Saturday, November 29, 2008

Once Here, They Will NEVER Leave

British troops are deployed overseas to keep them out of the UK whilst country is dismantled.

As the lady in red has commented it is becoming increasingly apparent that British regular Army and Royal Marine units are being deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan to keep them out of UK whilst the country is dismantled from within and handed over to the European Union. Similar degradation to Royal Navy and now nlp in nuclear submarines. See archives Military. The commitment of reserve forces overseas is designed to ensure that UK troops will not be available to help contain violence on the streets, which is the next phase of the EU subversion plan. Unable to cope on their own, and with the UK Army overseas, the UK police forces will be supplemented by armed European police (operating under military law), and above the law. Once here they will never leave. Penetration by Common Purpose into Ministry of Defence and operational higher staff, human resource and procurement staffs will ensure that common sense decision making will be blurred and obfuscated to promote the new socio political common purpose. Is government backed Common Purpose nlp training really helping to diffuse Muslim militancy? Look in the mirror. Does diversity training divide?

The betrayal of troops wounded and seriously injured in Iraq and Afghanistan and the dismantlement of quality military medical treatment facilities in UK has been designed to help destroy morale of those injured and those fighting. Are treatment clinics safe? Is nlp part of therapy? Which private firms and individuals have been given responsibility for helping these vulnerable individuals? Is the rank kernel of the matter a voice to push some over the edge? Some informed would say so.

nlp = Neural Linguistic Programming.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Iceland - Brown's Cuba

Why is Gordon Brown turning Iceland into another " Cuba " and categorising it as a terrorist nation? It is clear the situation Iceland now finds itself in has been engineered to ensure Iceland will cave in and have to join the EU. Very clever, they wait until a couple generations of spoiled Icelandic softies can vote , and then threaten to turn off MTV and Friends!

Icelanders, you need to be aware that a fifth column of liars and agitators are already in place in Iceland to destabalise your country, to round up the silly Icelandic sheep and lead you straight into the EU trap! Resist this at all cost, and be very wary of trade unions and the media!
At the moment you export fish all over Europe.

If you join the EU, Europe will help itself from your waters, boats by the thousands, until the North Atlantic is virtually ruined - this is exactly what has happened to Great Britain's fishing industry.
And you will not be allowed to fish, your boats will rust and rot, tied up at the quayside of your fishing ports - which will all be owned by foreigners!


Do not kid yourselves that you will be able to keep control of your seas? - YOU WON'T!
Do not kid yourselves that the EU will help you?
It will merely help itself!

Iceland, you are a nice, ripe, juicy plum asking to be picked, but now you have to turn into a hard, old prune and cling to your tree!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama's Vultures Gathering... ( The Blood King III )

Sunday 23 November 2008

Vultures gather for America's new dawn

Barack Obama announced a new dawn for America. It's a dawn that millions of Americans and countless millions around the world may never be born to see - as a direct result of his policies. Check out the following stories - which represent a small sample of the news emerging in recent weeks:

Activists hope Obama acts on abortion rights

Obama selects vocal pro-abortion leader as Communications Director

Condoms trump abstinence in Obama global AIDS policy

Obama Names Pro-Abortion Lawyer, Ex-NARAL Staffer to Judicial Team

Obama picks abortion supporter Daschle to head HHS

Pro-life resistance must be strong as Obama appoints anti-lifers

The vultures are gathering for America's new dawn.

Related Story:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

EU Membership Costs?

EU Membership in 2008

costs Britain £106,117.00 per minute!

( 2007 ) £105,105.00

The price of the combined direct and indirect expenses of EU membership in 2008 costs Britain £55.775 billion. Set out in the latest Bruges Group research the full financial burden to Britain has now been calculated. They show a dramatic increase in the costs of the EU - A price Britain cannot afford.
The facts:
- By 2007 Britain had an accumulated trade deficit with the other EU member states of £383.7 billion
- The Common Agricultural Policy costs Britain at least £16.8 billion per annum
- The Common Fisheries Policy costs Britain at least £3.275 billion per annum
- Over-regulation on business costs Britain at least £28 billion per annum.

OK British Frogs - Pay Attention!

In order to cook the frog, you need to increase the temperature...

