Recently European Comr. for Agriculture, Dacion Ciolos, has said, "any business that relies upon subsidies (grants, tax breaks) is NOT A REAL BUSINESS." (Oh dear, that's practically every Third Sector set up!)
Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer
""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. " Thomas Jefferson.
from Moriarty’s Police Law. 17th edition, page 202.
Treason means treachery, a betraying or breach of faith and in law denotes the grave crime of treachery towards the Sovereign as head of the State and any betraying of the State itself. Blackstone terms it the highest civil crime which any man can commit…
Question Your Reality
“..How is it possible that so many brilliant minds cannot see past the antithesis to the ultimate synthesis? Obama IS the synthesis, he said all kinds of things during the campaign that were easy to see were communitarian. Left... right... why even use these terms anymore to describe anything that has current political relevancy? Why can't the left or the right see the PERFECT middle? Why is communitarianism still a taboo topic to scholars who so easily break every other taboo?..” Niki Raapana, F.A.Qs on Communitarianism: “…I read until I couldn’t see..” “.. The Global Marshall Plan..” “..Agenda 21..” the reason for all the recent wars
The new politics:- neither left nor right but centre
The Angry Cheese's Philosophy:
New or unusual viewpoints which you have never heard of or come across before need to be considered, thought about and the evidence for them studied, if only briefly. If you are scathingly labelling everything new to you a conspiracy theory and thoughtlessly dismissing it out of hand because of this trendy expression you have recently picked up then you are an IDIOT - a FOOL! And you are behaving very dangerously! You are closing your mind and literally shrinking your brain. You are lazy and you are wasting your God-given intelligence by not stretching it. The human brain needs to be exercised just like the human body. You will stay a stupid, ignorant, immature child your whole life until you die of old age if you do not regularly use your powers of thought, imagination and reasoning. Please,
Open your mind, and try to learn something new every day.
short film: Slavery and the 8 Veils that Blind Us.
The Admitted Trick of the EU
This can be accomplished by successive steps, each diguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversably lead to federation."
Jean Monnet, founding father of the EU. 1943
The french bureaucrat became Societe Generale of The League of Nations - the forerunner of today's EU.
The EU, “A Slow-Motion Coup D’état,” Christopher Booker.
The U.K. is now a POST industrial society, which is just a clever way of saying we're being totally ASSET STRIPPED! Our industrial heart is being ripped out and given to the greedy elite so they can exploit third world people (often children) who will work for a crust, for pennies, for peanuts!
From America. Sound familiar?
A Nation Adrift,
Stop Common Purpose and the EU,
On the surface, Common Purpose is an educational charity which provides leadership and networking development training.
In reality, C P is a corrupt, subversive and sinister organisation which seeks to destroy the national identity of
..Most people have never heard of C P which is strange because C P has corruptly abused millions of pounds of taxpayers' money...
..All Common Purpose "graduates" have been corrupted and are totally untrustworthy…
..It makes me sick that while service men and women are risking their lives in
..I cannot express in words how appalled I am at the actions of Common Purpose and the New Lab government. C P has also infected the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. They cannot be trusted either…
…British governments are elected to govern - not to rule, dictate to and betray their own citizens… NOW READ ON :- SO IT SPREADS :-
Common Purpose - a secretive charity whose training creates a charity to encourage youngsters to set up charities?!
Supported by Deutsche Bank? But paid for with your tax money!
Brian Gerrish meets Alex Jones:
And on Red Ice Radio, Brian Gerrrish:
Common Pupose - Meddling Beyond Ability? Stepford Wives or Wot? Spooky, and so fashionably diverse!
Leading beyond authority can mean acting ultra vires.
Ultra vires is a legal concept. It is Latin for "beyond the powers". It can apply to any body which has rules, such as a charity or a local authority. An ultra vires act is one that is outside the specified and/or implied constitutional objects and powers of the body in question. It is "beyond the powers" and therefore illegal. Meddling Beyond Ability?
It's Really MARXISM
A Russian / Chinese sort of thing......being imposed here in UK
George Orwell's legacy insulted by Plato-esque "Guardian" class
Political language ... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."
A more appropriate George Orwell Prize:
Socialism's Charm + Communism's Charm =
Soviet Story!
“Lenin” was a wicked tyrant, worse than Ivan the Terrible. “Lenin” was not even his real name! "Trotsky" was not his real name either!
