Victim.”

This horrifying case of neglect was reported on my local tv news around 6.15. How many more of these cases do we have to read about before decent changes are made to our systems of care in the UK, and the perpetrators are sent to prison?

d) www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article3369587.ece


Poor Steven Lawrence. Will his memory ever be allowed to rest in peace? How much longer will this young man be associated with hate and violence?

e) http://itn.co.uk/news/e2669ecf4132647b70c2f1dbaef979bf.html

“Lotfi Raissi, 33-year-old-pilot, was held following the September 11 attacks after being arrested at his home under the Terrorism Act, ten days after the atrocity which killed almost 3,000 people.”


So what do we have here? Well I see examples of, what I and some others believe to be, a very serious situation – the marginalisation of elected local government, the misuse of public money and the manipulation of fact. Theft, mismanagement and deceit, the rubbishing of Great Britain.

For a start, the Hubbards Hills situation is absurd. East Lindsey District Council is so poor that it cannot afford to maintain this beauty spot, its meagre funds will not stretch to it. This Council is being so screwed that it has to shave and save costs all over the place and Hubbards Hills is perceived as expendable.

But if it becomes the responsibility of the Louth Town Council then the funds will be found? From it becoming a charity! How will that work? Does this mean that the town councillors will come rattling around the households of Louth with collecting tins to save Hubbard Hills? - No!

A charity will be legally set up and an appointed board of trustees will then have the job of raising the money. A grant from the public purse will be applied for and may well be forthcoming, and the rest may have to be raised from the private sector - local businesses may be prepared to donate money but in return they will want to be seen as the “Saviour of Hubbard Hills,” or they may wish to use the area in some new corporate way, or put “discreet” promotional signs up in flower beds and on rubbish bins, etc. In other words it will be rented or leased out. Some kind of “event” like charity jogging may also have to be set up to raise some money.
Aside,- are trustees paid? Should trustees be paid?

This ridiculous situation is echoed a million times across the country.
Whatever is decided for the future of Hubbard Hills, you and I will still pay for it! The grant will come from your taxes. The money from the local businessman will come from a tax allowance that his firm might otherwise pay into the public pot. Why not just let town, district and county councils have the money they need from taxation and allowances to do the job they have been elected to do, and have often done perfectly well for ages?

What we are seeing here is one small piece in the vast and complex mosaic of EU stealth. A deliberate policy of the rapid marginalisation and eventual (quite soon) deconstruction our traditional councils. Our councils are soon going to be completely replaced by the Regional Development Agencies that are being put into place now, directly applying European laws, directives and regulations straight from Brussels, without being answerable to you. You will have absolutely no say.
Who runs these Regional Agencies? In the future, who will be the equivalent of the current councillors and the civil servants we have now in our councils? Are they already being trained and prepared? Is this what Common Purpose is all about? Does Common Purpose mean Cadre Project?

Nevermind, don’t worry. All you will have to do is shut up, be very good or else, and make sure you pay, and pay, and pay, and pay………Have a laugh if you like and call me alarmist, but remember - You have been warned!

See: www.ukcolumn.org February 2008 Issue.
Why Does Nothing Work in UK

And so to the police. Obviously, it costs money to run a police force. Officers and other staff have to be paid, buildings and vehicles have to be purchased and maintained. Fuel, heating and light, communications, uniforms, equipment, blah, blah, blah! Police funding has to keep up with inflation in order for the force to stay efficient, it is obvious to a ten year old! So,


Or perhaps Great Britain should just become even more of a huge, pathetic joke than it already is by turning Lincolnshire Police Authority, and others, into charities with boards of trustees so that nice hefty Government grants can be applied for and business sponsorships can be introduced!

What kind of dump of a country has its police force totally demoralised and obliged to go begging to the Government for a few measly quid in order to be able to carry out its duties efficiently? And then tells them, “No!”


Well obviously NOT on decent standards of care for many of our unfortunate and tender elderly citizens! Poor Molly Darby, God Bless!

Here we go again, more criminality, more cruelty to innocent people, more horror, more inhumanity, more devilry, more wickedness!
For how many years have we been reading and hearing about this kind of vile and totally unnecessary incident – often involving children or the vulnerable but so very frequently nowadays involving poor, old people?