In the experiment a frog was dropped into a pot of hot (not boiling) water. It immediately jumped out, as would any sensible frog. Then it was placed in a pot of cool water sitting on a stove. This was more to its liking, so it swam about and lounged comfortably. The heat was turned on and raised very gradually. Soon it was hotter than the water in the first experiment, but the frog didn't jump out. This was because there was no dramatic difference, as there had been when it was taken from room temperature and dropped into hot water. The frog became accustomed to the increased temperature as it was raised little by little. Before long the temperature was so high that the frog was unable to jump out of the pot, and it died.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

For Sale: Carbon Allowance

a bargain at half the price


Bargain Price: £250,000

As a lover of Chili Con Carne, Baked Beans on Toast, Rice n' Peas, Haggis, Black Pudding, pickled onions, pickled eggs, pickled cabbage, prunes, Bubble and Squeak, Spotted Dick and rich fruit cake, I am willing to sacrifice and forgo these delicious delicacies to save the environment by drastically reducing my CONSIDERABLE methane emissions.

For the above sum I will promise to consume only moderate amounts of boring food like salad, porridge, fish and mashed potato.

This is a genuine offer. Think how good it will look on your company's resume, or on your CV. Show your love for our beautiful world by giving me your money, and stopping me from being an evil planet polluter.

Don't delay, phone or write today:

Ima Stinker,
Reptile House,
City of London.
Great Britain

Telephone: 666 666 666


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lost in The Bretton Woods

NuLabor is criticising George Osborne for talking down the pound!

George, how could you? Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into – NOT!

Can comments by George Osborne, or anyone else, really damage Sterling and its performance? Actually, how can anyone talk up the pound for heaven’s sake!? It is already literally worth only peanuts, but the British Government just don’t want you to think about it too hard.
Gordon Brown, along with the rest of Blair’s team, have been escalating the devaluation our money on the sly, behind our backs, ever since getting into power 12 years ago. Here is the proof - straight from the telly - so it must be true!
In the recent hit tv show on the BBC “The Supersizers Go - 70s,” the annual wage of a successful advertising executive in the 1970s was a handsome £20,000 and is described by the actor taking part in the program as being the equivalent now of a £190,000 salary. How is your maths?
£190,000 is almost £200,000. Let’s call it £200,000 to make it clear. Get it?
You add a nought, and you move the comma to get the roughly equivalent value now.
£20,000 in the seventies = almost £200,000 in 2008!

What does this mean? Well, the executive salary comparison is clearly accurate. What about property? A house might have been valued at £17,000 in the seventies and modest houses are about £160,000 to £170,000 now, ( well over-priced in the south though, but now slowly deflating - which is probably good ) so that is a reasonable comparison.

Let’s think about food prices though.
Food prices in Britain have actually been artificially low for many years. This may be seen by using the nought and comma technique on food :-
A loaf of bread that cost 30 pence in the 70s should cost £2.99-3.00 now!
A tin of baked beans costing 9 pence in the 70s should now cost 87-90 pence!
A medium whole chicken at £1.50 should be £14.50-15.00 now,
Pork at 65p per lb should be £6.45-50 per lb ( a pound is just over a half kilo!)
A pound of rice at 25p should be £2.00 - 2.50 now.
But they aren’t though, are they? Not all food is out of kilter like this but a great deal of it continues to be phenomenally cheap in Britain.

Shoes - £18.00 in the 70s should be £180.00 now!
Anorak - £25.00 in the 70s should be £250.00 now!
Jeans £35.00 in 70s should be £350.00 now!

While all these lovely low food prices have been gradually adding inches to our national average girth, whole generations of young people have grown up believing this is normal. Add to that all the cheap imports of every kind of consumable from 3rd world countries – especially China. It isn’t normal!
Now that food seems to be starting ( yes, starting, it still has a long way to go!) to adjust to somewhere near its correct value, younger people (under 45) and hopeless older people with sawdust for brains (sadly there are millions of these in Britain) can and are, allowing themselves to be duped ( as usual ) into believing the latest cooked-up fairy story:
This one is all about rising food prices being down to terrible, sudden, shocking food shortages all around the world. A sort of Food Shortage -Tsunami washing over us all! Oh, and the “credit crunch”, and fuel shortages too!