How It Works, Niki Raapana Explains:
Niki Raapana, "Communitarianism is rule by permit only":
'Big Society' Invented by Chinese Communists
Charity - Community - Communitarianism
Niki Raapana:
‘The E.U. is based entirely in supremacy of Communitarian Law.’
‘Amitai Etzioni calls the European Union “a beautiful idea.”’
‘Etzioni defines his belief in peaceful disarmament as Fabian.’
‘Amitai Etzioni means “tree of life from
Keen Communitarian and Etzioni pupil living in the Ivory Tower of Academia is, university lecturer and civil servant Dr. Henry Tam who has been active in influencing for many years, not only the British Government under New Labour but also, Conservative, Liberal and Green policy. See Tam in action:
introduction by Fung 32.34, Tam boasts 33.40. – 44.10.
Henry Tam's "Together We Can" morphed into Obama's
"Yes We Can" = "Thank You Satan"
Facism in the UK being developed NOW:
Tam also pontificates on his blog
Listen to this arrogant, over-educated, sanctimonious person, “Another natural disaster, another prompt to donate money to help those in need. That’s absolutely right. And decent people – i.e., most of the human race minus hate-warped evangelists – respond…” Tuesday, 2 February 2010.
What rubbish! Tam is an arrogant, vicious deceiver who frequently makes scathing judgements and false statements. Who the hell is he to state what is right or wrong in relation to what people choose to donate? And would he care to define what a “hate-warped evangelist” is? Perhaps it is a Christian who objects and questions the warped filth of Communitarianism? Is Tam flakey? He is a liar. “Most of the human race,” did not send money to Haiti relief charities – for a start, only those with access to western technology even heard about it, and only those in “the west” could afford to! And, thanks to Etzioni, Tam and Middleton, etc. a growing number of people in “the west” now do not support or trust ANY CHARITY AT ALL, due to their new found understanding of the total non-accountability, the laissez faire irresponsibility and theft that now exists in the Third (Charity) Sector!
Communitarianism - will take everything from you - even your life!
Nobel Prize Winner Joseph Stiglitz
Ms V and rccoones films (removed from YouTube) Ms V. and rccoones films removed from YouTube may be viewed here.
Sheffield. Common Purpose is riddled through the running of this city, as it is in many others across Britain. Sheffield features very prominently in the latest edition of Brian Gerrish’s paper the UK Column. Here is a local man speaking out in relation to Common Purpose and Sheffield City Council,
WARNING! Qui tacet consentire videtur
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Halve UK Population!
British Authorities Call for Cutting Population by One Half
Did Jonathon Porritt root for the Daleks when he watched Doctor Who as a child? He seems to have taken their message to heart.
Posted by: James McEnanly at March 22, 2009 6:11 PMFurthermore, where do they get off talking about overpopulation when they have insane immigration policies and don't give a rat's behind about how many children they give birth to?
Posted by: Roxan at March 27, 2009 12:02 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
When human life becomes a commodity.
On 8 September 2010, the plenary session of the European Parliament met to debate a draft directive. The directive, proposed by Elizabeth Jeggle MEP, sought to give further legal protection to animals used in scientific experimentation. We at SPUC urged our members to act to oppose this directive, and support prolife amendments.
During the debate, the united Green parties strongly argued for member states to be obliged to use non-animal testing where alternatives exist; for strengthened rules on primate testing; for ensuring that those member states who want to introduce tougher animal welfare standards would be able to do so. The amendments were all defeated, but more legal protection for animals has been put in place. Disappointingly, no prolife amendments were tabled at second reading. Amongst MEPs, Martin Kastler, Miroslav Mikolasik and Anna Zaborska each called for human embryos not to be considered as alternatives. For this, SPUC commends them. Thank you!
The commissioner John Dalli spoke of the consideration given to human embryos. This was a reference to a prolife amendment introduced at first reading. Article 13 of the directive reads:
Without prejudice to national legislation prohibiting certain types of methods, Member States shall ensure that a procedure is not carried out if another method or testing strategy for obtaining the result sought, not entailing the use of a live animal, is recognised under the legislation of the UnionThis means that member states are not required to use an alternative if the member state has legislation opposed to certain alternatives. What the alternatives could be is not specified, taking into account the differing legislation of member states. However, this does mean that member states have the right to opt-out of using human embryos as an alternative if they have legislation against it. However, the new directive does not offer any new protection to human embryos or older unborn children.
Member states are encouraged to use alternatives to animals in scientific experimentation. This could mean further calls from politicians and scientists for permission and funding for human embryo research. This research is always destructive as it involves the creation of human embryos, the extraction of their cells, and the destruction of the human embryos. Such flagrant disregard for human life is totally unacceptable.
The new EU directive updates the previous EU directive of 1986. ‘86 seems a particular year when human dignity and protection for animals was particularly confused and inverted.
For example, we have Roger Short, Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne. Prof. Short lists his areas of expertise as human reproduction, contraception, HIV, and AIDS prevention.
On Monday, the 26th of May 1986, Prof. Short was representing the Australian Academy of Science. At that time he was the Chairman of the Working Party on Human Embryo Experimentation, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Prof. Short gave evidence to the Senate Select Committee on the Human Embryo Experimentation Bill (1985). During the debate, Prof. Short makes the inaccurate distinction in calling some embryos “human pre-embryos.” Prof. Short then tells the select committee that it is lawful to use “human pre-embryos” because humans are not endangered, unlike gorillas and chimpanzees.
In an article for Cosmos Magazine entitled ‘A plague of people’ Prof. Short wrote:
We have already invented a pill that will prevent global warming - the oral contraceptive pill...if women the world over were given easy access to the contraceptive pill, every birth could become a wanted birth, and human population growth would almost come to a halt.SPUC does not have an official line on animal experimentation. However, many of our members belong to the Christian faith, whether Catholic or Evangelical. SPUC also has many members who belong to the Islamic religion. We are in constant dialogue with people from the worlds of science, medicine, politics, philosophy and fellow prolife groups. As such, we would seek to understand animal experimentation in light of our positions on the dignity of human life and our relationship to the created world.
As such, the views expressed by Prof. Short, and those like him in the EU who may want to push for the use of human embryos in experimentation, is always unacceptable. The call for human embryos to be used in scientific research because humans are not endangered is flagrant utilitarianism. Human life is reduced to a commodity at its most vulnerable stage.
What we have been witnessing for several decades is the utter obfuscation in the correct relationship between people and the planet we live in, and the animals under our care. People are not the enemy or the problem. To construe people as the problem, and procreation as the enemy, is a failure to think through and provide real creative solutions to the questions we are facing. Technocratic and utilitarian thinking can only lead to the dehumanising of individuals, communities, and creation itself. In doing so, human life becomes a commodity. We should also remember the utter failure of research on embryonic human stem cells, and the relative success rate using adult human stem cells for treating multiple sclerosis, breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, and spinal injury, to name a few.
We urge prolifers in EU member states to work in shaping public opinion about the dignity of the human embryo. We call on legislators, politicians, scientists and religious leaders to ensure that the inherent rights of human life at the embryonic stage are recognised and protected in their country. We would also like those in the animal welfare movement to understand that in their goal of greater protection for animals, human life must not be seem as an alternative in experimentation. Being pro-animal does not have to mean being pro-human embryonic experimentation. Being prolife does not mean we advocate cruelty to animals.
If we fail to try, there will be no success. We may end up asking ourselves what the lay of the land will look like in another 24 years time.
Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy
Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras-a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal.
Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first human-animal chimeras successfully created. They were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory dish before the scientists destroyed the embryos to harvest their stem cells.
In Minnesota last year researchers at the Mayo Clinic created pigs with human blood flowing through their bodies. And at Stanford University in California an experiment might be done later this year to create mice with human brains.
Scientists feel that, the more humanlike the animal, the better research model it makes for testing drugs or possibly growing "spare parts," such as livers, to transplant into humans.
Watching how human cells mature and interact in a living creature may also lead to the discoveries of new medical treatments.
But creating human-animal chimeras-named after a monster in Greek mythology that had a lion's head, goat's body, and serpent's tail-has raised troubling questions: What new subhuman combination should be produced and for what purpose? At what point would it be considered human?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Brian Gerrish Coming to Lincs.
all welcome Cordially Invite bring your friends
Young and old, from all walks of life, to an informal, but informative AND EXCITING ( non party political ) meeting in Louth to explore and to learn about -
.What’s really going on in Britain today…
the EU? Cutbacks? the Euro? Common Purpose?