What annoyed me about the reporting of this incident was that “The Beeches Residential Care Home” in Wath-Upon-Dearne, Rotherham, South Yorks. was "found responsible" by the authorities for this terrible incident, stated a young journalist standing in the street with the care home immediately behind her.
How had “The Beeches” killed this lady? Had the building collapsed on her and killed her? The Beeches looks solid enough, sound and substantial. Even if it had, the building’s owners and managers would be liable.
No, “The Beeches” did not cause this lady’s death. Someone in “The Beeches” among the staff, the management or the owners of this care home is responsible, not the home itself. From what has been reported, no particular person seems to have been named so far as being responsible and it was not even stated whether this is a Local Authority run establishment, or if it is privately owned.

So what exactly has this reporter actually told the British public ? Well, not much!

The old lady died horribly and unnecessarily.
She was taken from this building to a hospital where she subsequently died.
Hospital staff raised the alarm because of her dreadful state on admittance.
Investigations concluded that the care home was responsible for her demise. New procedures have been imposed and training will be introduced to improve standards in the future.

News organisations seem to have become very guarded and careful of what they dare to report these days, at times it is hardly worth them bothering!

Also remember that Corporate Liability Law, by classing a company as a “legal person,” tends to conveniently provide a “Stay Out of Jail” card for very bad people within organisations when the “corporate body” is found responsible rather than those working inside, or owning and setting procedures within the organisation who should really be locked up?

It was very upsetting to hear the news report of the vandalism of the Steven Lawrence Centre in Deptford, London. It is also very shocking to realise that it has already been vandalised several times and security devices had to be installed previously, but this might lead to the police finding the culprits this time. The investigation has only just begun so it is not fair to pass any comment on the incident itself but, again, the reporting of the incident is very interesting and indicative of how our country works.

Apparently, racists attacked the building and are responsible for the damage. It was a racist attack, a racially provoked attack, a hate crime and a racist incident. This is how it has been reported, look it up for yourself.

How do the authorities and news reporters know that it was racists and not badly behaved people who are not racist but just evil and get their kicks from being vandals? It may seem highly likely that it was a genuine racist attack but is it right to assume? How helpful is it for us all when the mainstream media jump to conclusions like this?

This reporting contradicts the reporting of the previous incident by actually offering too much information of a speculative nature, containing assumption alongside the bare truthful facts. The press and news industry obviously feel free to embroider in this case, where as in the last one they were cautious and measured in their reporting.

Is it useful for the press to keep the racism pot simmering on the stove? Why might this be?

It is very controlling to keep a chosen “hot” issue in the public arena, and refer to it on regular basis. It is a form of “psychic driving” involving both overt and subliminal repetition.
Human beings are very susceptible and easily influenced. Obviously one can change peoples’ behaviour by showing them directly how to do something in a different way but psychologists and the powerful organisations who employ them eg: governments, big businesses, etc. have been aware for a long time that people can be subtly changed, without them being consciously aware of it, by suggestion and repetition of a word, phrase or object. What do you think advertising is?
All of the mainstream media does exactly what the Government wants, always! Even when the poor, subsidised, useful-idiot luvvies think they are being independent and radical. As if !

So does the Government secretly want the racism pot to carry on simmering then? Yes, of course it does! In order to justify the £millions of public money (that could and should be spent on care, education, health etc.) currently being spent on quack psychology like "Diversity Training"?
Perhaps Government Agents smashed the Steven Lawrence Centre, or paid a criminal group to do it, in order to keep the controversy going? If the surveillance equipment miraculously shows nothing, or the cameras were “not working,” I think I will be drawing my own conclusions on this, and I would suggest you do the same.

What does this do for the Lawrence family and the British public ? Not a lot really, it is very cruel, very divisive and, if it is being intentionally orchestrated – sadly, very effective!

The last news item I noticed is about an innocent pilot being given leave to appeal for compensation after being held in prison due to the 911 tragedy. If he is entitled to have compensation then he should get it but it is interesting to note that the British Justice System is the one area of Government which is never, ever financially capped. Lawyers, magistrates and judges never seem to have to moderate their decisions in relation to economy, but everyone else has to.
Why is there no limit to what sums can be awarded in law? It is the one area where anything goes! The sky really seems to be the limit, funny that! There is always loads of endless money in Britain for legal issues these days. Costs and compensation flow like beer in a brothel. Scoffing and quaffing, the legal profession has never had it so good. Loads of money! And interestingly, our present Government, and the main opposition parties seem dominated by lawyers far more than any other profession.

