Sunday, March 29, 2009

Home Secretary Jaqui Smith is a dirty old cow

Spud-faced, thoroughly horrible Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is a dirty, thieving old cow, and she should be in court, and out of politics for good for the crime of benefit fraud, along with all the others scroats in Parliament fiddling their expenses!
What a nasty fat sucker she is!

But New Labour are totally shameless, and only concerned with finding and punishing the mystery whistle-blower who is exposing their criminal shenanigans to the general public!

"..But while the government is acutely aware of the damage the incident is doing, Labour sources have suggested there could be a Tory mole at work in the Commons office that processes expenses - and even a dossier listing damaging details of other MPs' claims," GOOD!

I, and most
normal people, think this 'mole' deserves our thanks, actually!
But New Labour, they're not normal, are they?

And is it normal for Labour MPs to have pornography piped into their homes by satellite and cable?
The five mainstream channels are all I have, and even they are too revolting to watch most of the time!

How do they know it's a Tory?
It might just be a public spirited person who is sick of politicians' hypocrisy. There are still a few decent folk around!
Anyway, the Tories are too scared to say anything 'cos they're all on the fiddle too!

What a shambles this country is in!

What a bunch of filthy toe-rags we have in Parliament!

Who votes for these Lib Lab Con scumbags - are we all totally mad?


This "mole" is probably now being set up. S/he may have made the big mistake in approaching Great Britain's totally bogus mainstream media - our bent, gutless newspapers probably, to sell his/her story/info but, of course, the media here all riddled with Common Purpose graduates (Julia Middleton is married to a newspaper man) and dominated by spinning scumbags like Alastair Campbell. At the moment it is a Parliamentary Investigation but they may end up squealing to the Police. Britain's Police are also totally riddled with CP graduates. You see, CP graduates' first loyalty is always to other CP graduates - not to the British People, justice or the truth.

Will this mole be found dead in the woods? Or up on a hill?

Or shot three times in the head in a railway station?

"A breach of trust," my foot!

My advice to this mole is GIVE all your information to Brian Gerrish at the UK Column newspaper. Let the truth come out, breathe the fresh air of openness and honesty, meet some REAL British people. You could still make some money from this too.

NEWd £ABOUR - puts a different slant on "Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burns." They fiddle with themselves and each other, watching free porn courtesy of hard-up tax-payers, while the UK slides rapidly into the Communitarian hell-hole of the EU!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Warning - Dabbling in the New Age

When I get home it's late at night,
I'm black and bloody from my life,
I haven't time to clean my hands,
Cuts will only sting me through my dreams.

It's well past midnight as I lie
In a semi-conscious state.
I dream of people fighting me
Without any reason I can see.

In the morning I awake,
My arms my legs my body aches,
The sky outside is wet and grey
So begins another weary day.
So begins another weary day.

After eating I go out,
People passing by me shout.
I can't stand this agony
Why don't they talk to me?

In the park I have to rest
I lie down and I do my best,
The rain is falling on my face
I wish I could sink without a trace.

In the morning I awake,
My arms my legs my body aches,
The sky outside is wet and grey,
So begins another weary day.
So begins another weary day.

In the park I have to rest
I lie down and I do my best,
The rain is falling on my face
I wish I could sink without a trace.

In the morning I awake,
My arms my legs my body aches,
The sky outside is wet and grey,
So begins another weary day.
So begins another weary day.

Grey Day, by Madness.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Abortion, A Cut Throat Business

This article from last year covers how vulnerable and suggestible young people are, and how this can and is being viciously abused by Governments, “experts” and the mainstream media.

“..My negative suggestion there, “Don’t look inside the box,” is designed to sit heavily on their minds and stoke their curiosity...” Derren Brown.

Could this be why explicit sex and homosexuality is being taught to younger and younger children in British schools?

Well here we go again,

Needless to say I totally disapprove of this. In fact if this goes ahead I will boycott my tv licence fees. I am not paying to have this beamed into my home! Why should we put up with this?

Notice the picture in this BBC article of what looks like a cut throat razor until you look closer and see it is a pregnancy testing device. What sick disgusting animals our mainstream media are!