Guest Speaker: Ex Naval Lt. Commander, owner and editor of the U K Column newspaper, and now the controversial Political Investigator & Internet Celebrity:
For the first time visiting and speaking in Lincolnshire
As heard on North East Truth and Red Ice Radio, recently interviewed by ALEX JONES on PRISON PLANET Radio.
As seen on BBC 5 tv, YouTube, Google & Yahoo Video, Vimeo, Vodpod and Sky’s Edge TV.
2nd OCTOBER 2010,
12.30 – 5.30
Common Purpose Mind Map
Common Purpose is a fraudulent 'educational charity' acting as a change agent being used to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to implement the British government's hidden New World Order communitarian agenda.
Common Purpose hates having people discuss it. Click here to donate and help me spread the message and keep this site going.
Sir Peter Tapsell, liar, deceiver?
On being recently elected yet again by the local mugs, HE DECLARES the war in Afghanistan to be his TOP PRIORITY!!!!!
At 1 minute 40 seconds into this short film Sir Peter Tapsell mentions the war before any other political issue, giving the definite impression that bringing this war to an end as quickly as possible is dear to his sincere heart.“….The three great problems facing the country which, ..I .... concern me very much in recent years has been, getting the war ended in Afghanistan, and in getting the economy right, and in renegotiating our relationship with the European Union…..” Sir Peter Tapsell. Even his Wikipedia entry states, “He is opposed to the war in Afghanistan.”
Now read on:
Six out of the seven Conservative Lincolnshire MP's have recently VOTED IN FAVOUR of the CONTINUED presence of our troops in Afghanistan.
The following have voted with their party:
Boston and Skegness MP, Mark Simmonds
Gainsborough MP, Edward Leigh
Grantham and Stamford MP, Nick Boles
Lincoln MP, Karl McCartney
Sleaford and North Hykeham MP, Stephen Phillips
South Holland and the Deepings MP, John Hayes
Louth and Horncastle MP, Sir Peter Tapsell did not vote ! He abstained rather than vote in defiance of his rotten Conservative Party, ON BEHALF OF HIS CONSTITUENTS, to stop the war which would have been the morally right and brave thing to do.
Sir Peter is 80 years old and in excellent health, he has had a long and privileged life, a life of considerable luxury and good fortune, he has been well-educated and has prospered, and has been blessed with two marriages and a child who is relatively safe and has not been handed back to him in pieces in a body-bag! Nobody has blown Sir Peter's arms and legs off, and he is still as fit as a fiddle. As Sir Peter approaches the end of his life, would it really have hurt him to defy the Tory Whip - for once, and to have done the right thing, and been a man of his word, by voting against this terrible war? Or is he going to be downright selfish right to very end, putting himself first before those he supposedly represents just like most of the other rotten scum in Parliament, up to his dying breath?
The motion, to support the "continued deployment" of British forces in Afghanistan was put before the Commons and was passed by 310 to 14.
(Yes, only 14 MPs voted against the continued, sick “blood sacrifice” of our young people)
As is usual with Britain’s gutless, lying MP's, they say one thing in front of the cameras to con the electorate (we, the mugs) but when given the chance to vote they don't have the courage to follow it through.
It was the same case with weak-spirited Gillian Merron (Lincoln Labour) regarding Post Office closures that, incidentally, are being privatised! A German firm has been lined-up to take over the Royal Mail courtesy of the EU, and the STUPIDITY AND APATHY of the British public.
Cowardly politicians with no backbone are unfit to be MPs!
MPs are supposed to be LEADERS!
What use is a hopeless scaredeycat, or a quivering jellyfish in a leadership role? What is the point of having a rotten liar making decisions REPRESENTING HIS/HER CONSTITUENTS?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Zion Olympics UFOs, what does the BBC know?
The characters in this 2012 Olympic Games ad. clearly spell out 'Zion.'
With an overwhelming majority of British MPs having recently voted quite disgracefully and wickedly in favour of the appalling blood sacrifice of our young in the so-called 'war against terror,' the hellish bloodshed looks set to continue up until the 2012 Olympics.
Is there any Christian grace in the Olympics?
No! It is nothing more than a pagan festival from pagan origins, long forgotten until revived into a spectacle by Adolph Hitler in the 1930s purely to showcase perfect specimens.