Law and "Charity", that’s where all the money is these days in NuLabour’s Britain. Everyone else can go to hell! Most of the richest people in our society these days have become so through claiming grants and allowances, and dodging tax – their workers’ low pay being subsidised from the public pot.
The Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, hospitals, care homes, education, housing, welfare, pregnancy and birthing services, Council Services, libraries, farming, fishing, transportation, etc. can all go to hell, and clearly are! Who cares? Not your Government. Welcome to the Matrix.

Here is how it is done.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaoX_SgNO70

Thursday, February 7, 2008

On Her Majesty's Secret Service: Licenced to Get Angry!

The spirit of the Christmas season, with its focus on the innocence of childhood and the Christian Principle of Peace on Earth, Goodwill and the Fellowship of Man, is a time when we may find ourselves reflecting on the purpose of our lives and what we are really achieving. How kind have we been, how thoughtful, how generous, how considerate? What might we have done better, or differently? Also, the things we wish we had not done. The tradition of New Year Resolutions to try and be a better person are based on these ideals.
Christmas is also the season of presents - for children, and little treats to keep out the cold - for grown-ups. And so I found myself tucked up indoors one teatime near Christmas with a small glass of Sloe Gin, watching tv.
"The Paul O'Grady Show" had started and I was interested to see that one of his guests was Sir Roger Moore, AKA "James Bond."
Naturally, Sir Roger was a charming guest and entranced both his host and the audience. They were in the palm of his hand, and so he took the opportunity to express his true and heartfelt feelings about the plight of our Armed Forces in Iraq and Afganistan. He was very disappointed, disgusted actually, having seen for himself in his capacity as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations, that our troops continue to suffer through lack of equipment in the field and indignities that border upon negligence, on their return! Sir Roger was more than a little cross with our Government, and Paul and his audience cheered and clapped his views energetically to express their full agreement. I could be wrong but I do not think that this audience needed a board with "clap now" to be held up for them. There was a strong feeling of camaraderie in that studio and it was permiating into my lounge, and probably many others!
Sir Roger then asked Paul if he could recite a poem, and Paul agreed. So Sir Roger recited a well-known poem by Rudyard Kipling about 1st World War soldiers called "Tommy Atkins." It was very well received by the audience and by Paul O'Grady. It was very moving and touched everyone's hearts. The atmosphere was electric.
I felt as though I had witnessed something special, but I have been unable to find an honest reference or account of this broadcast in the press or online since. One or two lines here and there mention an anti-war statement by Moore but then focus on other aspects of the interview, playing it down and moving swiftly along. I have found absolutely nothing, no mention at all of the poetry recital and its enthusiastic reception anywhere.
I wonder if this interview caused embarassment and is being hushed up?
I hope it has caused dreadful embarassment, deep guilt and shame in Government circles and everywhere else.
When even James Bond is cheesed off then we know our country really is in deep trouble!
Well done, Sir Roger Moore.
Well done, Bond!

You Tube search for: "Tommy Atkins, by Roger Moore" www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNMHOc9xfKQ

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Who Needs the BBC ?

Blow the dust off the clock face

Your watches are behind the times.

Throw open the heavy curtains

Which are so dear to you - you do not

even suspect that the day has

already dawned outside.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Open Letter 1960

The BBC, that you depend on for your news, is NOT the organisation that it once was. It no longer deserves the respect and reverence in which it was once held across our country and the wider world. It is not impartial, it sings to the tune of those in power who (behind the scenes) own all our media. Once, this would have been headline news across our tv, radio news, and newspapers, -

Google Search : Russian Writer Rewarded by Putin

And while we are on the subject, why can't we read his latest book?

" Two Hundred Years Together"

We can make up our own minds can't we? Why is it being suppressed in the West? Why is there no English translation yet? It was published in Russian 5 years-odd ago! Why can we only read an assortment of various biased, academic twerps' reviews of it? Are we all kiddies now then, is it all too grown-up for the English- speaking people of the world to read for themselves? Why the censorship? All his other books are widely available across the world, in all languages, why not this one?
The answer is simple. It is exactly the same media-controlling bunch of bigotted, lunatic control-freaks at work!

I ask again. Who Needs the BBC? Or any other British tv or radio show for that matter? What is the purpose of the BBC? What is the point of it? To spin the Government (actually the EU) line? Yes, to brainwash you, to soothe you while the EU fleeces you, while it robs you, your friends and family of your freedom. Wake up and smell the hate!

Try listening to these radio shows over the Web and get yourself properly informed on vital current issues, while you still can :-

www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and scroll down to current and past radio shows

www.prisonplanet.com and click on Listen Live.