Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

MPs To Rob NHS?

Stop MPs profiting from NHS privatisation

Stop MPs profiting from NHS privatisation

"Many MPs are making money for themselves by selling-off our National Health Service to private companies.
Privatisation means that public funds are used to pay for private sector provision of NHS services. This means taxpayers’ money is going into the profits of companies and their shareholders instead of into patient care.
The Department of Health’s annual accounts for 2013-14 showed £10bn-worth of NHS business went to other providers. It’s rising by about £1bn every year and needs to be stopped. If MPs are banned from having investments in these companies, they will be less supportive of further privatisation, and maybe the NHS can be saved.
Please sign my petition to the Commons Select Committee on Standards (the people who make rules for MPs), demanding that MPs be banned from investing in private healthcare companies......"

It's a bloody nightmare! This is exactly how it works, not just with the NHS but all our public services from road sweeping, bin emptying, meals on wheels, 'community care'??? and school meals to our nuclear energy plants and the Ministry of Defence - Qinetiq,
Prisons, care homes, remedial education, speech therapy.....the treason goes on and on and on and on......

‘They’ are ALL in on it, all UK political parties, which means that we cannot solve this by voting.


Why is this happening? It is my opinion, that this is actually all part of a huge con-trick to avoid being accountable under the excellent and well drawn up FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000.  This Act has been on the statute books since Januart 1st 2005 - it took 5 YEARS to design and set out, that's a bloody long time! Which just goes to show how comprehensive and all-embracing it is. With the exceptions of our defence, personal info and matters of national security, this Act gives the British people the right to know everything that goes on in public life. Quite right too and about time, since we, the public, pay for it all through our taxes. But it was just too good to be true wasn't it? Through this Act we could know where every penny was being spent and on what.  Oh dear, 'they' do not want this, do they? All 'their' little fiddles, and the big buggers too, could be exposed and 'they' could end up in court and in jail! Oh my!

Even before the Freedom of Information Act 2000 became law, 'they,' the Chosen Elite, and their army of useful idiots were beavering away through a deceitful organisation funded secretly with millions of tax-payers' and, I believe, National Lottery money called Common Purpose, to undermine it. 

The solution this despicable, traitorous scum have come up with is very clever, very clever indeed! A dastardly plan called, THE COMMUNITY.  It may sound cosy and friendly and nice- IT IS NOT! The Community Sector is totally unaccountable under the Freedom of Information Act 2000! Why? At its very highest levels, it is a sychophantic, undemocratic, unjust, deceitful club for dishonest psychopaths and creeps. It is rather like Freemasonry with those at the bottom, on the street so-to-speak, being decent and doing their best to be respectable whilst totally unaware of what's goingon further up the organisation, and trusting that the organisation is respectable and legal, based on their lowel level experiences. This is NOT good enough, is it? We cannot afford to just trust, where public money is concerned. Can we? 

Of course not!

I am warning you, and advising you all to look into this much more deeply and to be aware that you are being robbed and being lied to. 

I strongly recommend further reading on this vital subject:-

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Anti-Communitarian League with Niki Raapana. Corbett Report Radio 167 --

I do not believe anyone at all can understand Communitarianism better than Niki Raapana. This wonderful lady is THE ONE who has analysed this and the Hegelian nature of its deceitful introduction into public life across the planet. We all owe this lady and her daughter Nordica Friedrich who is her co-auther, a HUGE debt of gratitude for their many years of study which transcend anything any university student will ever learn on this subject. This is a massive, ultra complex subject, and the implementation of this 3rd Sector/Way will be humanity's absolute downfall. Her 2 books in 1 are cheap and enlightening, we should all read them.

This talk is an excellent start....

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps - A Deliberate Policy of Mass Murder

It was the worst of days. The war was over, but not the carnage. In town after town, the assaults and murders of unarmed civilians continued. Mothers, grandmothers, little girls—age made no difference. Fathers and brothers had their throats slit. This is the true story of Germany, after being victimized and brought down to hell by the Soviet hordes and the American adventurers, a place of great sorrow. A place of unparalleled blood and suffering.
This was when hell came down to earth—a savage period that is the darkest and best-kept secret in the history of mankind. Now, more than 70 years later, Tom Goodrich in his breathtaking book, Hellstorm reveals the horror of those monstrous days of Germany, 1944-1947. Why have these monumental crimes been covered up for so long? And why do they still attempt to keep it from you and me?.... 
And learn of the “Morgenthau Plan”the Jewish plan for almost total annihilation of innocent German men, women, and children, a Plan lustily approved by Roosevelt and carried out ruthlessly by war criminal and monster, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Secret Halal Meat Scandal


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nationalists, Nazis and ‘Wicked German’ Bogeymen,

“No man can serve two masters - for he will love one and despise the other.”
                                                                                                      (Matthew 6:24)

From time to time I get sent this ridiculous kind of thing by email from certain UK political activists. They seem to fall greedily upon articles like this which represent their world view of continuing to look at Germany as our enemy through the eyes of all the old Churchill-loving, pro-Rothschild, House of Windsor, fair play, poppy day, gentlemanly, spitfires, the blitz, moderate and reasonable, black and white propaganda (lies) from the WWII BBC, NLP, and Orwellian brainwashing machine!
This kind of dire warning (below) is laced with the inevitable fear, paranoia and hatred of the German people and the long-dead Adolph Hitler and his Nazis. I have even heard British people say utterly daft things like ‘the EU is Hitler’s dream come true.’ 
As if! What utter nonsense!   
The truth is that the EU is actually Hitler’s worst nightmare coming true!  The EU is everything that he feared, fought against, and tried to prevent. This an example of what I am complaining about, here:-

Germany’s Dominant Role in the European Union
By Michael Werbowski Global Research, 14/3/13. Region: Europe Theme: Global Economy

After nearly a quarter of a century since the fall of the wall, Berlin has become the uncontested centre of the continent in both political and economic terms. Only in military aspects is the reunited powerhouse of Europe curbing its expansionist instincts or zeal (yet with Washington’s benign consent it is now flexing its military muscles in Afghanistan and on the Syrian –Turkish border in quest of a much wider geo-political Lebensraum. 
Germany today effectively runs the European Union. Its strength is daunting to some EU states like Greece, which is almost under an occupation like puppet regime, and very worrisome to former foes now close strategic allies in the U.K. and France.
France looks warily at Berlin and London increasingly seeks to withdraw from Merkel’s EU, leaving Germany to make use of its free reign on the European playground, while advancing national interests on a continental scale.
This bad playhouse which led to an inordinate shift of influence to Berlin, began of course with reunification, and then continued with the introduction of the Euro. In reality, the Euro for all intents and purposes was a political not an economic project. It was devised by two statesmen who knew first-hand the dangers of an unbounded Germany on the continent: François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl. An unspoken (officially speaking) and unsigned Franco German pact was implemented henceforth, as a means of curbing Germany’s hegemony. In return for German reunification, Berlin agreed to give up its national treasure the Deutsche Mark for the European common currency.
The project badly backfired. The ‘German Euro’ represented Berlin’s newfound dominance within the EU. When the financial global meltdown in the markets struck, Berlin seized this crisis to further strengthen its hand within the EU by further weakening less economically dynamic states. Berlin eroded the sovereignty of these states using the ‘Euro straightjacket’ as a tool for imposing austerity and hence hegemony over its clients.
The technocrats from Frankfurt’s ECB along with their enablers and handmaidens  in Brussels ( the European Commission) and the IMF in Washington have since 2008  ruthlessly and brutality implemented  an austerity programme throughout the Eurozone and beyond,which can only compared to the one Weimar Germany was subjected to during the inter war years.
We all know where this led. In the most acute case, the Greek economy is still reeling from “third world” like unemployment and anaemic growth.  Never the less, Berlin seems relentlessly to be enacting these harsh policies with an almost fiendish, if not perverse pleasure despite the growing unrest in the southern flank of the EU. The depravation on the Greek citizenry is nothing less than deplorable and horrific; bordering on the social pain only known to the impoverished Weimar Germans of yesteryear. Like the Germans of the 1920s, the Greeks have responded domestically to these austere measures (meant to repay its debt to foreign creditors, mostly German and French banks) by opting for extreme political choices as a way out of the blind alley. As Democracy is imperilled, what other choice do they have? Both the far right and far left have become palatable choices for Greek voters.
In retrospect, the overlords in Berlin do not seems to see or are  unwilling to notice the parallels between the plight of the Greek government in 2013 and that ( street violence)  of the post-world war one Weimar polity of 1923. Certainly the hyperinflation experienced by the wheel –barrelling Germans back then, is not evident in today’s Greece. But still, the political instability and dramatic fall in living standards do bear a sinister and striking similarity to those very dark days from the long forgotten it seems, past.  The politics of austerity have a historical resonance worth remembering.

‘The EU is Hitler’s dream come true.’ 
As if! What utter, dangerous nonsense!   
The truth is that the EU is actually Hitler’s worst nightmare coming true!  It is everything that he feared, fought against, and tried to prevent. 

To all the people in Britain and elsewhere who continue to visualise modern Europe in this immature, ‘olden days,’ ‘Mama-used-to-say’ way, I have this one question to ask you.
Who are ‘the Germans.’ Who is in charge of Germany?  Who are they?  What are they? Where is their real allegiance?  
Or are these leaders just the same as ‘the British’ who are in charge of Britain? And ‘the Americans’ in charge of the USA?  And ‘the French’ in charge of France, etc. Who are the ones who have wriggled into positions of influence and power across Europe  - and across the world since WWII, and created an army of indigenous, compromised sock puppets to be their mouthpieces?    
Germans? Really?
I don’t think so!  
Come on, think harder, dimwits!

Please stop insulting real Germans,  and the real English people (and the real Scottish, Welsh, Irish, French, Italian, Belgian, Dutch, Austrian, Scandinavian, Czech, Bulgarian, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, Maltese, Albanian, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, etc. etc. in other words the native people of every country in the E.U. and surrounding countries)  

The EU is part of a communitarian, ‘diverse,’ 3rd sector con-trick. It is a dream-come-true for the communitarian guru, Amitai Etzioni, (WHO?) his devious, devoted followers, and the army of psychopathic useful idiots they have infected with his fake ideology of fraud and theft. All this ‘community’ bull shit has its base in communism, among other ideologies! If you don’t believe me, do some research of your own on this subject and find out for yourselves that I am right. 

Here’s a clue, in case you still do not understand what I am going on about:-
“No man can serve two masters - for he will love one and despise the other.”

 Community Links hosted a visit from Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liam Byrne MP along with Professor Amitai Etzioni.

Are the mass of indigenous people across the EU despised by those in power over it?  I should coco!
Are the people in power within the upper echelons of the EU genuinely lovers of Germans and wanting the very best for Germany and the German people? 
Communitarian promoter Julia Middleton, helping to destroy the institution of the Public Sector to replace it with the unaccountable 'Civil Society' promoted by Henry Tam  (another powerful communitarian in Whitehall, unelected and never heard of by you!)

Obviously, they are not.  
So please stop focusing on ‘Nazis’, nationalists and ‘wicked German’ bogeymen, and instead, start opening up your eyes to the reality of the communitarian EU cage that is being constructed around us all, Germans included.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Everything you thought you knew about Rwanda is based on lies.

Twenty years on from the Rwandan genocide, This World reveals evidence that challenges the accepted story of one of the most horrifying events of the late 20th century. The current president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, has long been portrayed as the man who brought an end to the killing and rescued his country from oblivion. Now there are increasing questions about the role of Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front forces in the dark days of 1994 and in the 20 years since.
The film investigates evidence of Kagame's role in the shooting down of the presidential plane that sparked the killings in 1994 and questions his claims to have ended the genocide. It also examines claims of war crimes committed by Kagame's forces and their allies in the wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo and allegations of human rights abuses in today's Rwanda.
Former close associates from within Kagame's inner circle and government speak out from hiding abroad. They present a very different portrait of a man who is often hailed as presiding over a model African state. Rwanda's economic miracle and apparent ethnic harmony has led to the country being one of the biggest recipients of aid from the UK. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is an unpaid adviser to Kagame, but some now question the closeness of Mr Blair and other western leaders to Rwanda's president.  :-
Following the assassination of the two African presidents, and knowing full well that death and violence would ensue, the United States and Britain, for their own strategic interests in central Africa, prevented the United Nations from intervening in Rwanda. Their goal was obvious: help the Rwandan Patriotic Front win a decisive and, they hoped, quick victory in Rwanda. But the decisive victory the British-American tandem was counting on was not as quick as expected. Four long months went by before the victory was decisive. It is not surprising. A people who freed itself after centuries of domination, even with its back to the wall, will never willingly abandon that freedom, as well as the past thirty-five years during which it enjoyed the freedom.
As the American diplomats predicted in the evening of April 6, 1994, there were killings in Rwanda. Nonetheless, the United States and Britain pursued their policy of favouring a decisive and, they still hoped, imminent RPF victory. Let us remember what former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali wrote: “The U.S. effort to prevent the effective deployment of a UN force for Rwanda succeeded, with the strong support of Britain.” For the British-American tandem, strategic imperial interests prevailed over human life, and especially when those human lives were African.
That is the main crime committed in Rwanda in 1994, the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Rwandan Hutus and Tutsis in the name of strategic imperial interests. The word “imperial” is carefully chosen. 

A disturbing story
Those of you whose French is reasonable can watch this, ‘The Killing Fields’ :-

Journalist Peter Verlinden denied a again visa to Rwanda

Backers and friends of Paul Kagame

THE RWANDA GENOCIDE FABRICATIONS.  Human Right Watch, Alison Des Forges & Disinformation on Central Africa, 6 April 2009

The Rwanda “Genocide Fax”. Who was Behind the 1994 Massacres?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sharia Court Jails Australian Gang Rape Victim p1

Young Westerners Be Warned!
Holding Hands or a Kiss on The Cheek in this Looney Bin can land you in Jail.

Sharia Court Jails Australian Gang Rape Victim p2

Young Westerners Be Warned!
Holding Hands or a Kiss on The Cheek in this Looney Bin can land you in Jail.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Of course it does, English Law is to be replaced by Communitarian Law, it is happening now.
Have you ever heard of Amitai Etzioni or Henry Tam?

The 'Common Purpose' of the EU - is communitarianism.
There is no argument about this, it is, it says it is and EU law is communitarian law. 
Modern communitarianism is the brain child of Amitai Etzioni  AKA Werner Falk, an Israeli-American dual passport holder, born in Cologne, Germany, who taught at Colombia University, and now advises the American Gov. and is guru to Obama.
Where did he come up with his theories?  Probably here, so this gives us an idea, a big clue, as to what is going on across Europe

"In 1980 he (Amitai Etzioni) was named the first University Professor at The George Washington University,[6] where he currently serves as the director of the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies. In 1989 Etzioni founded the Society for the Advancement of Socio-economics (SASE), an international, interdisciplinary organization, and served as its first President. He also held a faculty position at Harvard Business School from 1987 to 1990 serving as the Thomas Henry Carroll Ford Foundation Professor. He served as the president of the American Sociological Association in 1995.
Etzioni is known for his work on socioeconomics and communitarianism, and leads the Communitarian Network, a non-profit, non-partisan organization which is dedicated to support the moral, social and political foundations of society. He was the founder of the communitarian movement in the early 1990s and established the Communitarian Network to disseminate the movement’s ideas. His writings emphasize the importance for all societies of a carefully crafted balance between rights and responsibilities and between autonomy and order.
In 2001, Etzioni was named among the top 100 American intellectuals, as measured by academic citations, in Richard Posner's book, Public Intellectuals: A Study of Decline.[7]"
Etzioni was mentor to Hong Kong-born Henry Tam who is the man who devised our community system which is the replacement for the UK's Public Sector which is being taken over by Third Sector set-ups and referred to as 'Civil Society.' During the 90's and early 2000's, Tam pushed the Community Sector through here (it's partly based on Chinese Communism). Unelected, but one of the most powerful men in Whitehall, Oxford-educated Tam has 'changed' Britain (as well as America through his "Change" campaign that got Obama elected) but he could never have done this alone.
He has written books about communitarianism, just as his mentor Etzioni has, and he lectures students both in the UK and in Europe on communitarianism.
"The main purpose for a communitarian system is to protect the economic interests of a small group of corporate elites who aim to control the global market. Communitarians suggest "ideas" for eliminating American laws that have been identified as barriers to global expansionism and a new form of nicer slavery. (The entire Bill of Rights is an "identified barrier.") Communitarians, not the Arabs, are the people who most "hate our freedoms." Their emptied brains never challenge the core communitarian idea that freedom for individuals is passe.
Communitarianism is a political system that seizes all property and people for the "good of the community." The theory is not part of the first two components of a dialectical conflict, it is the final solution to every conflict. It's neither capitalist nor communist. It's neither right nor left. It's always somewhere vaguely in the "middle," smugly posing an innovative solution to every two or more opposing ideologies. Communitarianism is the basis for every new science, law, theory, program, policy, war, and agenda that finds a purpose for balancing individual rights against the rights of the "global-to-local community."
American education teaches only the "official version" of communitarian theory, values, and Global Supremacy. Many corporations and colleges certify their brightest students in communitarian facilitator and management skills. It's as if it's so perfect and brilliant it creates no worthy opposition. In fact, the final communitarian solution to the Marxist dialectic is supposed to be so perfect it gives rise to no opposition. That's why the ACL Manifesto begins with a short note explaining why our ACL Hegel page "cannot exist."
While most of the American population remains buried in dialectical opposition to themselves, the communitarian agenda marches by largely unnoticed. Our website seems to attract the folks who are looking past the Looking Glass, they've quit following the rabbit down the hole. They can see past propaganda even if they start out like we did, by looking at the emerging agenda with eyes wide open, and wondering why the heck they never heard of any of this before. We are humbled by the number of people who have found some answers at the ACL."
© 2006 Niki Raapana- All Rights Reserved

Niki Raapana is the co-founder of the Anti-Communitarian League (ACL), an online research center for studying outside the box.  Niki is also the recent author of the non-fiction biography, 2020.
2020: Our Common Destiny/The Anti Communitarian Manifesto by Niki Raapana & Nordica Friedrich
Unlike the ACL website (which is a massive endeavour) 2020 introduces the global community government in 100-pages using laymen's terms for average readers.     
Funny how this communitarian/civil society stuff never gets discussed on Radio 4, Newsnight or Panorama, etc?  All they discuss are the ongoing 'cuts in public spending' that we have all foolishly accepted as being necessary because we have been told they are! The 'cuts' are the trojan horse.
These 'cuts' are a total lie because the money that should be being spent in the public sector on hospitals, surgeries, university education, schools, roads, elderly care, disabled care, social services, the police, armed forces, parks and gardens, street lights, bin emptying, street cleaning, etc. etc. etc.  is actually being diverted into the new Third Sector and to build Civil Society. 
Oh, and BTW, Civil Society is different from the old Public Sector it replaces because it is not covered by the Freedom of information Act 2000 and accountable to the British public!  Unlike the Public sector which the FOI Act was designed for, we can't see, find out, work out, or do anything about the 3rd Sector, and the unelected stakeholders and their shenanigans in Civil Society!!!