Why? Why might a government engineer all this?
Well, the cheap prices of food and consumer goods over the last 15-odd years have encouraged the British people to believe that they can live indefinitely within an artificially low budget, and has led many to feel confident enough to take out large mortgages in business and in housing. We have also been persuaded by advertising and media programs to take on large loans and have been encouraged by advertising and the false perception of consumer confidence to run up high credit card debt.
But we now know it was a trap! Many of us, most of us perhaps, are stuck in that trap. It is all explained in this excellent short film which I strongly advise you to watch:-
there is also this:-

The super-wealthy have simply decided that now is about the right time for them to clean up and consolidate their power. They do this every so often. They pace it perfectly. About every seventy to eighty-odd years, so no lucid old-timers are left from the last crash to warn the young about might be about to happen again. It is less messy for them that way! There’s less blood to be cleaned up! And, most importantly, they can appear all innocent and bewildered!
The British Government of NuLabor have ensured that the Elite can easily take our property off us. Then their Communitarian Third Way can really kick in. Foreclosures are escalating, bankruptcies will increase, people are going to lose everything they have worked for - homes, land, farms, businesses, cars, belongings, savings, even their marriage, their family, possibly even their lives! Spending will be down because people will have much less money to spend, numerous firms are going to have to massively lay off staff, or even close down completely. There is no way out.
The mainstream media have now been programmed to endlessly promote and spin the “credit crunch” “food shortages” “oil shortages” line. This will be repeated over and over and over and over again and again and again until we believe it - which is why they are referred to as programs because we are being programmed - to believe the latest fantasy! It has already started. The papers and tv are full of it and will continue to be so for a long, long time.
It is in reality, a crafty, very clever confidence trick enabling the Government to shirk responsibility for the devaluation of our currency which, I believe, has been deliberately engineered as part of a bigger plan to demoralise the British people ( and the people of the world ) still further and force through dangerous legislation. Like the coming global monetary system “Britain Woods 2” that Brown is now cooking up with the other world leaders, while we are all hypnotised by celebrities dancing and skating over reality, and distracted by the Baby P Tragedy. A convenient smokescreen, sickening but typical!

Oh, and another Beatles recording has recently been found. And a Yeti’s been spotted, and a weeping Madonna statue, what about Polar Bears, and UFOs? Er, its all Iceland’s fault, and that George Osborne.

Brown’s phoney Britain Woods or LaRouche’s genuine Bretton Woods?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama - Communitarian. The Blood King II

Barack Obama, a Communitarian in the White House!

From Tuesday, November 4, 2008

1) "Global Communitarians can take out the champagne tonight! Congratulations to our enemy Dr. Amitai Etzioni. Your followers successfully pulled off the 2nd biggest political illusion in the history of American politics. (The first, in my opinion, was when the freemasons created the Anti-Masonic Party to help elect their candidate, freemason Andrew Jackson.)

Americans, according to Obama's "real" guru, are now going to be told they have elected an openly committed communitarian president, and learn more about his communitarian ideas."

"So.... now what? My task in exposing the communitarians in the US appears to be at an end. We have elected our first communitarian president who doesn't lie about it. Well, yes, it's not as if everyone who voted for him was told anything about his meetings with Amitai Etzioni. And, it's not as if every president since TR hasn't implemented portions of the communitarian justice system. But Obama signals the open embrace of communitarian values by the American electorate. My sympathies go out to all the Americans who will have to learn about communitarians the hard way now." by Niki Raapana, read on....

2) Actually, don't celebrate too early Obamafans, not just yet! Read on:

3) Obama's link to the "Credit Crunch"!

"The Obama halo is relative to his opponent, and within weeks of his not having an opponent that halo will begin to lose its lustre.

And so it should. Because, unnoticed by Americans — or rather, unreported by the liberal-left media — Barak Obama played a key role in the creation of the sub-prime disaster that has propelled him to power. The disaster started when a ‘community organizer’ in Chicago named Madeline Talbott began to use the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act to build her political influence among the city’s black community.

The CRA itself was a piece of bankster greed dressed up as PC folly. The politicians who passed it thought they were voting to make it easier for poor people — minorities especially — to get mortgages despite having bad credit ratings. The banksters who wanted it passed wanted to be relieved of the inconvenient shackles of prudence that prevented them from getting another huge tranche of US society into unrepayable and hence highly profitable debt.