What are they up to?

This is Hegelian. It is Orwellian double-speak! This plan to televise abortion adverts is presented as "caring" "helping" and "educating" and "being responsible" when actually it is about destroying life, influencing young people to ruin their own lives, and it's about exploiting them for money. It is also about trashing our Christian heritage, and bringing Britain as we know it to an end. What you have to ask yourself is - to be replaced by what exactly?

Reminds me of this, from last year:

Brian Gerrish in his video talks about Common Purpose, refers to the sinister Government policy of promoting “Ugly Art” and disturbing logos to the public. See - Recently Visited Websites on this blog. This promotion of the ugly is happening in all other aspects of the Media too - TV, theatre, film, print etc. It appears to be a world-wide practice – well the western world at least!

The British Government heavily influences Art by the use of grants and funding, using public and lottery money, through think tanks, Arts Councils, seminars, committees etc.

Are you aware of the latest ugly “Art Sensation,” in America, possibly the most ugly so far, worse even than dirty duvets, giant pickled herrings and dried corpses. You know what I mean!

Abortion as Art! The Angry Cheese kids you not!

I suppose we should feel sympathy for this young woman because in 20, 30 or 40 years time she may well find herself feeling wretched and depressed over this misguided experiment. How can she ever recover from this?


Brian Gerrish in this talk,

(At 26 minutes in – but you will need to watch it all to understand the context)

discusses among other topics, the suicides in Bridgend in South Wales and the way children are being psychologically damaged in school by the educators we are mistakenly trusting them to.

What is it going to take for the British people to wake up and smell the stench of the hideous rot now riddled throughout this cancerous country of ours?

"...What sort of culture are we handing on the next generation, where condoms and killing babies are offered alongside cornflakes and washing powder? We should try to be a culture of life and responsibility, not a culture of death and promiscuity. The ASA's reported move is going in totally the wrong direction: a "hammer blow" as the good bishop of Lancaster says."


Look at how well all this sex education works:

Do our precious young people deserve to be treated with this level of hatred and contempt? They are all worth so much more, and we need to guard them much more carefully.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Is Darwin Crap?

Back in the early 90s, a young Cambridge Pure Maths post graduate remarked to me that he could not bear watching television because all it ever went on about was Evolution - and he was sick of it! HE WAS RIGHT!
Ever since, I have noticed just how many programmes on British tv are either about Darwin and his theory of Evolution, or refer to it in some way either directly or indirectly. Practically all programmes about animals, particularly wild animals, archeology, dinosaurs, nature, the Christian religion, human behaviour, etc. refer to it. History, science and exploration, blah, blah, blah - Darwin, Darwin, Darwin -SHUT UP!
In fact, when you think about the numerous different scientific theories and developments, why is it that Darwin's is the only one they endlessly bang on about? Jet propulsion, Gravity, Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Nano Technology, Microwave Technology and HAARP, etc. what about them? Where are the interesting mainstream articles and programmes about them?

On Harry Hill's TV Burp on Saturday 21/03/09 even Harry remarked, .. "...there are too many shows on TV about Darwin.."
Weeks before this statement Harry epitomised my interest in Darwin here:

So why is Charles bloody Darwin pushed on us so much? Why?
Actually, when the authorities push a subject relentlessly like this, you cannot help but start wondering if it is actually true at all. And you can't help but wonder what their agenda is and if there is a weird motive behind it? There must be! Why else keep on?

I have noticed there appear to be three areas of this pushiness across all the media in recent years. Many even believe anyone who does not believe in these three principles is some kind of criminal and that it is a thought crime to not believe in them and that disbelievers should be punished. The all western media - tv, the press etc, from America - Hollywood movies, the BBC and all the British media and press etc. are continually ramming this down our throats! They are:


1) Darwin and his Theory of Evolution. (I seriously doubt this now! )
2) Global Warming and Climate Change. (Why is it so bloody cold then?)
3) Jews in the War and Their Special Suffering. ( Everyone suffered, it was awful, no-one is special! )

Why are these subjects so intensely covered these days, so much, and so often - for crying out loud!
Keep this up and people will just turn OFF to it all and they will start to get very suspicious - like I am!

Emissary for the Necessary

Thursday, March 19, 2009

GM Stink Tank

"The Government has asked its top scientist to investigate the merits of genetically modified food in the hope that his verdict will allay public fears about so-called "Frankenstein foods".

Officially, Gordon Brown and his ministers remain neutral on the issue of GM because of public hostility, saying that they will be "guided by the science". But they have quietly ordered a major research project, which they hope will provide the launchpad for a campaign to persuade people that GM food is safe.

The study will be led by Professor John Beddington, the Government's Chief Scientific Officer, and carried out by the Foresight Institute, a science and technology think-tank that looks into long-term issues for the Government.

The group's remit – how to feed a world population which could rise to nine billion by 2050 – makes no mention of the GM issue. But Jane Kennedy, the minister for Farming and the Environment, told The Independent yesterday that the group's work would include the potential for GM crops and food.

She said that she was "cautious" about allowing GM products in Britain, but added: "My own opinion is less important than what John Beddington might come up with. When the public are deeply concerned and hold strong views, they tend not to listen when ministers express a view. But they will listen to those who have the experience and knowledge to be able to offer solid advice."

Ms Kennedy said that she would welcome GM crop trials in Britain. None is currently taking place because all projects have been vandalised by opponents but the Government may fund an experiment at a "secure" location......"

INTERESTED? ( See Food Heaven v Food Hell )

For Think Tanks see this:

Brian Gerrish latest video - "The State of the Nation."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blaming the guns, but not the chemical child abusers?

Psychiatric Drug Use of German Shooter Confirmed: Kretschmer Withdrawing from Depression Treatment

Mike Adams
Natural News
Friday, March 13, 2009

(NaturalNews) Yesterday we reported on the recent school shooting in Germany, emphasizing the link between psychiatric medications and acts of extreme violence (

From the facts that were known yesterday, it was already apparent that the shooter, Tim Kretschmer, was either on psychiatric medications or withdrawing from them. His behavior and choice of targets (including a worker at a psychiatric medical school) pointed strongly towards his use of antidepressant drugs, which are known to cause violent thoughts and behavior.

Behind the scenes, I already knew from an industry source that Kretschmer had undergone psychiatric “treatment,” but I could not name that source and thus chose not to publish that fact until it could be further corroborated.

But today, the Associated Press confirms it. In a story widely published across the ‘net (…), police investigator Siegfried Mahler states on the record that the shooter (Kretschmer) “underwent several treatment sessions for depression at a psychiatric clinic” and was “…prescribed a session of outpatient therapy, which he never began.”

Thus, the shooter was on psychiatric medications and then quit using them. This created a classic antidepressant withdrawal crisis which is exactly what leads to extreme acts of violence against self or others. As we reported in our previous story, virtually every school shooting that has taken place in the last two decades was carried out by those who either take psychiatric medications or are attempting to quit them.

Why can’t the media connect the dots?

The mainstream media, as usual, remains mystified about why so many teens would pick up deadly weapons and kill their classmates. They seem to willingly ignore the truth about the rather obvious links between antidepressant drug use and acts of extreme violence. It’s almost as if there is a willing conspiracy by the media to apologize for the pharmaceutical industry and avoid mentioning anything that might implicate Big Pharma’s drugs in these school shootings.

When will the ignorant people in our world finally realize the obvious? That when you artificially alter a teenager’s brain chemistry, you also change his behavior. And interjecting synthetic chemicals into a human brain instead of relying on nutrition and natural medicine that’s fundamentally compatible with human biology, you’re going to get some rather nasty results.

The deaths of the people killed in these school shootings rests solely on the shoulders of psychiatry, an industry of death.

Blaming the guns, but not the chemical child abusers?

Germany, much like America, is reacting to this great tragedy in precisely the wrong way, banning guns instead of banning the chemical child abuse (”psychiatric treatment”) by psychiatrists who bear the real responsibility for these acts of violence in the first place.

If you take away the guns, you will not solve this problem. Violence can be carried out with knives, or arson, or explosives or any number of other tools of destruction that can be easily accessed by a teenager in virtually any country.

The problem with teens today is not, simplistically, that they merely have access to too many guns, but that their minds are being poisoned by psychiatrists who conspire with the drug companies to profit from the pain and suffering of others.

Before the age of ADHD disease mongering, Ritalin drugging and SSRI “treatment” of children and teens, high school students in places like Texas routinely brought their guns to school. They actually kept rifles and handguns in their school lockers (this is not an exaggeration, it’s an historical fact).

Despite the easy access to so many guns, nobody got shot. Ever wonder why? Because they weren’t all drugged up on psych meds, of course!

School shootings are, without question, a direct effect of drugging teens with psychiatric medications. And unless we stop chemically abusing our children with these dangerous prescription medications, you can bet that the school shootings will continue.

As I stated in 2006 (, there is a war being waged against the people, and the weapons are chemical weapons sold by pharmaceutical companies and distributed by psychiatrists. The innocent casualties of this war include schoolchildren, teachers, parents and even the trigger pullers. We are witnessing a massacre, and it is being pushed forward every day, in virtually every country, by psychiatrists whose own arrogance and greed erases whatever human compassion they may have once held.

There is a War for Profit underway in psychiatric medicine today, and the battleground is now littered with the bloodied bodies of the girls and boys and teachers whose lives were stolen from them by an insidious medical-sounding front group known as “psychiatry.”

Watch this movie to learn the truth:…

Or see this video on YouTube:…

These are films the psych industry hopes you never see. The last thing they want is the truth to get out about how much blood is on their hands. Those parents who lost their children in this shooting should be marching on their local psychiatric treatment centers, demanding the arrest and prosecution of the so-called doctors who prescribed these dangerous psychotropic chemicals to the shooter who pulled the trigger.

Kretschmer is a victim of chemical child abuse

It is almost certainly not mere coincidence that this German shooter specifically targeted and killed a psychiatric worker. Perhaps somewhere in the back of his subconscious mind, hidden behind the pain and mental torture of psychtropic drug withdrawal, there was a part of his mind that remembered who had harmed him, and he sought to do something about it as his last willful act before being completely destroyed.

Make no mistake: Kretschmer is a victim of chemical child abuse by psychiatry, and it is the psychiatrists who bear responsibility for this great tragedy. Pharmaceuticals made him into a monster by altering his brain chemistry. During his violent outrage, he was not in control of his own thoughts. It is sad that he will be labeled a mad killer when, in reality, he is merely the predictable product of a torturous pharmaceutical experiment still being carried out on millions of children around the world.

Nor is Kretschmer the last violent shooter we will see. As long as the industry of psychiatry exists, the world is an unsafe place for us all. Think about your own coworkers or peers and ask yourself, “How many of them are on psychotropic meds right now?”

See yesterday’s story on this topic here:

Research related articles:

  1. Shootings in Germany, Alabama Underscore Violent Side Effects of Psychiatric Medications
  2. Psychiatric Medications Should be Prescribed to Healthy People, Declares Medical Journal
  3. Film Review: GenerationRx Documents Chemical Abuse of Children by Pharmaceutical Industry, Modern Psychiatry
  4. Americans Drug Their Children with 300 Percent More Psychotropic Meds
  5. Anthrax Suspect Was Involuntarily Committed to Psychiatric Hospital Shortly Before His Death
  6. ADHD Drugs Cause Hallucinations in Children; Psychiatry Pushes Hallucinogenic Drugs for Profit
  7. Tony Blair gets soft treatment at Yale University
  8. Fox News host: 15 year-old detainee ‘maybe deserved’ harsh treatment.
  9. Young Children Now Being Targeted For Statin Drug Use
  10. Epilepsy and Psychiatric Drugs like Neurontin Double Risk of Suicidal Behavior
  11. DHS Proposes U.S. Gun Laws to Fight Mexican Drug Cartel Violence
  12. Texas school district to let teachers carry guns