The Games have now been hi-jacked by international corporations to serve their blood-thirsty, satanic God Of Greed.
What is really going on in the 2012 Olympics?
What does the BBC know?
What is the significance of this weird spacey/surveillance - themed video?
Watch 'Seek Ye The Truth’s' fascinating film, a response to the challenge,
The challenge is proposed here by YouKnowIAmRight :
U.F.Os The best undeniable evidence ( The2012 Olympic false flag)
More interesting footage:
UFO caught by chance on film over Auschwitz,
Chris Everard's films:
Secret Space 1
Secret Space 2
SeekYeTheTruth's recommended film:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wicked MPs Vote Overwhelmingly For More Death
Westminster Traitors Vote to Prolong Afghanistan War as Another Hero Dies Amidst Total Failure of Military Mission
The traitor parties in Westminster have voted overwhelmingly in favour of continuing the illegal war in Afghanistan as another British soldier has died and aid agencies have confirmed the total failure of the military mission.
In the very first vote ever on the war, MPs voted 310 to 14 on Friday to keep sending British soldiers into Afghanistan as cannon fodder for the illegal war started by Labour.
That war was backed at the time by the Tories, and the new vote has now dragged the Liberal Democrats into culpability for that conflict as well.
More than 10,000 British troops have been committed to that war and 335 have been killed, with the latest causality identified as Darren Deady, from 2nd Battalion, The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, who died in hospital from wounds sustained in the field.
The traitor MPs lined up one after another to endorse the conflict which took Darren Deady’s life, with the utterly disgraceful Tory MP James Arbuthnot, chairman of the Commons defence select committee, saying it was a “mistake” to describe the conflict as a “war.”
In comments during the debate which typify the staggering ignorance and arrogance which permeates the Westminster parties, Mr Arbuthnot said he believed “that our presence in Afghanistan should be seen as part of a wider global security mission in the Middle East region as a whole.”
This view was endorsed by Tory Defence Secretary Liam Fox who rambled on about the war being about preventing threats to Britain’s security, repeating the obvious lies first spouted by his Labour Party twins and long since utterly refuted by all intelligence agencies.
The complete failure of the military mission to provide any sort of “security” either for Britain or even for Afghanistan was detailed in a series of reports from aid agencies.
The number of insurgent attacks has increased significantly according to the Afghan NGO Safety Office, an independent organisation financed by Western governments and agencies to monitor safety for aid workers.
In August 2009, insurgents carried out 630 attacks. This August, they initiated at least 1,353. Four years ago, the insurgents were active in only four provinces. Now they are active in 33 of 34, the aid organisations say.
Large parts of the country that were once completely safe, like most of the northern provinces, now have a substantial Taliban presence, even in areas where there are few Pashtuns, who previously were the Taliban's only supporters, the report continued.
Unarmed government employees can no longer travel safely in 30 percent of the country's 368 districts, according to published U.N. estimates, and there are districts deemed too dangerous to visit in all but one of the country's 34 provinces.
The Afghan NGO Safety Office says that by any system of measurement, “Afghanistan is more dangerous now than at any time since 2001.”
The collapse in security has caused all aid agencies to stop using the country's principal highway, the Grand Trunk Road connecting Kabul, the capital, to Peshawar in Pakistan.
The threat to government workers is just as severe. Last month, Afghan police and army officials asked the Independent Election Commission to cancel 938 of its proposed 6,835 polling centres, almost 14 percent, because it could not guarantee security for those areas. Polling places in 25 provinces were affected.
Last week, the election commission said it would cancel 81 other polling sites, nearly a fifth of the polling places in eastern Nangarhar province, which was relatively safe during last year's presidential election.
The decreased security has shown up the Westminster parties’ claims of “securing Afghanistan” to be yet another lie in the long litany of deceit which has been the hallmark of this criminal adventure.
The truth is beautiful, whover says it! The Angry Cheese.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Uncomfortable Definition of an Infidel....
Allah or Jesus Christ? Islam is the fastest growing religion in the UK. This incident happened in London.
Last month I attended my annual training session for maintaining my security clearance in the prison service. There was a presentation by three speakers from the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained their beliefs. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say about the basics of Islam, complete with video.
After the presentations; question time. I directed my question to the Imam and asked: 'Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a Holy War against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'
There was no disagreement with my statement and, without hesitation, he replied, 'Non-believers!'
I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not a follower of Allah, so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?'
The expression on his face changed from one of authority to that of 'a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the biscuit tin.'
He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'
I then stated, 'Well, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope Benedict commanding all Catholics to kill Muslims, or the Archbishop of Canterbury ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'
The Imam was speechless!
I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me!
Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because He will take me to heaven and He wants you to be
there with me?'
You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam remained speechless. Needless to say, the organizers of the Diversification' seminar were not happy with this way of exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs.
Within twenty years, ie. 2029, there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.K. to elect a government of their choice, complete with Sharia law. Everyone in the U.K. should be required to read this, but with the current political paralysis, tolerant justice system, liberal media and p.c. madness, there is no way this will be widely publicized.
Please pass this on to all your e-mail contacts.
John Harrison MBE. MIDSc
This little essay is currently doing the rounds of the internet, with people agreeing with it and others in complete denial by using the fact that they cannot "find" the real John Harrison who has written it, as evidence of everything in it being completely untrue.
I wonder if the issue of who wrote it matters?
The poet John Keats said, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. ..."
Surprise! Some 'distinguished' academics who do not understand this statement! Or have been paid not to by some commie literary charitable foundation! -THE BEAUTY IS TRUTH DEBATE,
Well I agree with John Keats - For me, the truth is beautiful.Lies and deception are very ugly, and a religion of deceit is the ugliest thing imaginable!
This is true, whoever says it.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tibet, we love you - NOT!
Full List of Sympathetic MPs? Oh really!
What absolute hypocrites most of these people are! The biggest problem the Tibetans have faced since Chinese occupation in the 1950s is being lumped together with the Chinese and being subjected to their cruel and bloody one-child policy. With a population equal in size to the Welsh but spread out over an area the size of Western Europe, anyone with a fuctioning brain could work out that this is a population that needs encouraging, not culling!
But China - the USA's most favoured nation, have enforced for decades, a cruel and vicious policy of population control on the Tibetans consisting of sexual abuse and infanticide - forced abortions, and forced sterilisations. What has the British Government and Parliament said or done about this? - Virtually nothing!
Most annoying of all is the deafening silence from the pro-abortion, women's rights lobby. They love abortion so much they cannot bear criticism of any form of abortion at all. There is no way they will stand up for a woman's right to have a child! Even when it is a full-term pregnancy and Tibetan mother is opposed to it and has gone into hiding to try and save her unborn child - the Chinese also frequently kill newborns, and they starve children (mostly female) in the millions too! Since the 1950s, the so-called women's movement in the West have never lifted a finger for Tibetan women and girls! Or for Chinese women and children! In fact they have positively hindered the Tibetan's in their search for support and assistance from western countries by their intimidating behaviour towards any group who criticise any form of abortion. Womens' Libbers have the damaging effect of making well-meaning people back-off from supporting the Tibetan cause for fear of the shrill women's lobby attacking them! It is shameful!
I can remember organising Martin Moss, co-author with Jeffrey Bowe of 'Children of Despair' a comprehensive account of China's evil, so-called Family Planning policies, to give a talk at Sheffield University in the 1990s. It was well advertised but less than a dozen people turned up, mostly from a Tibetan supporters group and a few from climbing club (Everest, Himalayas?!) No scumbag students bothered themselves, and the uni. Amnesty International club or Women Lib. Group were not interested either![NZj_Cp-bKL4].cfm
To see ugly hypocrite Diane Abbott's name at the top of this list of creeps is nothing short of infuriating.
Will she be the next Labour leader? It doesn't matter really, all the candidates are self-serving abortion promoters, it is part of the selection criteria.
The Face of Selfishness!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I strongly suggest you read this article and have a long, hard think,
Because this is what can happen when a COMMUNITY organisation gets its meat hooks into your life. They persecute you. They behave like Hitler’s Gestapo and then have the audacity to accuse you of being mentally ill for defying them and being a little annoying. And then they kill you!
This man’s neighbours did not like his little white picket fence, his ornamental windmill, his planters, steps and his tool shed. Because of this, they have now driven him to his death – let’s hope they are happy at last, and proud of themselves!
Are they aware of the 2nd Commandment? I seem to remember someone rather important, on whose teaching our law is based, saying, “LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR.” Romans 13:9 (King James Version)
Let’s hope the courts are proud of themselves over this too! In a world full of horror and terror, this man was a REAL BADDIE and he deserved all he got!
There was no Christian forgiveness in this court system, no kindness, no justice tempered by reasonableness and tolerance, only hateful, jobsworth* COMMUNITARIAN spitefulness!
This is what the Soviet Union was like, and is what
Dear ignorant muppets, this is the COMMUNITY in action. Once the COMMUNITY is in complete control (and it will be because this is what the EU is introducing) when you step out of line, your neighbours will be able to take everything you have and then they can kill you!
Coming soon to you and your family and home, right here in little old
R.I.P. Peter Darius.
Safety and Infiltration Avoidance
1) Beware of all strangers. Historically resistance to tyrants has taken the form of small autonomous groups whose members know and trust one another from long experience. These groups are then united by common interest, common goals and common literature. But a strict heirarchy will soon be broken by the tyrants' agents.
2) Beware of the man who is "too perfect." He says all the right things, he needs little persuasion and he supplies money. The wealthy are usually in bed with the tyrant and they are the last to oppose despotism.
3) Be doubly aware of a stranger who proposes illegal activities. You will soon find him testifying against you in court.
4) Beware of those who draw cheques from the enemy. They are very likely to have divided loyalties. It is very difficult for a man to destroy the beast from whose teats he sucks.
5) Avoid drunks, drug users and anyone of unstable character. Always chose quality over quantity.
6) Recognize the media’s tactics and do not react to buzz words. Religious groups, tax resistors, so-called ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ and other groups are called cultists, bigots, Nazis and other words which the masses are conditioned to hate. After the media have demonized a target, as in Waco, 911 or 7/7, Governments are free to murder at will. Ask yourself, "Is it wrong for people to preserve their freedom and individual rights, or to resist oppressive taxation?"
7) Avoid sensitive discussion on the telephone, and use discretion when inviting someone to your home.
8) Beware of someone whose intellect, education and background appear different from those with whom he attempts to associate. Most people inter-relate with others of the same interests or background.
9) Investigate. Do a little investigation. The Elite can create good cover. But they seldom bother because up to now resistance groups have almost never checked their associates’ backgrounds.
10) Recognize the ruthlessness of the tyrants and act accordingly. A government which will mass murder women and children is not going to play "fair" with you!
You must recognize the scope and age of the One World Government conspiracy. It is coded in the Great Seal of The United States which is over 200 years old, and is coded in other devices –currency notes for example, and places much older. They intend to have their One World Government with one universal humanist religion, one worldwide economic system, one heavily monitored and designed ‘culture’ and absolute control over every human being. The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women will submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
A Tropical view? No! An English shoreline.
Find Madeleine and Ben, missing in the E.U. Blackhole - along with all our billions!
Beneath the bulls**t- the veneer of villas, cocktails, designer clothes and jet skis, half of Europe- Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria etc. still live in the Dark Ages - along with their dodgy police, their various bent judiciaries and institutions. Look at my first entry under 'Shock and Awe,' 'The EU's Starving Children.' Everything is fine visiting or moving to these countries- as long as they're getting your money, but when things go wrong or problems crop up, that is when you will learn just how "modern" these cesspits really are! And when you'll realise just how much they really like British people! I strongly advise parents not to go to dumps like Paedugal, and try Skegness, Blackpool or Bognor Regis instead. Our seasides are safer and much more fun! Our weather? Aren't we worshipping & sacrificing to the Sun just a little too much?
Yes, they are volunteers but they are not tin soldiers in a child's game. They are not disposable, so stop treating them as such! Obama and Cameron are LIARS!
We ordinary British still have not had the full reasons and the real need for these conflicts thousands of miles away fully explained to us.
Am I alone in feeling that this rotten Government and the depraved Elite of this country actually want the brightest, bravest and best of our young people - dead, or disabled?
You are taking our forces for granted, abusing their patriotism, honour and loyalty, Mr Cameron, just like your evil predecessors Blair and Brown. Your whole lives' work amounts to a huge rubbish heap scattered with the bones of the innocent. You are all failures and will all be remembered as bad prime ministers. You and your sick colleagues are all cursed, and far beyond redemption. Are you afraid? I would be. God has a special place for wicked scum like you - empty and eternal! By the way, what sacrifices did you and your colleagues make for
Now let's see how you conducted yourselves as young men....
YOUNG PEOPLE OF BRITAIN - I LOVE YOU ALL. DO NOT DIE FOR LIES AND GREED, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THE RISK. War is not glamorous or an exciting adventure, it is death, destruction and hatred.
If you want a real noble cause to fight for then consider volunteering to aid and protect Middle East Christians and fight against the wicked ISIS plague.
“Tenderly bury your fair young dead,
Place a wooden cross at their head’
All the words you can say have been said,
It is for you my tears are shed.”
The Power of Nightmares, The Fantasy of Fear:
Online Sociopaths (psychopaths)
Offenders who are particularly pernicious in their smear campaigns are often narcissists at best or sociopaths at worst, if your case meets this criteria it is important that you understand what makes them tick.
Portofino, Sheffield UK
Portofino, Sheffield's best restaurant by far, has re-opened, Hooray!
Portofino Italian Restaurant, 617 London Road, Sheffield. 0114 255 5655. Opening times 5.30pm to 11pm Tuesday to Sunday. YUMMY!Common Purpose "graduates" breach The Seven Principles of Public Life
All Common Purpose "graduates" have been corrupted and are totally untrustworthy. Some of these "graduates" are "useful idiots" who do not realise just how evil Common Purpose is. Those Common Purpose "graduates" who are public servants breach ALL the Seven Principles of Public Life as set out by the Committee on Standards in Public Life.
The Seven Principles of Public Life
The Committee has set out 'Seven Principles of Public Life' which it believes should apply to all in the public service. These are:
1) Selflessness
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.
However: People become Common Purpose "graduates" for career advancement and to be part of a secret, Masonic-like society for careerists. This is not the action of a selfless person.
2) Integrity
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.
However: Being part of the Common Purpose network brings those in public service under pressure to do favours for other Common Purpose "graduates". The lack of integrity and probity of Common Purpose police officers is particularly disturbing.
3) Objectivity
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
However: Being part of the Common Purpose network will bring them under pressure to do favours for other Common Purpose "graduates" rather than to act impartially and objectively.
4) Accountability
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
However: There is a strong resistance amongst Common Purpose "graduates" towards giving out details of their Common Purpose membership and the activities they engage in. Common Purpose itself operates according to the Chatham House rules which effectively means that meetings are held in secret with no agenda, records or accountability. Fish rots from the head.
5) Openness
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
However: There is a strong resistance amongst Common Purpose "graduates" in public office towards giving out details of their Common Purpose membership and the activities they engage in. Common Purpose itself operates according to the Chatham House rules which effectively mean that meetings are held in secret with no agenda, records or accountability. Hardly a recipe for "Open Government".
6) Honesty
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
However: Many Common Purpose "graduates" in public service deliberately hide their membership of Common Purpose. This leaves them open to accusations of dishonesty, corruption, favouritism and under-the-counter dealings.
7) Leadership
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
However: Common Purpose "graduates" are incapable of leading by example because those people who have found out what they are up to do not trust them at all.
Does This Sound Familiar?
Massive sums of public money funnelled through philanthropic charitable foundations and think-tanks to fund huge psy-ops……..sound familiar?
'An unparalleled amount of power is concentrated increasingly in the hands of an interlocking and self-perpetuating group. Unlike the power of corporate management, it is unchecked by stockholders; unlike the power of government, it is unchecked by the people; unlike the power of churches, it is unchecked by any firmly established canons of value.'
(page viii) Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Rene A Wormser 1958.
Who Paid The Piper? by Frances Stonor Saunders, 1999.;col1
In The Last Perilous Times....
This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, highminded, ever learning, yet never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, made to be taken and destroyed, speaking evil of the things that they understand not; Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated by all nations for My name's sake: And they will not repent from their demonic worship, or their idols, neither are they going to repent of their murders, nor of their Sorceries and magic, or their worship of Satan.
1Timothy 4:1,3; 2Peter 3:3-5; 2Timothy 3:1-7; 2Peter 2:10,12; Matthew 24:9; Revelation 9:20-21
TYRANNY. Plato's Republic 344a-c, H.D.P. Lee translation
But when a man succeeds in robbing the whole body of citizens and reducing them to slavery, they forget these ugly names and call him happy and fortunate, as do all others who hear of his unmitigated wrongdoing. "