Talbott made a lucrative career out of suing or threatening institutions over real or perceived ‘discrimination’ against blacks, and the CRA gave her the opportunity to take them to the cleaners. She set up a direct action campaign group, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and set about intimidating various banks into giving loans to poor blacks — and out of court settlement payouts to her.

She was greatly helped in this when she hooked up with a slick and highly capable young community activist in Chicago, who she hired to train her ACORN agitators. Her new friend, one Barak Obama, taught them confrontational tactics learned from various 1960s Black Power activists he idolised (his favourite was Malcolm X), and secured campaign money from the left-philanthropic Woods Fund.

This helped ACORN secure its greatest triumph, when Talbott in 1993 persuaded US mortgage giant Fannie Mae to roll out a $55 million national pilot programme to give mortgages to people with “troubled credit histories”. The rest, as they say, is history — except for the suffering yet to be endured by untold millions whose lives are going to be savaged by the Second Great Depression caused when the banksters/black agitators’ boom went bust.

Still, the McCain camp were too PC, and too heavily implicated in the disaster themselves, to raise these facts as a campaign issue. Obama’s role in its genesis is now academic, as will be his handling of it now that he’s in charge, because the ‘US century’ is over in any case. The American economy has been gutted and destroyed by decades of free trade suicide, and there is nothing in Obama’s policy pronouncements to suggest he can change this...." Nick Griffin. Report can be read in full here:

4) When Barack Obama was living in Chicago from 1985 to 1988, he was living in the same neighbourhood as Bill Ayers the former terrorist, moving in the same liberal-progressive circles and working in the same areas of education reform there. Obama worked as consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, which provides training and consultation with a national strategy. It originally worked to assist African-American home buyers in Chicago’s West Side and its avowed goal was to assist local community leaders to create, maintain and expand independent, grassroots community organisations that had the power to influence political and economic decisions that impacted cities and regions. It began to formulate strategies for impacting national policy on such issues as comprehensive immigration reform and affordable housing. Its long-range plan was to build its own metropolitan organisation in every major population area in the US over the following 10 years. It conducts short national leadership and women’s empowerment training courses, using themes such as “the world as it is versus the world as it should be”, community organising, power, self-interest, “one-on-one” relational meetings, metropolitan organising and how to build and sustain an organisation.

Obama also joined Public Allies, a non-profit, largely taxpayer-funded organisation again dedicated to youth leadership development. Its mission is to advance diverse young leaders with a view to strengthening communities and nonprofits and improving civic participation. Its core values include collaboration, continuous learning, diversity and inclusion. Its members spend one day a week on various leadership development training courses. He is also a member of the Woods Fund of Chicago, another private, independent foundation whose goal is to increase opportunities in leadership for the disadvantaged, engaging them in civic life and building a sense of community and common ground. One of its directors is Bill Ayers. The Annenberg Challenge was founded by billionaire Walter Annenberg in the 1990s. One of its three co-authors was Bill Ayers. Annenberg gave $25 million to Harvard College in 1993, where Obama had been president of the Law Review in 1990. The Challenge includes the LAUNCH program to develop management and leadership skills through a rigorous progam at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago whose motto is “Developing global leaders who make contributions of lasting significance for the world”. It was the home of applied psychology pioneer Walter Dill Scott who helped establish some of the earliest advertising and marketing courses and its members have laid the foundation for a greatly expanded understanding of marketing. It aims at producing sophisicated managers trained in behavioural skills suitable for leadership roles whether in the corporate, public or nonprofit sectors.

All applicants are scrutinised for leadership potential and high achievement as well as the ability to be team players and have to embrace the concept of “co-opetion”. It has fielded experts such as Robert MacDonald (author of “Derivatives Market” the textbook on derivatives taught round the world), Robert Korajczyk (expert on asset pricing and investment management), Richard Sandor (the Father of financial futures and carbon trading and chairman of the Chicago Climate Exchange), Donald Haider (expert on intergovernmental relations) and Brian Uzzi (pioneer in social networking theory). Kellogg has built up partner schools around the world to create a global dialogue and provide an integrated global network for executive education. Leland C. Brendsel, the chairman of Freddie Mac, and Andrew Fastow, former CFO of Enron, were alumni.

Don’t know about you, but I keep getting a subliminal twitch that flashes “Common Purpose, Common Purpose”. Anonymous.

5) Another article:

and finally: