Saturday, March 31, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

Winston Churchill - Horrible Man

Darkest Hour (2017) | Teaser Trailer

A warmonger from the start:-

First World War.  Sinking of the Lusitania by Bill Purkayastha, 1 /1/09
‘It should be obvious to anyone with any sense that if the sub is afraid that any ship that it approaches might try to ram it, or open fire with hidden guns, it will not surface and make itself a target. And if it has reason to think that enemy ships are flying neutral flags, it might as well disregard the neutral flag and assume that any ships it encounters are hostile.
How to involve the US?
What Mr Churchill has achieved, by his actions, is therefore to put at risk every ship and every sailor on those ships, even if they belong to neutral nations and are completely innocent of all involvement in the war. It is inconceivable that he does not know what he is doing….’